The boy covered by the purple silk quilt looked a little thin, pale, with eyes closed, and his short black hair looked dull.

After observing the little nephew named Joffrey lying unconscious on the bed for a few times, Renly felt that he must have lost too much blood.

He was not the only one who came to this conclusion. After carefully examining the boy, the white-bearded Grand Maester Pycelle also said so to the blonde queen standing on the other side of the bed, which caused the already anxious other party to ask a series of questions whether it would endanger his life and how to treat it.

There were not many people in the room. In addition to the queen and the fat king standing next to Renly, there was only one Kingsguard that Renly had never seen standing here quietly, with a very ashamed expression -

Before, he led the guards to guard the safety of Maegor's Tower, and now the prince was attacked, this Kingsguard was to blame. Or he had been reprimanded before, and now after learning the specific situation, the queen stared at him fiercely again.

Queen Cersei, who had always been gentle and amiable, became a completely different person in this situation. Her words were scorching and entangled. Renly could understand this, but the noisy room made him feel bored, so he quietly withdrew while no one was paying attention to him.

There were also many people standing outside the room. Barristan, the captain of the Kingsguard, and Jaime Lannister, another acquaintance of Renly, stood at the door with stern faces. There were also some other guards. In addition, a young nanny was holding a fat boy of four or five years old and kept looking into the room.

"Are you Uncle Renly?"

After Renly walked out, the fat boy held by the nanny asked in a low voice.

"Tommen?" Brother Robert had only three children, so Renly easily guessed the identity of the fat boy. After a brief look, he smiled and said casually.

"Good boy, you look exactly like Robert when he was a child."

The fat boy blinked embarrassedly when he heard this. I had a good impression of this uncle whom I met for the first time, but then he asked in a confused tone.

"You are not fat?"

"Why do you ask that?" Renly raised his eyebrows and asked.

"They all say that you look like my father." The little fat man replied: "But you are not fat, how can you look like him?"

Those were rumors from many years ago, and Renly laughed when he heard it.

When I was a child, there were always people who said that they and Robert were carved out of the same mold, but it might be that the blood in their bodies was different. The older Renly grew, the more different his appearance was from Robert when he was young. At the moment, even if Robert's body shape was excluded, their appearances could not be said to be very similar, just a little bit similar.

"Your father was not so fat before." Renly replied.

"Then why did he get fat?"

"Because he eats a lot."

"But I eat a lot too." The little fat man answered blankly, as if he didn't know that he was also a fat man.

Renly had a good impression of this kid. He had black hair, blue eyes, a small round face, and a chubby appearance that made him very pleasing at first glance, but he had some doubts in his heart.

Judging from his hair color, this kid was unlikely to be a Lannister, which was different from what he remembered, but Joffrey, Tommen, and the girl Myrcella, whom he had heard of but had not seen yet, and Robert's three children...

How come their genders and names were exactly the same as in his previous life?

Even if it was the same person at the same time and place, wouldn't there be billions of possibilities for this kind of thing?

Or was it just a coincidence?

He guessed about it, but didn't think much about it, instead looking at the white-haired Kingsguard at the door.

"Ser Barristan, can we talk alone?"

"As you wish, my lord." The other party bowed without hesitation after hearing this, and then left the door area at Renly's signal, and walked to the other end of the bright corridor with Renly.

Sunlight shone in from the window beside him, covering the face of the old man standing by the window, but also making the wrinkles on his face more obvious.

Renly secretly felt that time passed so quickly, but he did not exchange a few words with this old friend, and asked about the relevant situation of the incident in front of him.

"Has this happened in Maegor's Holdfast before?"

When he was in the room, Renly found that his cheap elder brother's expression was a little strange, but he didn't ask much at that time.

"Prince Joffrey suffered a similar attack two years ago." The captain of the Kingsguard with white hair and white robes replied: "Also in Maegor's Holdfast."

Renly frowned when he heard it.

"Didn't find the murderer?"

"No." Barristan smiled bitterly: "There were several suspected targets, but after investigation, we found that none of them were, so we replaced all the servants in Maegor's Holdfast afterwards. We thought that there would be no more problems, but now-"

He sighed and didn't say anything.

The attack on the royal family, no matter what the situation is, is always the responsibility of the Kingsguard.

"Maybe it's the Faceless Men?" Renly thought for a moment and said, "You've heard of the Faceless Men, sir?"

"Of course, they are some tough guys and hard to find." The other party replied, but frowned: "But the Faceless Men are assassins, Prince Joffrey was not assassinated, just attacked."

This is indeed very strange, Renly thought.

What's the point of attacking a child without killing him?

However, if he loses too much blood...

"I heard that the queen keeps a red-robed woman in the palace?" He suddenly asked.

"Lady Melisandre is highly valued by the queen." Barristan heard this, "But after the incident at the river bend was reported, she had already fled."

As he said this, Barristan could not help but frown.

The timing of the red-robed woman's escape was just right. She disappeared before they went to catch her. It was hard not to wonder if the queen had leaked the news.

"Does she have any accomplices in the city?" Renly asked again.

"No accomplices." Barristan shook his head: "The red-robed woman has always been alone, and we have never seen her have any contact with anyone except the queen."

Renly nodded and asked a few more questions, but found no clues, so he had to give up.


At this time, the Red Keep Maegor's Tower was discussing the prince's attack, and in a dark cellar in the Red Keep, a raging fire was secretly and mysteriously burning.

The shadow dragged on the rock wall swayed continuously as the fire expanded, and a low and hoarse female voice chanted a series of complicated and difficult spells. In the cramped space, there was a faint smell of blood.

Under the light of the flames, a tall figure in a red robe stood in front of a brazier, with her red hair loose, looking down at the blazing fire in front of her, muttering to herself, and her delicate heart-shaped face was full of solemnity and solemnity.

However, as she continued to stare at the fire in front of her, and as the spell in her mouth gradually weakened, the expression on her face, which should have been stern, became more and more stunned, and finally full of surprise.

"How is this possible!?"

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