Renly arrived at King's Landing in the afternoon, and then the prince was attacked, so the welcome dinner that King Robert originally planned to host was moved to the next day.

A massive manhunt was launched in the Red Keep that day, but no useful clues were found at all. Only a laundryman claimed to have seen a maid hurriedly walking out of the tower where Prince Joffrey was, but asked her to tell her the appearance of the maid, and she said Not coming out.

So all the maids in Maegor's Tower were replaced by Queen Cersei.

All this has nothing to do with Renly, because he can no longer be regarded as a member of the core royal family, or in other words, Renly, who belongs to Baratheon's side chamber, can no longer live in Maegor's Tower at the core of the Red Keep.

The residence he was assigned to was in a high tower not far from the throne room of the Red Castle. The guard was a little loose, but it was also quieter.

Just after waking up, this tranquility was quietly broken——

It was still dark when fat King Robert came to the door.

"How does it feel to be back in King's Landing?" King Robert asked with a smile after giving Renly a hug. The meeting yesterday was very brief, and not much was said.

"Nothing has changed." Renly replied seriously: "It's just that my brother's size really surprised me."

"You kid, please pay attention to what you say," Robert said with a straight expression and seemed a little angry: "I am the king!"

"A fat king?"

“The Fat King is also a king.”

Saying this, the disguised expression on Robert's face suddenly disappeared, and he turned to look at Renly with a smile on his face.

"Good boy, I'm happy to see you. Baratheon has finally found a smart man."

"A king is more powerful than a wise man."

"In the eyes of some people, the king is just a clown, majestic?" Robert snorted, but seemed not to want to mention this more, so he changed the topic.

"Have you settled the matter on Dragonstone? If so, just stay in King's Landing and help me. I'm going to make you my Minister of Justice. Gulian Swann is really unqualified and asked me to rush back to the Stormlands. ”

"I have never understood the position of Minister of Justice." Renly shook his head after hearing this.

The Minister of Justice is one of the seven members of the King's Council and is a core minister of the kingdom. Although Renly has the intention to serve in King's Landing, it is simply too hasty to treat him like this from the beginning.

"Then you think I know how to be a king?" Robert said indifferently after hearing this: "The Minister of Justice just manages the Red Castle Prison and makes suggestions when I or Old Jon attend the trial. How difficult can this be? ? It’s not difficult for you at all. If I ask you to be the Minister of Finance, it will be difficult for you. "

It does not sound difficult, but of course it cannot be so simple for a dignified official of the imperial court. However, Renly did not say much about this. Instead, he changed the subject and said: "The matter on Dragonstone has not been settled yet. The main reason is that I have not found a suitable person." Manager selection.”

"Then let Andrew continue to be your acting city lord until you find a suitable candidate." Robert replied casually. Renly nodded upon hearing this, and then they talked about other aspects.

Not serious business, but some family-related matters.

There are only three Baratheon brothers in total, but Robert seems to be very dissatisfied with Stannis. He implicitly accuses Renly's second brother of being inflexible and a dead-brainer.

Renly hasn't seen Stannis since he arrived, but he has learned that he is currently handling matters in the Stormlands and will not be back for some time.

Robert also mentioned his three children to Renly, and he seemed a little worried about them, thinking that these three little guys were not smart enough and had no idea what they would become in the future.

He also mentioned the current situation in the Seven Kingdoms, but Robert was obviously impatient with government affairs. Without saying a few words, he changed the topic to other aspects.

Renly could see that the cheap man with a rough beard in front of him was dissatisfied and even disgusted with everything at present, and this disgust was fully revealed in the last words he said before leaving.

"I can see that you don't want to be arranged for a marriage by me, so forget it. No matter what the Dornish people are planning, as long as they dare to take a step out of Dorne, I will smash their heads with a hammer! "

"I've become this virtuous, and I can't let you become like this too."

After Robert left, Renly didn't rest for long. The visit of the Queen's Prime Minister Jon Arryn once again broke the silence in the room. After some simple greetings, the bald old man went straight to the topic.

"What do you think of the current situation in the Seven Kingdoms, Renly?"

This thin old man, who had lost all his teeth but still had a strong spirit, seemed to like Renly very much, and he did not show any elder attitude when he spoke.

"Apart from Dorne, I don't see any big problems." Renly replied: "But it is not a good idea to passively wait for the Targaryens to attack. We should find a way to take the initiative before they are ready."

"The Iron Throne has no power in the Free Trade Cities." The old man replied helplessly.

"What about winning allies?" Renly suggested: "Targaryen has formed an alliance with his disciples in the Free Cities, but those disciples cannot be without enemies."

"We tried."

Jon Arryn replied: "But they are more willing to watch."

Renly didn't say anything more after hearing this. After talking a few more words with Old Jon about the current situation and possible solutions, Renly personally sent the old man who came to express his goodwill out of the tower.

Then he began to think about whether to use the seeds to "extend the life" of this old man. As the king's adoptive father, and once personally led an army to rebel for his adopted son, his loyalty to Robert is beyond doubt, and his elder brother...

At noon, the news came that Prince Joffrey had awakened. He seemed to be fine, but he was weak and needed to be recuperated, but he knew nothing about the attack.

That night, a grand banquet was held in the throne room of the Red Castle to welcome the arrival of the Duke of Dragonstone.

At the banquet, Renly saw many faces that interested him-Robert's children, the frail little heir of Jon Arryn, the Duke of the Vale, the Duke Mace Tyrell, who had not been seen for a long time and had become a fat man, and the Grand Maester Pycelle, who was ruddy and about to be eighty years old, but looked like he was only in his sixties.

And a bald fat man in a pink robe, with charming and weird behavior...

In addition, there are many noble courtiers in King's Landing who attend the banquet. They are very enthusiastic about Renly, and this enthusiasm is not just because of their status.

Renly can handle this with ease. His life as an adopted son of Highgarden makes him impeccable in etiquette. His every move is elegant and natural, but he is also a noble, which attracts the attention of many people who are not interested in him.

However, just as the black-haired young man was constantly facing one enthusiastic chatterbox after another at the banquet, the door of his bedroom in a tower of the Red Castle was quietly pushed open, and a red-robed figure stepped in, looking around, and finally stared at an ordinary-looking oak box under the bed in the room.

There is another chapter in the evening~

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