The Grafson family in the valley is powerful. Seagull Town, which is controlled by their subordinates, is one of the five major cities in Westeros. Their annual or even daily wealth is a huge amount, which is far beyond the comparison of ordinary lords who rely on land farming for profit. .

Although the family's strength was damaged due to the problem of standing on the wrong side during Robert's Rebellion, Seagull Town, which is the foundation of the family, is still in their hands. Therefore, although the power is not as strong as it once was, it can still be regarded as a local lord.

As the head of the Grafson family, Jero Grafson had reason to believe that even the king would not be able to do anything to him easily. Therefore, despite some hesitation, he still decided to come here after receiving the call from King's Landing. , to prove his innocence.

However, soon after arriving in King's Landing, he gradually began to feel like he had fallen into a wolf's mouth.

After arriving, the person who came into contact with him was Lord Jon Arryn. Gerald Grafson did not have much awe for the bald old man.

Although Duke Arryn was brave and wise in his youth, his aging made him more and more cowardly in temperament. At the same time, the heir was frail and sick, which also made the old Duke worry about the gains and losses in dealing with many vassal-related matters.

So don't say that he has no handle. Count Jero Grafson believes that even if he does have some handle in the opponent's hands, he is confident that he will not be punished.

But he didn't expect that the black-haired young man who met him with the old Duke would be so difficult to deal with.

As the newly promoted royal children after the change of dynasties, the three Baratheon brothers are famous throughout the Seven Kingdoms. The eldest brother, Robert Baratheon, is generous, generous, capable of fighting and has a kingly demeanor. The second son, Stannis Baratheon, is Theon is stubborn, stubborn, mean and unkind.

The youngest Renly has also begun to rise to prominence in recent times, causing quite a stir in the Reach. Many lords in the valley have been talking about it.

However, because of that letter, Lord Gerald Grafson had a very bad impression of the Duke of Dragonstone. He thought that the young Duke was arrogant, somewhat self-righteous, and also very vindictive.

He also believes that although such people are very capable, they are too sharp and do not know how to restrain themselves. If they do not show flexibility and kindness, they will be frustrated sooner or later.

However, in just a few words, Jero Grafson's impression of this was completely changed.

"You're convinced that we can't do anything to you, because we can't have a shred of evidence, but you did have contact with Targaryens. You know this, and we know it as well."

"Evidence? The evidence is the man with the scar on his face. You know who I am talking about, right? Yes, the man sent by Targaryen to contact you."

"You didn't agree to them. I know you didn't, but you also didn't refuse."

Within a few words, the high-ranking Earl of Seagull Town was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. At the same time, his words in response were also quite flustered, and it was obvious that he had been touched on something painful.

Jon Arryn on the side watched all this quietly, with waves of surprise inevitably rising in his heart.

At first, he was a little dissatisfied with the young Minister of Justice for "stealing the spotlight", but now he simply stood aside and listened attentively, watching as Jero Grafson, a vassal who had not been very obedient to discipline in the past, became more and more honest. attitude, I really feel a little complicated.

He is getting older and does not know how many years he can live. His only son is only three years old and suffers from a strange disease. He will suffer from epilepsy at the slightest stimulation and his body is extremely weak. It is unknown whether he will grow up to adulthood.

Under such circumstances, Jon knew very well that the awe of him among the vassals of the valley was no longer as strong as before, and he also learned that many lords of the valley had suppressed the "treasure" other than his son, an Arryn. On the descendants of the family.

This can be clearly felt in the perfunctory attitude of some people in the past, and Jon has always been helpless about this. The Aelin family was an ancient and honorable family, but in his generation, the number of members was so small.

So when he saw the accusatory letter from Dragonstone a while ago, he was not angry because Renly had rashly interfered with the affairs of the valley, because the Arryn family, or his rule over the valley, was indeed not that stable anymore - —

Three hundred years ago, Targaryen first invaded Westeros, creating four major feudal families: Baratheon from the Stormlands, Tyrell from the Reach, Tully from the Riverlands, and Tully from the Iron Islands. Greyjoy.

So will this second "invasion" that has surfaced also give birth to a new ruling class?

If there is an opportunity to reshuffle the cards, who would be willing to be a little brother and pay taxes every month?

But although he agreed with Renly's plan, Jon didn't think it would achieve much.

At most, they would just invite the Earl of Seagull Town to beat him up. They didn't have any evidence. Everything was just speculation. What other possibilities could there be?

But right now...

"Slander? Do you still think I am slandering? Do you really think so?"

"It's useless to argue. You and I both know the truth - but don't worry, you didn't promise Targaryen, how can we hold you accountable?"

"What does His Majesty the King think? His Majesty is famous for his magnanimity. As long as you are sincere and swear that you will not have other thoughts, I believe he will not pursue you."

"How do I know? Of course I have my own information channels to know all this, but don't worry, Lord Earl, as long as you don't have second thoughts, this will not do any harm to you."

Keeping the cold sweat on his face, the middle-aged noble with a small beard no longer had the confidence and determination he had when he came. Instead, he was filled with guilt and awe.

"When will His Majesty summon me? I mean, I can't wait to see His Majesty. The loyalty of the Graveson family needs to be demonstrated immediately - I know several lords who have also had contact with Targaryen. Yes, I know a lot of secrets, and I want to tell His Majesty these in person!"

Renly smiled when he heard this and looked at the bald duke beside him.

"Go and have a good sleep first. His Majesty will summon you tonight." The old man replied, so the middle-aged noble standing in the middle of the hall bowed and then hurriedly walked out the door.

At this time, they were still in the Red Castle, but not the throne room, but a deserted side hall. After the Earl of Seagull Town was taken away by the guards, only Renly and Duke Jon were left in the hall.

The bald old man then looked at the black-haired young man.

"Does Lord Renly really have such a powerful channel to know all this?"

"Of course."

Renly replied: "Otherwise, how can I explain how I know all those things?"

The old man didn't know what to say after hearing this.

The appearance of the person he had contacted, what he had said, the time and place... He had heard all the questions he had asked before. How much time did it take to get such a clear understanding of the other party?

Or, how much effort did it take to find out?

Admiration, fear, shock, surprise...

It felt incredible in his heart, but the facts were right in front of him.

However, if this was true, it was obviously not a smart move to expose this channel so easily.

"Gero Grafson will definitely clean up the people around him when he returns." After calming down, the old man reminded Renly.

"It doesn't matter."

Renly waved his hand: "Earl Grafson has made the right choice."

It's not a smart move to trust others so easily. The old man wanted to say so, but seeing Renly's confident look, he opened his mouth but didn't say much. Instead, after a moment of silence, he suddenly mentioned another topic.

"What do you think about how to attack Crab Claw Peninsula?"

Thank you xiaotang246 for the 200 reward, and thank you Cangshan Fuxue is Baitou, Ruoye Wufeng and 20190220095937361 for the 100 reward~

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