Blessed disciples fled, blatantly violated the Iron Throne's decree, and never paid taxes for many years. As the first traitor to jump out, the Crab Claw Peninsula must be defeated.

But how to fight is a problem.

The reason why the Crab Claw Peninsula is called a peninsula is that one end of it is connected to the continent of Westeros, but its territory extends into the ocean. The special environment makes the geography of the peninsula very unique.

Mountains and swamps run side by side, forests cover a large area, it is barren and barren, and the population is sparse.

The Crab Claw Peninsula is not powerful, but it is very difficult to attack. In thousands of years of history, the Crab Claw Peninsula has never been conquered by anyone - whether it is the oldest invasion era of the Andal race, or the subsequent era of hundreds of nations. Era.

It wasn't until Aegon the Conqueror came to Westeros that the people of the peninsula bowed their knees and surrendered when they saw that the situation was not good, but the reason for their surrender was the dragon and not anything else.

But there are no dragons in Baratheon.

"The Crab Claw Peninsula is full of light and dark swamps. If you want to attack it, you will definitely pay a high price." The bald Lord Jon Arryn told Renly: "But we cannot let it continue to exist."

He shook his head as he spoke.

Renly knew something about this. Although he only participated in the royal meeting once, he had heard a lot of rumors while living in the Red Keep.

In fact, attacking the Crab Claw Peninsula is very costly, because even if it is conquered there, it will be of no use. It is a forest wasteland with a small population and no resources worth mentioning.

Just from the fact that the Iron Throne has been left there for more than ten years, you can understand how little attention that place has.

It's just that the matter has reached this point, and they have to fight even if they don't want to.

"I don't know much about military operations." After thinking about it, Renly said, "But maybe we can start from other aspects."

"other aspects?"

The old prime minister asked: "Which aspect?"

"How many people can there be in the Crab Claw Peninsula?" Renly did not answer immediately, but asked a seemingly unrelated question.

"We have no way of knowing this." Old Jon replied: "The peninsula people in the Targaryen era never paid taxes. I'm afraid they themselves don't know how many people they have."

"Can it exceed 10,000 people?"

"There can't be as many as ten thousand people." Old Jon shook his head.

"Let's count them as ten thousand people." Renly said: "We will use ten thousand golden dragons to reward these ten thousand people, and each of them will have a golden dragon. Lord Jon, what do you think of this method?"


The old man was stunned when he heard this, and then fell into deep thought.

The number of civilian armed forces in Westeros is huge, but the hired knights, riders, and mercenaries are all very poor. There are no job opportunities during non-war periods. Many of them cannot even afford to sleep in a hotel or a stable. Just laying the floor is considered a relatively good treatment.

So let alone a golden dragon on a person’s head, even a silver moon on a person’s head is very attractive to those people——

Think back more than two hundred years ago, when Maegor Targaryen, the famous tyrant of the Targaryen dynasty, offered a bounty to the Knights of the Warrior's Sons, and the knights in the Order only had a golden dragon.

This kind of bounty is very generous. If it is really announced, it will definitely attract a swarm of civilian armed personnel from the entire Westeros continent. If you think about it carefully, these stragglers can just target the special environment of the Crab Claw Peninsula!

There are naturally formed traps all over the Crab Claw Peninsula, and a large-scale army attack is very disadvantageous. However, if a group of small or large groups, or one or two mercenaries break in alone, the environmental restrictions of the peninsula are not that great.

Jon Arryn even thought of more.

Are there really as many as 10,000 people on the peninsula?

Even if there are ten thousand people, is it possible that they will persist until the last person dies and still not surrender?

"One golden dragon for ordinary civilians, ten or dozens for small nobles, and one hundred or even hundreds for the lord class." Seeing the old prime minister bowing his head in thought, Renly added: "At the same time, we can spread the news that the locals of the peninsula You can also accept this kind of reward.”

This is to make them fight among themselves.

The old man was even more excited when he heard this, but he was also worried.

"But how can we tell the identity of the person who put the bounty on his head?"

"The identity of the lords is relatively easy to identify, but it is not easy for ordinary people."

Renly thought for a while and said: "But we can try to figure out the mercenaries who come to accept the bounty. For example, we can leave some marks on their faces or ears, pierce their ears, etc., so that they are not afraid of themselves. Kill each other to pretend to receive the reward. At the same time, if we really want to do this, we must seal off the Crab Claw Peninsula and only allow entry and no exit, so as to prevent the mercenaries from going to other places to kill innocent people. "

"Perhaps the people of Crab Claw Peninsula will hide, or get together to resist?"

"The bounty is calculated based on the head. Our bounty can continue to exist forever, but the people of the peninsula cannot stay together forever. They need to farm, fish, eat, drink and relieve themselves..."

It was obvious that the old prime minister was very moved by this proposal, but Renly could see that he had concerns. He seemed to think that this method was too violent and full of blood.

Renly didn't comment on this, because this move was indeed not very decent, so he didn't try to persuade him, and after a brief chat, he said goodbye and left.

From Renly's point of view, the Crab Claw Peninsula is not a big deal at all, and it does not matter whether it is defeated or not. Relatively speaking, he is more concerned about the situation in Westeros as a whole.

Lord Grafson of Seagull Town claimed that he would reveal some families in the valley that were related to Targaryen, so there would definitely be some actions to scare the monkeys after this. Renly thought this was an opportunity, and even considered whether he could use it to "completely" Solve the problem in the valley.

And as long as the valley is taken care of, then among the Seven Kingdoms, apart from Dorne, only the Riverlands will not be very stable...maybe the Iron Islands will also be included?

Thinking of this, Renly, who was walking towards the throne room, frowned unconsciously.

Ten years ago, he had discussed many options for the Iron Islands with the King of the Iron Islands, such as shipping, trade, deepening the connection with Westeros and being a sea coachman, etc.——

The profits from ocean trade are huge. The Velaryon family under Renly once used the buying and selling between continents more than a hundred years ago and even became the richest man in Westeros.

There are more than thirty islands in the Iron Islands. If we work together to develop them, we cannot say that they will be the same as Velaryon in the past, but it will still be better than being a low-class bandit. It is not that the money is better, but that the so-called The ancient roads have fallen behind the times.

Unfortunately, it is not clear whether it is due to the influence of the ancient path or his original temperament. Although the Greyjoy leader has developed voyage trade in recent years, he does not pay much attention to it. He always wants to restore the ancient path to lead. The Iron Islands were burned, killed and plundered.

Because there are ancient road markers that can read minds, Renly understands this very well. He believes that Greyjoy is not an honest person and cannot be called loyal at all. If there is really a profit, he will stand up in a minute. On the Targaryen side.

Thinking of this, Renly's steps suddenly stopped.

"Why didn't I see the son Greyjoy sent as a hostage?"

After the defeat that year, Greyjoy lost two sons. One was sent to King's Landing as a hostage, and the other was sent to the North as an adopted son. However, he had been in King's Landing for a long time. Why didn't he hear about the one who was a hostage? Any news about my son?

Renly was a little puzzled by this, and decided to ask later, but before he could reach the throne room, a person he saw on the road made his mind move, and he squinted his eyes unconsciously.

He seemed to have met the Commander of the City Guard named Janos Slynt.

There are only two chapters today, it’s a bit stuck~

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