He has a bald head, a double chin, long and narrow features, and looks a bit like a frog. He is not tall either. He is short and fat and looks like a barrel.

Janos Slynt, the commander of the City Guard who is nominally in charge of more than 5,000 people, looks like his reputation. He is crooked and does not look like a good person at first glance.

Renly had never seen him before, but the golden robe he wore was very recognizable. When he stepped forward to ask, he directly confirmed his identity.

Renly didn't have a good impression of this man during his first contact. This wasn't because he judged people by their appearance, nor was it because of the information he had learned in the past. It was because the commander of the garrison had a smooth temperament and was slightly arrogant.

"Our manpower has never been sufficient. Sir, King's Landing is too big and there are too many people. There are always outsiders running in. We can't control it with just the few people we have. Some of the mob are really dishonest. Some They even dare to attack us openly, so we must recruit more people.”

"Sir Mace is in charge of the finances, but he has never supported our expansion of manpower. Sir, if you have time, please help us to make peace. After all, the security of King's Landing is a big deal."

"Working situation? The working situation is just that. We mainly focus on Steel Street and Silk Street. After all, the big shots prefer those places. Flea Bottom? Well, we also have people patrolling Flea Bottom, but there is usually nothing to control there. It’s not the focus of our work.”

"Of course, Lord Renly, don't worry, of course we will obey your orders. You can tell us anything. It is our responsibility to serve the royal family."

When talking to him, the man's words were warm and honest on the surface, but Renly could clearly feel the perfunctory and disapproval beneath the submissive surface of the short, fat, frog-faced man standing in front of him.

When he asked about the composition of the garrison, the man even showed a hint of displeasure. He seemed to have regarded the organization of the capital garrison as his own back garden to make money. In his words, he obviously did not mention Renly, his immediate superior. Take it seriously.

This made Renly's already poor impression of him even worse, so after bidding farewell to this man, he secretly made some kind of decision.

In fact, just as Renly felt, Janos Slynt didn't pay much attention to Renly, the new Minister of Justice, even though Renly has been very famous recently and his methods are said to be unusual. , but that will not affect the organization of the Capital Guard after all.

The composition of the members of the garrison is complex and inextricably linked. While allowing this armed force to be infiltrated by major organizational forces, Janos Slynt himself has also reached an agreement with various forces in King's Landing. There is a certain degree of tacit understanding.

In other words, although he comes from a humble background, he has a lot of power behind him and has friendships with many "big people". Anyone who wants to touch him must think twice.

So even though he knew that His Majesty the King had delegated the management of the garrison to the newly promoted Minister of Justice a while ago, and even though he felt that the young boss was dissatisfied with him, Janos Slynt did not care.

No matter how outstanding your abilities are, once you enter this circle, you must act according to the rules of this circle. Breaking the rules rashly will only lead to hostility and backlash from everyone.

Having reached the position of commander of the garrison, Janos Slynt no longer needs to take the initiative to seek refuge with anyone, or take the initiative to curry favor with anyone. On the contrary, he is the target of the major forces competing to win over.

So he believed that when this sharp-edged young boss sees the situation clearly, he will also win over him, because the rules of the game are like this. If you don't follow the rules, you can't accomplish anything.

He had even begun to think about what kind of demands he should make when Renly wooed him.

Although he is not short of money, the more the better, but I heard that Duke Renly's territory is just a run-down island, with no profit at all.

Being in the position of Janos Slynt has basically reached the top. The next step up is to be granted noble status and territory, but this is not something that the Minister of Justice can give, so after thinking about it, He believes that the only benefit he can get from the other party is to expand his team.

"That kid is taking charge of the garrison for the first time, so he naturally needs to support a force of his own." Janos Slynt, who reported his work to the Iron Throne every day, was thinking as he walked outside the Red Keep.

"I can use this to recruit more of my own people...Besides, the salary of the Capital Guard has not changed for many years, so it should change. Since he wants to be the boss, he should win people's hearts... …Encourage him to negotiate with that stingy fat man in Metz?”

While secretly thinking about his evil idea, Janos Slynt stepped away from the gate of the Red Keep. The soldiers guarding the gates on both sides greeted him, but he responded with a perfunctory wave of his hand.

A group of members of the City Guard who were staying outside the gate hurriedly gathered around when they saw their boss coming out. After asking a few flattering questions, they surrounded the short, fat commander wearing a golden robe of mail and walked towards the depths of the city. Go, the team of more than ten people is not big, but they are unified in golden robes, riding horses high and high, and it is very majestic.

However, there was a sudden commotion in the team soon after, because Commander Janos Slynt, who was sitting on horseback and leading the way, was suddenly scratched on the face by a black eagle that fell from the sky. The garrison members were immediately startled by the sight of him falling off his horse and wailing miserably. Then they hurried forward to help and support him, and turned their horses back to the Red Castle to find the Grand Maester for help.

After a lot of chaos, the lackeys finally sent their boss to the Maester Tower. However, just when the white-bearded old maester opened Janos Slynt's hands that had been covering his face and was about to check the injury, he suddenly discovered that under the tightly closed eyelids, there were now two empty holes!

"I, why can't I see, I——"

Janos Slynt, who felt a sharp pain on his face, had never noticed this before, but when he "opened his eyes", it was dark, which made him very confused.

However, no one in the room answered his question at this time. The frightened Grand Maester opened his mouth and stammered, not knowing how to start. At the same time, the lackeys who surrounded Janos Slynt were looking at each other, and finally looked at the boss on the bed board who had been sent here by them with a nervous face. Their eyes were different.


In the tower room on the other side of the Red Castle, Renly sat quietly on the chair in front of the window, his ice-blue eyes deep and magnificent, staring at some scenes outside the tower in a daze, as if thinking about something.

The sky outside the room was cloudless, and a black eagle with wings spread flew by at a high speed, bringing a melodious eagle cry, and also threw away the two spherical bloody objects in its claws at will, and smashed them on the rock wall of a tower in the Red Castle like garbage, and crushed someone's greed and future at the same time.

Thank you Kaka Xiaopangzhi book friend for the thousand rewards, and thank you Tai Wuzhenren book friend for the 100 rewards~

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