The dimly lit room was very quiet. A pitch-black crow landed on the window edge covered by the light blue bed curtain. It tilted its head and stared at the young figure sitting on the bed not far away. Its small black eyes were very bright.

But the most eye-catching thing was the third eye on its forehead, the size of a green bean.

The breeze blew past the window, blowing the feathers on its tail and making it sway constantly. It looked like a real object, but without Renly looking at it more, he could find that the crow in front of him was not a real entity, but an illusion.

In other words, everything around was not real.

Although he was still in his room, the room seemed to be covered with a false film. At first glance, there was nothing unusual, but if he looked closely, he could find that the place was hazy and illusory, as if in a dream.

In a sense, this was a "copy" world.

Renly didn't think much about this, because after looking at him for a while, the crow on the window edge suddenly moved. It flapped its wings and landed on the ground below the window sill. As its claws moved, its pointed beak pecked at the flat and hard stone brick surface.

The sound of ding-dong-dong was accompanied by the falling of wisps of lime dust, and two paragraphs of common language characters gradually emerged on the stone brick surface. At first, Renly was quite vigilant about this, but when he saw the two paragraphs of characters in full, he was instantly stunned-

Northern Border, Son of Chaos.


Son of Chaos?

How did it know?

Renly stared at the two paragraphs of characters in a daze, and then looked at the crow in front of him, only to find that the little thing suddenly began to dissipate after carving the words, as if it was blown by the wind. In a few breaths, it turned into a cloud of dust and disappeared directly in front of him.

Not only that, the surrounding environment seemed to have been lifted off a false veil, and became real again.

The breeze outside the window was still blowing, blowing the window screen and bringing a burst of ocean smell. Looking around, there was no crow in the house, and the line of words on the floor tiles were gone. He was still sitting at the head of the bed, looking down, and found that the dagger in his hand was still there, but the special fragrance had quietly dissipated.

Renly unconsciously clenched the dagger.

The Son of Chaos was naturally referring to Raya, and since the three-eyed crow knew this, it was obviously proved that he could travel through historical copies and it had been discovered by it.

This situation was really beyond Renly's expectations, but after careful consideration, it seemed reasonable.

Because Renly always remembered that he was not the only one who could "travel" through history in this world.

In his previous life, he had the impression of the three-eyed crow entering the historical fragment and watching, but there were not many such impressions, and he was not sure what the specific situation was, but the spokesperson of the Seven Gods on his wrist had told him that the old gods controlled the domain of the old days, and this old day should be the past if there was no accident.

Since it could control the old days, it was possible to discover itself, but if that was the case, why did it not encounter any obstacles or interference when it traveled through history before?

Why did it come to him now?

Is it because he was just exposed?

But if so, how could it know about the Son of Chaos?

Did it go in temporarily to check?

His mind was in a mess, but another question suddenly popped up in the midst of his chaotic thoughts, that is, the Son of Chaos was a name that only Renly knew, which was revealed by the "system" in that copy, and he had never told anyone.

How did the three-eyed crow know this name?

Is it because it had seen it before?


"It must know something about my gold finger." Renly murmured, and couldn't help but glance at the surface of the bedroom here. The empty ground seemed to still reveal two paragraphs of characters - the North, the Son of Chaos.

Putting the useless dagger in his hand on the bedside table, Renly stood up and paced back and forth for a while, and finally decided to go to the North after things here were temporarily suspended.

Other things can be ignored, but the gold finger on his body is related to his entire future. What on earth is that thing? What kind of situation will it bring him to? Will the world completely collapse because of it...

The golden finger gave him the opportunity and power to transcend the mundane world, but its origin and function were unknown and mysterious. After all, it was unclear whether it was good or bad. Now that there seemed to be clues, he naturally needed to seize them, but...

"What is the purpose of the three-eyed crow?"

Ren Li couldn't help but think of this question.

Although there were not many words left, it was obvious that the three-eyed crow put out the bait to lead him to the North, but what was its purpose in doing so?

It wouldn't want to solve my doubts for free, right?

Or if it was really so kind, it could have explained some problems just now instead of simply throwing bait.

It might have something to ask of me.

This thought flashed through Ren Li's mind.

But it could also be malicious.


Everything unknown made Ren Li's thoughts very confused, but gradually, as he kept pacing back and forth, his mind gradually sorted out his thoughts.

Whether it was good or bad, going to the North to find out the truth was a must. But we can't rush this. At least we need to solve the current problems first and do it without any worries. We also need to make some special preparations.

Including collecting information about the Three-Eyed Raven, and also -

An idea suddenly flashed through his mind, causing Renly to squint his eyes unconsciously. After thinking carefully, he walked to the desk in the room, sat on the chair and immediately started writing a letter.

The rustling sound continued for a while, but in the end the letter suddenly stopped halfway through writing. After pondering for a moment, Renly crushed the letter into pieces, then looked down at his left wrist.

He raised his hand to touch it, and with a hazy thought, he heard a sentence "in his ears".

"The current transaction has not been completed, and the gods cannot make another transaction with you."

The clear voice was still the same, and there seemed to be a girl who looked exactly like him vaguely appearing in his mind, but Renly didn't pay much attention to this. After hearing the words, he immediately said: "You made a mistake."

"I can make no mistakes."

The other party replied: "I am responsible for conveying the will of the gods. This job is very simple."

"That means something went wrong with your god." Renly changed his mind and said, "I was approached by the old god."

If I remember correctly, the Three-Eyed Crow's true identity is the Green Seer, and in Renly's understanding, the Green Seer is almost the same as the Archbishop of the Church of the Seven Gods, so there is nothing wrong with him saying so.

These words made the spokesperson fall silent, as if she was communicating with her gods, but after a while she spoke again: "This is indeed our problem. I'm sorry, Renly, the gods will compensate you. You can propose another one." Require."

Renly was waiting for these words. He originally expected to argue, but he didn't want the other party to be so happy. However, he didn't pay much attention to it. After hearing the words, he immediately said: "I need your god to help me forge something."


"A door."

Thank you xiaotang246 book friend and Lin Yuanhe for the 100 reward~

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