"This damn war, why don't we start it after we get back?"

"The fight hasn't started yet."

"What's the difference between this and already started?"

"That's right, we can't even do business!"

"Let me tell you, if we start fighting in a while, we might even lose our lives. Do you still care about business?"

As the largest city in Westeros, King's Landing not only has a large population, but the port area next to Blackwater Bay in the east is always bustling with activity. Business here is prosperous, and merchant ships from all over the world are constantly coming.

It's just that the signs of war have been revealed recently, and this place has suddenly become much deserted, but it's not the people that are deserted, but the business.

Ships from the eastern continent of Essos were impounded regardless of size. The merchant captains complained about this, but no one dared to resist openly. They could only complain privately, but they did not dare to speak loudly.

The Silver Deer Tavern near the port has always been a place frequented by foreign merchants. The drinks here are not cheap, but they have a wide range of varieties, whether they are sour wine from Dorne or spicy drinks special to the North.

As one of the many detained merchants, Poser was sitting in this tavern, drinking while listening to the discussions of the people around him. He was a wool merchant who made a living by buying and selling wool back and forth between the two continents, but What few people know is that he is also a devout believer in the Black Goat God.

The Black Goat is one of the nine free trade city-states and the main belief in the city-state of Qohor. He is famous for his cruelty and bloodshed and black magic. He has a bad reputation outside. Therefore, in order to reduce trouble, Boser never mentions it to others. and one's own beliefs.

This was originally just out of caution, but as the Iron Throne of Westeros began to clear out its disciples a year ago, this caution brought Boser great convenience.

Those merchants with clear beliefs were prohibited from doing business in Westeros, while those who were "unfaithful" had no restrictions. This situation allowed Boser's business to expand a lot in an instant, so he also made more money than before. Several times.

However, this matter brings more than just benefits.

The disciples of Westeros were continuously expelled and killed, but some high-level officials did not give up the task of finding the door. As one of the few traders who could operate normally in King's Landing, Boser was attracted by the people in power in Qohor, and he was found inexplicably. He became one of Kohol's "spy chiefs" in Westeros. Every time the trader was responsible for hearing reports from spies who had not yet been exposed, he would then report to the top management through him.

Boser did not resist this job, because it was said that it was serving the gods, and since his family was in the city of Qohor, he had no capital to resist. It's just that although he has been working for nearly a year, there has been no progress in his work.

In other words, the "door" they were looking for was nowhere to be found.

This seems normal to Boser, because apart from this word, their only clues are some people who are said to be coming from behind the door. The latter seem to be huddled together now, unable to cause trouble at all. The former is not a clue. They have smashed thousands of doors so far, if not tens of thousands. It's not like they haven't found anything yet.

So although he is still doing this work, Boser has no hope of finding a door at this time. Before, his work focus was more on exploring the situation in Westeros and various information, because the senior management Want to start a war here.

Boser had no idea about the war, but the consequences of the war were that he could no longer continue his business, it was difficult to carry out his work, and even his personal freedom was restricted.

He felt very annoyed by this, so he often came to the pub to drink and get drunk. But today he came here not because of drinking, but because of a clue about the "door".

The clue was discovered by a spy under his command, and it seems to be very reliable, but the specific details have to be investigated in detail by the leader Boser, or in other words, he needs to use his identity at this time...

While drinking, Boser, who had been looking at the door of the tavern, suddenly saw a tall, brown-haired man with a big body and a round waist walking in from the door. So he immediately stood up and waved to that side. The other person obviously came directly to him. Seeing this, he walked straight over and sat down opposite.

"Have you brought anything?" After looking at the other person for a few times, Boser asked.


The brown-haired man replied, and at the same time placed a milky white bone fragment on the table, "Pure mammoth bones, a specialty only found in our area in the world. Look at the color. It is different from ordinary bones. It is used for carving." The objects are much more beautiful than ordinary bones.”

The big man spoke with an authentic northern accent, which invisibly proved his origin. However, Boser did not pay attention to this person's identity at this time, but focused all his attention on this bone fragment.

This bone fragment was the size of a thumbnail and was not very eye-catching, but when his eyes were on it, Boser suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment. This feeling was inexplicable, as if he had been trapped in a dungeon for many years. First, The first time I stepped out of the dungeon door and saw the sunshine outside, my mood suddenly brightened up.

Or it's like a treasure that has been lost for a long time and is suddenly found in a corner. Just seeing it makes you feel particularly happy.

Faintly, there seemed to be a voice constantly telling Boser's heart: This is what you are looking for, this is what you are looking for...

Swallowing unconsciously, Boser reluctantly moved his eyes away from the fragments on the table, and said in a calm tone, "Just this piece?"

"Of course there is more than one." The big man from the north grinned and said, "I have a lot more on my ship."

"I hope to see it." Boser said immediately, "If they are all of this quality, I am ready to buy them all."

This man seemed to like it very much. Seeing this, the big man's eyes turned, "Let me make it clear first, the price is 1 gold dragon for 1 stone, don't try to bargain."

One stone is nearly thirteen pounds, and thirteen pounds of bones are sold for 1 gold dragon. It's really a lion's mouth. Boser frowned when he heard it, pretending to be unhappy and said, "At least you have to let me see the goods first, right?"

"Of course, of course."

Seeing that he didn't bargain, the big man nodded happily, and then asked Boser to get up and follow him.

The two walked out of the tavern one after the other and walked towards the direction of the large number of merchant ships anchored at the dock. At this time, the sky outside was gloomy, and the fine drizzle was sparse, but it couldn't stop Boser's inner heat. Holding the bone before, he felt faintly that he seemed to have found what he had been looking for.

What has he been looking for?

Of course it's that door!

Unfortunately, when the big man took him to a merchant ship warehouse, Boser's enthusiasm instantly dissipated. Looking at the pile of bones in the warehouse, he did not find anything that could attract him like the bones in his hand.

"Is that all?"

Unwilling to give up, Boser looked again and again in the dim environment, and couldn't help but ask with his head tilted: "Nothing else?"

"Too little?" The big man holding a torch asked curiously.

"No, I mean..." Boser said, and suddenly changed the subject: "Where do these bones come from?"

"Of course, the North."

The brown-haired big man replied: "These are mammoth bones, and only the North has mammoths."

"What is the specific location?"

Boser asked.

"Why are you asking this?" The big man asked vigilantly.

"I have to find out the source, so it will be easier to sell."

"Well, it's not a secret." The big man thought for a while and said, "I exchanged it with the wild men outside the Great Wall. If you ask for details, I don't know."

"Did you also exchange this piece with the wild men?" Boser asked while spreading his hands and showing the bone fragments just now.

"Of course," the big man replied. Seeing Boser's interest, he couldn't help but say, "The wild men over there are not just anyone who can do business, my friend, they are very xenophobic."

Boser deliberately showed a hint of disappointment when he heard this, and then argued with the big man for a while, and finally spent a gold dragon to buy more than ten kilograms of bones. But when he returned to the hotel where he was staying, he just threw the pile of bones in the corner and ignored it.

"Maybe I will make a great contribution." He murmured to himself with excitement, sitting on a chair and concentrating on observing the first bone fragment in his hand. That special feeling still existed, making him think about it in his mind.

This fragment may be related to the "door". He decided to take this fragment to Qohor to meet the high-level officials. If this is true, then money and power will be at his fingertips.

But... how to escape from here?

Boser had a headache.

The King's Landing port now restricts foreign merchant ships from leaving.

I will release two chapters first, and there is one more chapter, but I haven't written it yet. It may be after twelve o'clock. I can't say the specific time. Let's see it tomorrow~

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