The war was raging in the sea outside King's Landing. The enemy's "siege" fleet was constantly harassing the royal fleet defending Dragonstone Island. News from the front line was continuously transmitted back to the city.

But at this moment, the people in the imperial meeting gathered together because of a letter sent from a small place.

The empty imperial meeting hall was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. After several ministers passed a letter from the storm island of Tarth to each other, their expressions were different, but most of them were full of suspicion or surprise.

"Who forged this?"

Mace Tyrell, the finance minister who had relevant experience, stared for a long time and finally said this.

"How could Viserys, as the leader of the Targaryen remnants, be captured so easily? Besides, the attacking troops had no intention of withdrawing at all, and it didn't look like their leaders were captured."

"This is indeed the handwriting of Lord Renly, Lord Mace." Another former party, Grand Maester Pycelle, stroked his beard and pondered.

"I don't think it's a forgery. Maybe Lord Renly got the wrong person?"

"How could it be a mistake? Who is Viserys?"

"What's impossible? The Targaryens have been on the run for more than ten years. Even you and I haven't seen what Viserys looks like now. I don't think Lord Renly can recognize him."

"I believe Renly would not be so reckless before confirming his identity, so compared to a mistake, I think someone forged it."

"But this doesn't look like a forged letter..."

Everyone talked about it. Except for Varys, the intelligence chief who was holding the letter with a thoughtful look on his face, everyone else spoke up. However, they basically didn't believe the content of the letter. Even Robert, his brother, was full of doubts.

This is normal. As a "king", Viserys must live under the protection of the enemy. How could he be captured by Renly?

Because Stannis was traveling back and forth between Dragonstone and King's Landing, everyone knew that Renly, who had returned to the territory to handle affairs, had indeed gone to a different place. But no matter what he did, he couldn't have snatched the enemy leader, right?

Because he didn't take many people with him!

So, despite the gathering for this, the people at the royal conference table did not take any corresponding measures. They believed that this could not be true, and it was more likely that a villain had forged it.

However, after the news reached the old Prime Minister, there was a turn for the better.

"I tend to believe it."

Facing the captain of the Kingsguard Barristan who came to report, the old man who was still sitting in the chair in the bedroom of the Prime Minister's Tower pondered and said: "The handwriting is indeed Renly's, and the seal also belongs to the Tarth family. Isn't it said that forging this letter requires the help of a familiar traitor? As for forging, what impact can forging such a letter have on us?"

"This will indeed not affect the military deployment, but maybe someone wants us to embarrass ourselves?" The captain of the Kingsguard said: "The letter claims that we should take corresponding measures."

Barristan was originally inclined to believe it, but after thinking about it, he could not think of a reason to believe it. Although the Minister of Justice has many strange places, no matter how strange it is, it is impossible to plunder the "head" from the enemy's base camp, right?

If he really has this ability, then why would he fight this war...

"If the story is true, of course we have to take corresponding measures." The old Prime Minister said, "And I believe Renly can create miracles."

"Oh?" Barristan was stunned when he heard this, "What does the Prime Minister mean?"

"What do you think of my current condition?"

This made Barristan think of something instantly, and he asked hurriedly, "Are you saying that you are like this now because of Renly?"

"I guess so."

"But Renly was not here when you recovered."

"Why should he be there?" The old man shook his head and asked back, "We cannot treat such a wonderful thing with common sense."

Barristan did not speak, but carefully observed the old man in front of him, hesitant.

The Prime Minister fell ill in bed a while ago and looked like he could die at any time. As a result, he seemed to have fully recovered except for being a little thinner.

Such a strange phenomenon naturally could not be ignored. Some servants who did not know the situation thought that it was Grand Maester Pycelle's superb skills that cured the sick Prime Minister.

But people who knew the details did not think that this was something that normal medical skills could do.

At the same time, they also knew that after the Prime Minister "recovered", he had never left the chair in his room, eating, drinking, defecating and urinating on it, which seemed very strange.

What was even more strange was that since he woke up, the old man had never slept, but was busy working continuously without resting, and no matter how others persuaded him, it was useless.

This situation was obviously abnormal. Everyone was very surprised by this, but it was during the war, and people who knew the details did not have the time to pay more attention to such a strange thing.

However, ignoring it does not mean not paying attention.

He was obviously on the verge of death but "recovered" instantly, and he could maintain normal energy without sleeping... How could such a situation not make people curious?

Barristan was very curious about this. He thought it might be the blessing of the gods in heaven, but now the old Prime Minister claimed that it was because of Lord Renly?

He was naturally familiar with Renly, as he had met him since childhood, and he had done something amazing a while ago. But no matter how amazing he was, those things were not beyond his understanding.

However, if the situation of the old man in front of him was also because of him...

"I'm not sure who or what made me change like this." Looking at the pondering Kingsguard, the Prime Minister said to himself: "But think about it, besides that person, who else among us has some strange abilities, and who doesn't want me to die now?"

Barristan couldn't answer this question, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be true. Although he was somewhat convinced, he didn't believe it completely, but turned away with doubts.

As a result, an incident that happened not long after made him more convinced of this-

Just as the royal fleet of Dragonstone Island was dealing with the enemy, a large group of pirates suddenly attacked the enemy's harassment fleet from the rear.

Stannis, who commanded the royal fleet, seized the opportunity and changed from passive defense to active attack. In one battle, he inflicted heavy damage on the enemy and basically secured victory!

However, the question is, King's Landing did not pay for the pirates, and no one recognized the pirates. Why did a group of pirates suddenly come out to help?

This doubt was answered after the detailed battle report was sent back to King's Landing-

The pirates fought for the Son of God!

And from the description of the pirates, the Son of God they were talking about seemed to be the Minister of Justice Renly, who had "disappeared" for a long time and no one knew what he was doing!

Thank you Heath Ice Tea Book Friend for the 1,000 reward, and thank you Xiaotang24zhu Book Friend for the 100 reward~

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