A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 273 Letter after returning to King's Landing

Lenly, who was on the island of Tarth, naturally did not know what happened in King's Landing. Because of the sword in the lake and the bird skull, he stayed here for an extra day so that he could check the relevant books and materials on the island of Tarth.

Unfortunately, apart from those legends and anecdotes, he did not learn any other useful information.

This seemed normal. Regardless of whether the bird skull was the god of storms or not, its active age obviously needed to be counted in thousands of years. After so many years, the possibility of leaving written records was very low, or even if there were, it was estimated that it had already rotted into pieces.

So with regret, Renly took the two trophies and captives to bid farewell to the reluctant Tarth family and rushed to the Stormland across the bay.

In fact, the island of Tarth was not far from the coast of the Stormland. With the wind, Renly even arrived at the seaside Storm's End in less than two days and met Maester Cressen, who had not seen him for many years.

He felt a little heavy in his heart.

The old maester in a grey woolen robe was nearly eighty years old. Although he was in good spirits, he was already wobbly and unsteady when he walked. The skin on the back of his hand was full of age spots. He was holding Renly's hand and nagging him constantly, which was completely different from his former shrewdness and wisdom.

"I won't live long, and I don't know how many times I can see you three brothers. I plan to go to King's Landing in a while. You are all there, so I want to go and see you."


"Ask Robert to come back? That's impossible. He is the king now. How can a king come back to see an old man? I'll take a carriage and it won't take long."


"Don't talk nonsense, kid. Which king is idle? Robert has to sit on the throne and watch over his kingdom. He can't walk around. You have to know that our throne is not very orthodox..."


Maester Cressen is so old that his hands are shaking when he eats. He is also a little confused and his energy is not as good as before.

Renly did not stay in Storm's End for long before continuing on his way. It was not that he had an urgent matter to return to King's Landing, or rather, the current situation in King's Landing was indeed very important, but it was not enough to make Renly so anxious.

The reason why he was in a hurry to leave was simple -

to get the Seed of Power, and then come back.

When he was still in his infancy, his parents in this world died in a shipwreck in the sea outside Storm's End, and it was this somewhat confused old man who took care of him from childhood to adulthood, telling stories, making toys, teaching knowledge and the principles of life...

After long-term contact, even a time traveler could not be indifferent to this. In fact, Renly did not care about many people in this world, and Maester Cressen was one of them.

It was just that perhaps because he was too familiar with them, he always ignored this old man when he was busy. Although he kept in touch with him for a long time over the years, he did not really think about the old man very often, just like habitually ignoring the existence of his family.

However, after so many years of busyness, are those things really more important than family?

Renly didn't think much about this, because it was useless. He was going to send the seeds to Storm's End after returning to King's Landing. If the situation in King's Landing really didn't allow him to leave casually, then he would let Tob send them.


The situation in King's Landing remained the same. After entering the city, you can see smiling faces. Riding on the road, Renly looked left and right and found that the atmosphere in the city was pretty good. The civilians were talking about Dragonstone at this time.

Of course, they were not talking about Dragonstone itself, but about the victory there.

"There are thousands of prisoners alone. Can you imagine what thousands of people can do?"

"It's impossible. It's more like thousands of people died."

"How can it be impossible? Hammer and Anvil, you have heard of it, right? Just like this battle, we have foreign aid!"

"I heard that it was a group of pirates?"

"It seems to be people from the Iron Islands, not pirates, right?"


There is not much information, but it is still possible to guess what happened.

Renly was surprised. He had not revealed his true identity at the beginning, nor did he ask the pirates to fight for King's Landing. But he did not expect the pirates to be so "sensible"?

Did they guess his identity?

Or did they simply want to stand on the side of "destined to win"?

He was a little curious about this, but he had no time to care about the pirates' affairs afterwards.

Because there was no prior notice, it was not until Renly arrived outside the Red Keep that the people in the Red Keep learned that the Lord Chancellor had returned. The captain of the Kingsguard, Barristan, personally ran out to lead the team to greet him. After entering, Renly was summoned to the throne room by Robert without any pause.

The reason why they were so anxious was simple, naturally because of the captives in Renly's hands and what was going on with those pirates.

"Don't care what the pirates say, they value interests, and now they are on our side, so we will give them interests."

Renly lightly "explained" the relationship between himself and the pirates. Although he believed in the Seven Gods in name, he did not admit that he was the son of the Drowned God. Then, without waiting for anyone to ask, he dragged the terrified captive who was tied with a rope in his hand and threw him to the ground in front of him.

"I am honored to introduce you to everyone. This is Viserys Targaryen. As far as I know, he is also the so-called Viserys Targaryen III, the king of Westeros personally appointed by the enemy."

So the topic was naturally shifted to the captive.

The captured Prince Viserys didn't look very good at the moment. His hair was disheveled and his face was terrified instead of calm. Although his clothes were exposed, his silver hair and purple eyes did not change. His appearance was also very familiar to many courtiers who had seen the royal family of the previous dynasty. Therefore, people in the throne room had different expressions.

Although they believed in Renly's letter after the pirates appeared, they were still shocked and awed when the man was brought to them.

Without making a sound, the young man who looked about 17 or 18 years old captured the "king" of the enemy. He did it so casually. What could be difficult for him?

In other words, if he could capture the king, who else could he not capture?

"Luckily, Lord Renly is on our side." While people in the throne room were discussing the captives, someone whispered to the person next to him, "Otherwise, I wouldn't even be able to sleep peacefully."


People were very curious about how Renly caught Viserys, but they didn't believe Renly's explanation of luck. However, Renly didn't want to say much about it. After handing over the captives, he claimed that he was tired from the journey and went down to rest.

After bringing the captives back, he didn't think he needed to do anything else, or rather, he didn't need to care about what the captive could be used for, and someone would naturally deal with it.

At this moment, Renly was still thinking about Maester Cressen in Storm's End, so after leaving, he went directly back to his residence in the Red Castle and called in his confidant Tob.

As a result, before he could say anything, Tob took the initiative to tell Renly some news that made him frown.

"The Prime Minister was poisoned?"


The young knight replied: "It was the Prime Minister's wife who did it, and she had an accomplice named Petyr Baelish. But they escaped before the incident."

Renly narrowed his eyes.

The name Petyr Baelish sounded familiar, and after thinking carefully, he remembered that this person was nicknamed Littlefinger. In fact, he had thought about this person before, but later learned that he was just a small tax collector, not a high position as he remembered, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

But he didn't expect that it would cause such a mess now...

It is not a mess if the Prime Minister was simply poisoned, or it would be a mess if he was poisoned to death, because after the Prime Minister died, the government affairs of the Valley would inevitably be controlled by the vicious Prime Minister's wife, which would obviously make the situation worse. But Renly knew that Jon Arryn was not poisoned to death, but was very sober at this time, and even personally investigated the truth of the "illness".

This is also the reason why Tob took the initiative to talk to Renly about this matter-

Tob knew that the old Prime Minister and the King were planted with power seeds by Renly, because Renly needed him to keep an eye on the physical changes of these two people.

Others did not understand the sudden recovery of the old Prime Minister, but Tob, who had some knowledge of power seeds, naturally knew why.

But Tob only paid attention to the changes in the Prime Minister's body and the effects of the seeds, but Renly was more concerned about other aspects.

Whether the Prime Minister's wife poisoned the Prime Minister, it was not a good thing.

If it succeeded, there would be turmoil in the Vale, right?

The Prime Minister's wife was Lysa Tully, the second daughter of Duke Tully of the Riverlands, and the Riverlands were currently the key point of the war!

Renly pondered whether this matter would bring variables, but Tob in front of him obviously had not finished explaining the matter. After talking about the changes in the Prime Minister, he handed over another letter.

"This letter was given to me by Grand Maester Pycelle, sir."

He said, "The Grand Maester said it came from Braavos."

"Braavos?" Renly was startled, "Who wrote it?"

"I don't know."

Tob shook his head, "The Grand Maester didn't tell me either."

Renly frowned, opened the letter in his hand and looked at it carefully, and was stunned.

There was no signature or important information on the letter, only one line of words, a line of words written in beautiful Common Language -

"Wrap it around your head, and you will look like a Dornish woman."

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