The room was silent at the moment. Sitting on the chair and staring at the letter in hand, Renly didn't speak for a while, but had a strange expression.

This made Tob curious about what was written in the letter.

Although he had kept the letter for a while, it was obviously impossible for him to open it rashly and read the contents inside. In his opinion, his master had a stable and casual temperament, and unless something big happened, nothing would happen to the expression on his face. Variety.

Could it be something related to magic?

He secretly guessed.

Except for his master, he has never met anyone else who can do magic. In other words, the master does not seem to know magic, but his ability is more wonderful than magic——

Tuob could not understand the changes in his mother Wenda in detail, but the changes in himself were very clear.

Not only did he learn knight-related knowledge and skills very quickly, he even had a very magical "qi" in his body unknowingly, which made him full of energy on weekdays. He vaguely guessed that he could use this Qi to do something. Something beyond ordinary people.

This is just a guess and has not yet become a reality, because Taobu has tried several times, but he still can't make the "qi" in his body appear outside the body, as if this thing is an illusion, but he does not think it is fake, because Although he cannot use it actively, he can use it passively.

During this time in the Red Castle, apart from "monitoring" the changes in the king and the prime minister, Tob did not do anything. Instead, he kept sparring with a knight nicknamed the Hound. From the other party's mouth, he He learned that every time he attacked, the opponent's body would feel numb, and this was also the reason why he got acquainted with the hunting dog.

Tob didn't know what the numbness was. He slapped his forehead several times with his hands and weapons but it had no effect. However, he guessed that the numbness must be due to the "qi" in his body. ” for the sake of.

That's why he kept trying to use his "qi" actively.

Because he felt that as long as he used it, he might become very powerful.

As for what he can do after becoming powerful, he hasn't thought about it yet.

The master stayed in the Red Keep most of the time and did not take him with him when traveling. Tob was actually a little worried that he seemed to have turned into an errand boy raised in the Red Keep, as if he was treated the same as the master's fat attendant—— Eat and wait to die.

So he decided to take some time to proactively suggest to his master that he should do something, no matter what, as long as he was not idle. After all, he was also a knight.

Knights should charge into battle for their masters, not be kept in the rear.

It's just a good idea, but every time he meets his master, Tuob always doesn't dare to say anything. It's the same this time. After talking about the business, he obviously has many opportunities to put forward his own ideas, but facing sitting there thinking He stood there, but he was speechless. He tried to speak several times but never said anything.

He felt that it was not good for him to bring up this idea, because it might bring some trouble to the master. For example, without him running errands to keep an eye on him, the master would have to work hard to find others. Thinking more deeply, he didn't want the master to think that he was a trouble.

And he was a little embarrassed to speak.

It wasn't that he had something to hide, he was just embarrassed. As for why he was embarrassed, he couldn't figure out. Every time he opened his mouth to speak, he suddenly felt his heart beat faster and felt nervous, as if he was about to say something very serious. , but thinking about it carefully, he felt that it didn't seem to be too important.

But he just had stage fright.

So Tob stood in front of the desk and waited honestly. He felt really ashamed of himself, but after thinking about it, it seemed that there was no need to worry about it. If he couldn't say it this time, he could do it next time.

So he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and arranged things to be done next time, and he felt relaxed all over.

Renly obviously did not expect that his follower would have such rich psychological activities in such a short period of time, or perhaps he had subconsciously ignored the presence of other people in the room at this time.

Squinting at the letter in his hand and the words on it, Renly felt ridiculous.

He didn't have a deep impression of these words, but he was impressed anyway. At the same time, the origin of this letter also reminded him of more things, so he was very sure who the person who wrote this sentence was -


But how is this possible?

After a moment of silence, he raised his eyes to signal Tob to leave for now. Then Renly put down the letter in his hand and reached out to touch his left wrist.

After a moment of fuzzy thinking, he heard a sentence.

"It's a pleasure speaking with you, Renly."

There was a gentleness in the sweet voice, which was the sense of closeness that naturally emerged after long-term contact between the two parties. However, Renly did not feel any friendly feelings at this moment.

"Why did you make another mistake?" He asked straight to the point: "Rhaenys has restored her memory!"

Obviously the gods, or the spokesmen of the gods, would not be forgetful, and she did not seem to think that Renly would lie or deceive her casually. After hearing the words, she was silent for a moment, and then said directly: "Sorry, Renly, this It was our mistake.”

"Why is this happening?" Renly frowned and asked: "This matter is different from the old gods last time. It should be very simple, right?"

"The gods cannot determine the exact truth unless you have access to her."

The pleasant voice replied: "It may be because we did something wrong. The gods sealed everything about you in her memory, but did not touch other memories. There may be many loopholes, and the loopholes in the memory will make her aware of abnormalities. The human soul is very strange. We cannot completely interfere with or delete it. If she feels abnormal, she may break the seal... We should have sealed her other memories instead of just you. It's just that I'm sorry about this, Renly."

It's just what, the other party didn't say, but Renly could think of it. At that time, he asked Renys to forget him, not forget other things. The man on the wrist obviously didn't think so much.

Or, long-term contact made Renly realize that the other party was originally a "fool".

"Do you need the gods to reseal it?" Seeing that Renly didn't speak, the pleasant voice suggested carefully.

"Do you want me to go there in person to seal it?"

"Yes." The other party replied: "We can only use your hand to exert our power."

"Forget it." Renly said as he looked at the letter on the table, his eyes complicated: "She used this sentence to test me, obviously she didn't remember much, maybe only this sentence, don't pay attention to her for now."

"But she will return to normal sooner or later." The pleasant voice kindly reminded: "Since the memory blockade has cracked, it will be completely broken one day."

"Let's talk about it then." Renly answered with a headache.

He hadn't thought about that person for a long time. He thought he had solved the matter, but he didn't expect that this kind of moth would come out again. This is really...

"I'm curious, Renly, why did you choose to let her forget you?"

The pleasant voice suddenly asked: "Is it because you don't like her?"

This made Renly stunned, not because of the other party's words, but because of this person's sudden curiosity that made him feel very strange.

Isn't this person a mouthpiece? Why does he have his own "private life" now?

This kind of thing never happened before, so although Renly didn't want to talk about this topic, he didn't refuse to answer.

"What do you think of my ability to travel into history?" He asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

There is still one chapter, and it will be after twelve o'clock, so you can just read it tomorrow~

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