"Neither demons, dead souls, nor ghosts can harm those who believe in the Seven Gods. With faith as our armor, we can travel all over the world, and we are not afraid of those cultists who come from the outside world! We know that there is only one god in the sky, and one God is divided into seven sides, and he is the seven-in-one true God. The rest are just fakes put on stage by sneaky people..."

The loud and loud words full of fanaticism continued to ring out from the core of the square and spread in all directions. There was a large group of slovenly dressed refugees around them who listened attentively. Many of them looked pious, but some did not think so, but because after the mission, there would be a free broth to drink. , so no matter what they think, no one has any intention of leaving.

Sitting on the horse and looking in that direction, you can clearly see several large pots of hot broth placed next to the preaching monk. Some people swallowed their saliva while looking at the mouth of the pot, but because of some strong golden men The robe blocked him and he couldn't move forward.

"Is this your plan, or has the Royal Council already decided?" Samwell, the commander of the garrison, ignored the surroundings and asked in a nervous voice.

"The job opportunities in King's Landing are limited, but the number of refugees from the Riverlands is increasing." Renly did not answer the question directly. "These refugees originally believed in the Seven Gods. If we restore the order's armed forces, they will definitely swarm join in."

"The nobles will not agree to your plan to restore the Order's arms." Samwell understood that this was just an idea of ​​the person next to him, so he shook his head and said: "The Church used to be the overlord of Westeros. Several kings of the great kingdom could not do anything to them. The divine power of the Seven Gods even suppressed the royal power and the rights of the lords for a time. Later, when they encountered the Targaryen dragon, the church fell into decline. You want to restore the arms of the order, which is equivalent to saying that. No one would approve of going against the entire aristocratic class.”

“The church is rich.”

Renly said: "They don't need the support of the nobles. The taxes collected over the years alone can afford to support the armed army, and it is more than enough. What they lack now is just an opportunity. At the same time, don't forget, even the noble class is generally Believe in the Seven Gods.”

"This is an opportunity that only a king can grant."

Samwell still shook his head, "As far as I know, it is impossible for the king to agree to your proposal. Even if he agrees, the Prime Minister and other members of the Royal Council will not agree - it is difficult to lock a lion in a cage. No one dares to release it again.”

"So what if the war goes against us? What if we need new forces to join the war?"

Samwell was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Renly with wide eyes, as if he felt that it was incredible for this person to say this.

Renly waved his hand at this.

"It's just an idea, don't pay too much attention to it, the situation hasn't reached that level yet."

Samwell breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then said with emotion: "It's hard to believe that you were born in a noble family and could have such an idea."

"It's easy to understand." After Renly took one last look at the preaching monk, he turned his horse's head and headed in another direction, "When you don't need to use this identity to protect your own rights and interests, you can naturally do it without any scruples. to think.”

Samwell had nothing to say.

If he were a noble, he would think that the idea of ​​the person in front of him was very wrong and needed to be stopped. But at this time, he belonged to the civilian class, and for the civilians, restoring the armed forces of the religious order was a good thing. , or it is a great gospel.

Among other things, if the church really restores the sect's armed forces, then the church's once deprived judicial power will naturally be restored. And as long as the church's judicial power is restored, then the current lords and nobles will definitely no longer Be as careless as you are now!

Unfortunately this is impossible.

Samwell sighed to himself.

Unless the people in power are so stupid that they don't have a normal mind, they will not agree to restore the Order's armed forces, which is tantamount to getting themselves into big trouble.

Over there, the golden-robed Commander-in-Chief was accompanying his young boss on a tour of King's Landing. In a hotel room in a residential area, Rhaenys, who had her hair braided and was dressed as a merchant's daughter, was thinking about what she had just seen. scene.

The scene of countless civilians surrounding him with love and swarming to offer gifts seemed to have a strange impact, making her emotionally complex and wary, but at the same time feeling happy for some reason.

"Of course we like Lord Renly very much." There was a conversation between the guard and the hotel boy outside the door behind him, who were also talking about what happened just now.

"No nobleman can treat us more kindly than Lord Renly. You must know that last time the daughter of the old Will family was raped and killed by the son of an Earl named Benfort who came from the west. We were so angry that we complained, and guess what, the guy's dick was cut off and he was sent to the Great Wall. Haha, Lord Renly even said that if there was no such thing as the Great Wall, he would just chop off his head and take it to him. Feed the dog. Yes, that’s what he said on the spot. We all heard what he said to that beast’s father. It was really a relief. And last time..."

"We are just glad that Lord Renly is so young and can still work for decades. However, many people are worried that he will offend too many people and be kicked out by the king. This is not impossible, although Lord Renly is the king's younger brother. , but I heard that King Robert also listens to the Queen's Hand. And the queen is not a good person in the first place, she is still a Lannister."

"I'm telling you, guest, Lannister did all the bad things in King's Landing, he's not a thing..."

Listening intentionally or unintentionally, the girl's eyelids twitched.

The information on paper was completely different from what she actually saw. She once knew that Renly was very popular among the common people, but she didn't expect that he would be loved to such an extent.

However, she thought this was a very stupid thing, because the other side of this matter was that the nobles didn't like him.

"What a pity."

Rhaenys sighed.

Before, she was thinking whether she could use this to make that person uncomfortable, and then maybe she could get a closer look at his style of doing things, but the news she secretly inquired about not long ago made her idea disappear.

That Renly was actually related to the gods, and it was the Seven Gods!

Braavos is a city that is very open to faith and gods. There are a large number of various temples dedicated in the city, and even some forgotten gods can be found there.

In other words, she was born in Braavos and knew the gods very well. Even if she didn't have the memory of her previous life, she could understand it very well. In fact, one of her identities at this time is not only the daughter of the Sea King, but also the Saint of the Moon.

The latter was a lie she made up, and was related to a certain god. She could be called the daughter of a god or the apostle of a god.

Although gods have different abilities and strengths, it is generally recognized in a certain circle that the more believers a god has, the stronger his ability is. And which god in the world has more believers than the Seven Gods, who basically occupy a continent?

Although I have never heard of the Seven Gods performing miracles before, the news obtained through investigating Renly is enough to prove that the Seven Gods are powerful.

So, even if the nobles don't like him, what can they do? They can't do anything to him.

At this time, the girl already understood why her previous conspiracies all ended in failure. At the same time, she was also very glad that Renly stayed in King's Landing honestly instead of on the front line of the war, otherwise who knows what chaos he might cause--

The gods cannot exert their power out of thin air, but can only rely on specific believers, so no matter how powerful the Seven Gods are, they will not affect the current war situation. According to her understanding, it seems that only Renly is special, and the other monks of the Seven Gods Church are just ordinary people.

At the same time, she was a little worried about the situation in the north.

Unlike other gods, the old gods in the north of Westeros are not simple. The power of the old gods is very strange. In her previous life, she had visited the green prophet of the old gods, so she knew a little about it.

Now that outsiders have invaded the place of faith of the old gods, the green prophet of the current era cannot ignore it, and as long as he cares, there will definitely be variables.

"I hope there won't be too many accidents." The girl can only hope so.

However, she never thought that the green prophet Three-Eyed Raven at this time was already overwhelmed.

That, no kidding, tomorrow is the author's birthday, so I have to take a day off...

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