Heavy panting continued to sound in the empty and silent dark tunnel, accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps as she quickly went deeper.

The leaf cloak stained with large snowflakes continued to ripple as she ran, and the snow marks on her shoulders were shaken off one after another, hitting the rock surface below and turning into tiny traces.

The bright cave exit behind her became smaller and smaller, and the fierce blizzard and cold wind outside also quickly disappeared.

The rock tunnel was very long, but it had an end. The running short figure finally arrived at a vast and dim underground hall. In the hall, there were several companions with the same body shape and strange appearance as her, and there was also a pale old man "sitting" on the fish beam wood throne.

Rather than saying sitting, it was better to say integration. In the dim environment, the old man with pale long hair and a blood-red eye was covered with branches and leaves all over his body. There were even many twisted roots growing out of an eye socket without an eyeball, crawling down his cheek and piercing into his shriveled neck.

He looked scary, and the voice he spoke was not normal, very light, as light as the wind blowing the leaves, hoarse and low.

"Darkness is your shield, Ye Zi, you don't have to be afraid."

After the words fell, the short figure who ran in front of him breathed a sigh of relief, but there was still anxiety and tension in his tone, "Those villages did not stop them at all, humans betrayed us! They are coming soon!"

"What is coming will eventually come." The pale old man responded, and there was no emotion in his voice.

"But what should we do?" The short figure named Ye Zi asked hurriedly: "Are you going to meet those outsiders?"

"We are very weak, Ye Zi, weak prey usually attracts the covetousness of hungry wolves."

"Then do you have a way to hide? So that they can't find us?"

"This method will not work in front of some people, Ye Zi. But don't worry, I have a way to deal with those people."

"What method?"

Without responding, the pale old man just shook his head slightly, causing a burst of rustling sounds of leaves, and then slowly closed the blood-red single eye.


The son of the forest named Ye Zi didn't know why the green prophet in front of her was so calm, but countless years of contact made her very trusting of the green prophet, and therefore she was a little relieved.

But she was still very depressed.

The old gods were different from other gods. There was no unified will of gods or divinity.

The Old Gods are special "gods" formed when the souls of the children of the forest merge into the trees after their death. They enter the fish beam wood to form heart trees just as they can enter the bodies of animals. This means that every heart tree is an Old God, and every tree is a deceased child of the forest.

So the Old Gods do not refer to a certain god, but to all heart trees. Therefore, there are no priests or spokespersons in the belief of the Old Gods, nor is there a unified sect.

The believers believe in the Old Gods, more like believing in the way of nature.

This situation is usually nothing, but it is a bit fatal at the moment. The believers are scattered and unsystematic, and it is difficult to unite to be hostile when encountering outsiders. The believers north of the Great Wall regard themselves as free people. Everyone has their own ideas and there is no status. Don't expect anyone to discipline them.

Even though she, as a child of the forest, had secretly contacted many powerful people among the free people, she could not make all the free people obey her orders, so that when outsiders came, she had no way to call on the believers of the old gods to stop the foreign enemies.

Logically speaking, their location was very hidden, and few people paid attention to it, but during this period of time, there were always people running from another continent to their remote place in the far north of Westeros, and at the same time, they were looking for the hiding place of the remaining children of the forest.

Ye Zi knew why those people came here, in order to find the so-called Old Days Gate, but she couldn't figure out why those people came to them to find the gate.

Could it be that just because the names were similar, they could attract people to investigate?

Or did they know that the Green Prophet had a thousand eyes?

Thinking about it, it seems that it is not impossible to understand, but shouldn't the investigation be conducted quietly with a small number of people? Why did a large group come as soon as they arrived, and they looked like they had confirmed something?

Ye Zi couldn't figure this out, but she knew clearly that if those people really came, the few remaining children of the forest would not be able to resist them, even with the Green Prophet - as the Green Prophet just said, they were very weak and even on the verge of extinction.

"Darkness is a shield, it will protect us." A companion beside her prayed in the special language of the children of the forest. Ye Zi responded, but she was really uneasy.

But when she caught a glimpse of the pale old man on the other side of the stone hall, her uneasy mood was somewhat calmed.

Although she couldn't think of how to break the deadlock, since the Green Prophet claimed that there was a way, there should be a way...


Three days later, north of the Wall of Despair.

In the snowy mountains, a team of hundreds of people was leaning on crutches and rushing towards the cave where the children of the forest were hiding, dragging their feet and walking with difficulty.

However, although the speed of advancement was slow, these people seemed to have a clear goal.

However, when they arrived at a canyon not far from the rock cave, a woman wrapped in a white bear skin cloak suddenly stopped, frowned, and turned her head to the person next to her and said, "I feel darkness and evil."

"Evil is everywhere in this place." The person next to him responded, and his dark face silently revealed that this person came from the Summer Islands outside of Westeros.

“It’s especially different here.”

The woman replied, her delicate heart-shaped cheeks covered by the edges of her furry cloak on both sides, and she spoke with seriousness.

"We should take a detour."

She seemed to be very influential in this team. After finishing her words, the dark-skinned middle-aged man pursed his lips, discussed with others around him, and finally nodded.

So the team decisively turned around and headed back the way they came.

However, they didn't walk long before they stopped, because a blackened withered arm suddenly jumped out from the snowdrift in front of them. Then they saw the arm bent and grasping, and a terrifying skeleton emerged from the snowdrift. The hand came out with an ugly and terrifying shape. The empty eyes looked at the team turning back and grinned. The face without eyeballs and flesh looked particularly ferocious.

The appearance of this thing caused an uproar in the team, but they were not intimidated, and many people were eager to try it.

However, when trivial noises continued to be heard from all directions, and when shriveled dead bodies crawled out of the snowdrifts one after another and surrounded them, the team that came from the Free Trade City to come to the door because of someone's deception began to stop. There is no way to maintain a positive attitude.

The sound of nervous swallowing was covered up by the blowing wind and snow, and the crisp sounds of weapons being unsheathed continued one after another. Dead bodies were constantly coming out of the snow from all directions, or running from the depths of the snow curtain, and they gathered together in a short time. A large group of black people pressed down on them, tightly surrounding the team.

However, they did not launch an attack immediately. Instead, they stood motionless and surrounded them while people watched nervously.

Until a pale figure broke through the circle of dead people and rode forward.

"Alien, alien ghost——!"

It wasn't just someone who screamed, making the already tense atmosphere even more solemn and even panicky.

Thank you Heath Iced Tea Book Friends for your generous reward! Thank you for the thousand rewards from those who love mortal books.

Thank you to book friend Siqi Li and Monster Party for the 500 reward, and thank you to book friend 160617100342738 for the 100 reward~

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