The impact of choosing to reveal his "identity" was much greater than Renly expected.

At first, this news only spread in a small area, because the son of the Prime Minister was young and usually had no contact with others. Although Renly did not stop the servants from watching during the treatment, the number was limited after all.

It wasn't until the old prime minister took his rosy-faced young son around in a public event to prove that his son was no longer as weak as before that the news completely spread.

Then there was another uproar in the Red Fort.

There are those who don't believe it. Even though Renly has done many strange things in the past, there are still some people who don't believe that he can "connect with the gods". In other words, many people simply don't want to believe that gods really exist.

But even if there are many reasons not to believe it, it is an indisputable fact that the old prime minister's young heir has turned into a healthy little guy, and the old prime minister himself has recovered.

Therefore, more people choose to believe it. Awe, fanaticism, vigilance... people have various emotions arising from this.

So when walking on the road to the Red Keep, no matter what time, Renly always attracted people's attention, and many people came to visit him privately.

Including Renly's cheap brother Robert, and Finance Minister Mace Tyrell, who had not dealt with Renly before.

They had many questions, but they mainly tended to two aspects. On the one hand, how did Renly become the "apostle" of the Seven Gods, and on the other hand, what could he do.

In the former, Renly claimed that he sensed the presence of the gods during a prayer in the Reach, and then he finally gained the favor of the gods after some tests.

He did not reply clearly to the latter, but reiterated the "rules" that he could not act at will.

All in all, as soon as this identity appeared, it attracted everyone's attention——

Regardless of whether this identity was true or false, it was clear that Renly cured the old prime minister who was dying of poisoning and gave his son a healthy constitution.

The nobles all cherished their lives, so they could not remain indifferent in the face of such methods. Robert was very happy about this. After understanding that Renly was still a "human" and not some godly being, he also Didn't get to the bottom of it.

The attitude of others towards Renly is very subtle, and Finance Minister Mace Tyrell is the most representative in this regard——

In the past, this man had given Renly a lot of looks, because he thought that he had raised Renly with his own hands. However, Renly was not grateful and even went against him in every possible way. He was really not very particular.

So even though he knew that Renly had strange methods and many strange abilities, Mace Tyrell was still hostile to him.

However, now when the Finance Minister spoke to Renly again, he changed his previous attitude and became polite, even a little cautious.

This change in attitude may seem exaggerated, but in fact the root cause is very simple - the belief in the Seven Gods has taken root in Westeros for thousands of years, and its influence has long been deeply rooted in the souls of all people.

Even though Renly had many special features in the past, in the eyes of others, he was just a wizard. And such people were born from time to time among the people. At the same time, didn't the foreign pagans also have strange personalities?

However, now that Renly has brought out the Seven Gods, the situation is different. Secretly, people can't figure it out, but on the surface, Westeros basically believes in the Seven Gods except for the North.

The aristocratic class are generally not as pious as the common people, but they don't dare to have any evil intentions towards the gods in the sky, not to mention that Renly can "cure" diseases.

In fact, if Renly's identity was not yet completely certain, people would probably treat him like an ancestor.

The change in attitude of the nobles is on the one hand, and the church in King's Landing has also responded positively to this——

As the person Renly personally helped to rise to power, the new Archbishop of the church naturally would not refute this. On the contrary, he also trumpeted that Renly was a person favored by the gods and the agent chosen by the gods. He was destined to fight for this corrupt society. The world brings life.

It was enough for him to say so himself, and he even mobilized the monks in the church to say the same thing.

Some monks and even archbishops were dissatisfied with this, thinking it was a blasphemy, but this dissatisfaction disappeared after receiving feedback from the secular world——

The people of King's Landing are very enthusiastic about Renly's statement that he is a person chosen by the gods. They all feel that they suddenly realize that compared to ordinary nobles, Renly is too special, and his fair and unique attitude when judging criminals. Wouldn’t the means be in line with the functions of the Heavenly Father, one of the Seven Gods?

So quietly, Renly's reputation among the people rose to a higher level, and it was obvious that it had surged in the direction of "inhumanity", and even vaguely exceeded the scope of secular authority.

This is a good thing. At least Renly's security work has become much easier. Without his request, many civilians have taken the initiative to help maintain order in the city. The purpose is probably not only piety, but also to let the gods see his hard work. And be kind, and then go to heaven after death.

But this is not entirely a good thing. For example, some people who were originally very afraid of him even turned into panic. However, panic will not make these people timid, but will make them more proactive.

"Sooner or later he will find out, yes, he will find out about us sooner or later!"

The blush after the incident had not yet faded from her cheeks, and the beautiful queen with bright golden hair on the bed suddenly thought of something. She grabbed the shirt collar of her brother beside her and said sternly, "Before he finds out, we should end this relationship! It should have ended long ago!"

This made the blond Jaime, who was lying on the side with a leisurely expression, stare at her sideways, as if he didn't expect his sister to say such a ruthless word.

Seeing this, Queen Cersei didn't say anything, but got up directly to gather her skirt, and then was busy combing the few strands of golden hair that were stuck to her forehead due to sweat stains.

"You should also return to Casterly Rock. Your father has long hoped that you will go back to marry and have children and then inherit the Lannister family business. Old Jon has always been reluctant to let you go, but now that we are at war, we can take this opportunity to make this request."

"I love you, Cersei." Jaime, who was lying there, said in a daze, with an embarrassed expression.

"But you should love our lives more." Cersei answered without hesitation. Seeing her brother opening his mouth to speak, she added: "And Joffrey, Tommen, Myrcella, and the entire Lannister!"

This made the blond knight silent, and then he stood up and said: "Even if Renly's methods are very strange, what can he do? I want to try whether my sword can cut off his sacred head!"

As he spoke, he jumped off the bed, bent down to pick up the clothes on the carpet and quickly put them on. He gritted his teeth and obviously wanted to do something.

"You are crazy!" Cersei saw this and hurriedly grabbed him, "If you can kill him, we will be in danger. If you can't kill him, we will be more dangerous!"

"Rather than losing you, I would rather die!" The blond knight answered without hesitation.

This made the queen's hardened heart soften immediately. Then, facing her brother's affectionate gaze, she unconsciously recalled all the warm scenes from childhood to adulthood, so the original very firm idea instantly dissipated.

But this could not cover up the panic and fear that someone had caused in her heart. After biting her lip, she said, "Then let's go back to Casterly Rock and leave here! Stay away from him!"

"You are the queen, I am the Kingsguard, and my father is leading troops outside. We have no reason to go back."

"Then what do you say?!"


Cersei's question was very sharp, and Jaime was silent after hearing it.

He was actually full of fear of that person, but he was just embarrassed to show it.

However, no matter how you think about it, this problem must be solved.

Obviously, taking action does not seem to be a wise choice, so...

"We can't leave, but we can let him leave." The blond knight thought of a way.

"Do you have a way?" Cersei asked hurriedly after hearing it.

"Iron Islands."

Thank you all for your blessings! Then if there is no accident, I will start to make up for it tomorrow, and keep updating three times until it is finished~

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