The size of the envoy's team was huge, with servants, knights, and guards totaling hundreds in number. In addition, no one deliberately concealed the news. Under such circumstances, the news spread throughout King's Landing on the afternoon of Renly's departure. .

Some people breathed a sigh of relief, some were full of reluctance, some clapped their hands and applauded, and some "cries injustice" for it.

At first, this was nothing, and ordinary people just regarded Renly's departure as normal business. At most, some people doubted whether this was the wise minister of justice being recruited to be "sent to the frontiers".

But not long after, a strange argument spread like wildfire in the city and spread quietly.

"King Robert must have been jealous of Lord Renly's talents, so he transferred him."

"Let me just say that Lord Renly has offended too many people, and those maggots cannot let him go. But with the blessings of the gods, I forgive them not to do anything extraordinary."

"If you ask me, Lord Renly should be the king. He is the Duke of Dragonstone, and the Duke of Dragonstone all wants to be the king."

"My lord's inheritance rights are a bit low..."

The atmosphere of war caused tension inside and outside King's Landing, but Renly's high reputation made the news of his departure overshadow the war in the Riverlands and became the "front page headline" in the city.

All kinds of comments seem natural, but in fact they have bad intentions. They just hinder public opinion, but they are very popular.

News among the public continues to ferment. On the other side of the throne room of the Red Castle, there are also many people talking about Renly, but they are not paying attention to the same topic as the civilians.

"The gods protect Lord Renly, and the power of the gods cannot be resisted by the pagans. I think it is most appropriate for Lord Renly to go directly to the battlefield after his mission to the Iron Islands."

"That's right, Targaryen doesn't follow the rules and uses sorcery one after another. So many of our people died inexplicably. If something happens to Lord Stannis or Lord Tywin who is leading the army, this battle will be very difficult. It’s not easy to fight.”

"We must also pay attention to the safety of the northern lords..."

In the grand hall, the nobles made proposals to the fat king on the Iron Throne one after another. They all seemed to be righteous, but in fact they were all people who had lost their interests because of Renly. It was difficult to see Renly at this time. After leaving, how could they not take the opportunity to cause trouble?

Of course, facing an unknown and mysterious figure like Renly, they would not dare to take any extraordinary actions, but this did not prevent them from following the trend - the enemy not only had a large number of armies, but also many wizards with strange methods. Flow, these people cannot affect the overall battle situation, but they pretend to be gods and even assassinate leading figures one after another.

This method is not like a normal battle. The Iron Throne has little experience in resisting this and can only passively "take a beating", but this is obviously very frustrating.

Therefore, King Robert on the Iron Throne was moved after hearing the words, his expression was deep in thought and he did not speak for a while.

This made the courtiers who provided advice become more active, and each one of them spoke with great enthusiasm, saying that Renly's going to the front line was an important matter that could affect the entire war situation.

They didn't have many bad intentions here, or if they had bad intentions, they didn't dare to carry them out at all. Now they are doing this without asking for anything else. They just hope that Renly will be able to run around outside for a year and a half and not come back too early. King's Landing can just cause trouble for them.

Those who proposed these were ordinary officials, not the important ministers in the royal council. However, the important ministers did not express any objection, even the Queen's Prime Minister Jon Arryn, who was greatly favored by Renly.

Because this proposal is indeed necessary, and at the same time, he does not think it is a bad thing.

No matter how good the law and order in King's Landing is, what's the use? There is no way to determine the direction of the war, so instead of wasting talents, it is better to put Renly in a more useful position.

And since the person involved didn't resist leaving King's Landing, they had no reason to let him come back.

Of course, they were aware of some of the rumors that were circulating in the market, but no one took them seriously. Even Robert looked disapproving after hearing it, without any fear at all.

Let’s not talk about how Renly’s various behaviors that offend the nobles will hinder his path to becoming king. Let’s just say that becoming king will never get Renly’s turn unless the entire Baratheon family is killed.

But if he is really that cruel, no matter how powerful Renly is or how blessed he is by the gods, no one will support him.

In Westeros, parricide is unforgivable.

Besides, Renly is not married yet, let alone has a son. He wants to be the king. How should he resolve the issue of heir?

This is different from Robert's original marriage. Even if Robert was not married, he still had an heir named Stannis.

All in all, the spread of some gossip did not cause any turmoil. Instead, many people were secretly searching for the source of the news——

On the one hand, they were afraid of Renly, but on the other hand, no one wanted to curry favor with him. After all, who could guarantee that he would be free from illness and disaster?

As a result, Rhaenys, who was in a hotel in King's Landing, once again learned how strong Renly's influence was in this city.

She got into trouble because of this.

The news circulating in King's Landing was naturally not released by her. She was not that brainless or boring, but she saw more from this matter.

Fearful, yet curious, and then very confused.

On the one hand, she thought that it would be convenient to do something here while that person was away. After all, this kind of situation was rare, and the girl had a deep memory of several lessons in the past - she dared not make any unusual moves when Renly was in King's Landing.

But now that he was gone, it seemed to be an opportunity for them.

But on the other hand, she had the idea of ​​chasing him regardless of the consequences. This idea came from the abnormality of the girl's brain and the original purpose of her coming to King's Landing.

What should she choose?

Looking at the people coming and going outside the wooden window of the hotel, Renis made up her mind after thinking for a while.

Follow him secretly!

The situation in King's Landing was very stable at this time. She didn't think she could find any loopholes and take advantage of them casually. Moreover, even if there was a chance, how could it compare to her physical condition?

Supporting Targaryen to take the throne was just one of her goals. It could be done, but it was not the kind of thing that could make her desperately do it.

Even now that the situation has developed to this point, she feels a little uninterested. Most of her attention is focused on her own "illness", and the time to think about the battle situation is getting less and less.

So, within two days of the large army leaving the city, a small group of people who seemed to be unorganized also left the city and secretly chased towards the Iron Islands.

Obviously Renly would not think of the special emotions of others towards him, or after leaving King's Landing, he had temporarily forgotten everything in King's Landing.

After setting off, he began to be busy with one thing, that is, "interrogating" the former intelligence chief, the octopus spider Varys.

There is another chapter, but it will be after twelve o'clock, everyone can come and see it tomorrow~

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