The journey was long. First, the team had to reach the Westerly, and then board the ship from there to the Iron Islands.

This sounds simple, but in fact it crossed the entire Westeros.

So the team was well prepared in all aspects, with abundant axle weight supplies, a large number of cooks and servants accompanying the team, and one carriage after another was surrounded by tall and short figures, and the overall speed seemed very slow.

This rhythm was seriously inconsistent with the ever-changing battlefield situation, but in fact, before the team, someone had already rushed to the Iron Islands, and there were also ravens sending letters to notify them.

There were several pirates among the people running in front who could prove Renly's "identity", so they could actually perceive the attitude of the Iron Islands towards him, the "Son of the Drowned God", without Renly arriving.

Unfortunately, the ancient road mark on Renly's wrist could no longer read the thoughts of the Greyjoy leader smoothly, because as the power seeds evolved from the ancient road seeds continued to spread, his mind-reading targets increased, and many times he could not "touch" the right person.

But Renly did not focus on the goal of this trip at this time. Instead, he sat on the horse and talked quietly with another bald fat man riding beside him.

"So, the Golden Group?"

"Since you already know, why are you asking?" The fat man answered with a sad expression, but he was very scared in his heart.

"I want to hear you say it." Renly said with a smile.

"I swore not to tell others, my lord, please don't embarrass me."

"If you are really so loyal, you would have bitten your tongue and committed suicide long ago." Renly chuckled when he heard it, "As for being coerced by me now?"

"Biting your tongue? Excuse me, my lord, I think it's better to hit your head against the wall..."

The bald eunuch pretended to be relaxed, but in fact his emotions could not remain stable at all.

In front of Renly, he felt as if he had been stripped of his clothes. No, not only stripped of clothes, but also stripped of skin!

From head to toe, from inside to outside, it seemed that there was no secret at all.

So even though Varys didn't seem to be detained at this time, and even his treatment was not like that of a prisoner, the bald eunuch would rather be imprisoned in the dark and damp dungeon of the Red Castle than face the nonchalant expression next to him.

That was a great irony of his entire life!

Unfortunately, no matter what Varys thought, he had no choice after the day of "exposure".

Of course, if Varys didn't have too many secrets and Renly couldn't "dig out" them all in a short time, he would not be dragged out and taken to the Iron Islands, but imprisoned in prison awaiting judgment.

Although the ability of the psychic moment is magical, it is not easy to empty anyone's secrets. Human thinking and memory are very complicated. Even ordinary people have many secrets that they don't want to be known, let alone an intelligence manager and a senior spy.

In just a few days, Renly thought he had gained a lot.

For example, he learned about the composition of the enemy, what hidden forces there were, who were the top leaders, and the origin of Varys next to him.

Varys has a lot of collusion with a force called the Golden Company in the Free Trade Cities.

Renly has some impression of the Golden Company in his previous life. I remember that in the last season of the eighth season, they appeared on Cersei's side with great momentum, but they failed as soon as they appeared. What impressed Renly the most was that Queen Cersei wanted elephants, and there were indeed elephants in the Golden Company.

The Golden Company is a mercenary group active in the Free Trade Cities, with tens of thousands of soldiers, but this mercenary group is not just a mercenary group.

Just like the Second Sons Group, which is also active in the trade cities and is formed by the second sons who cannot inherit the family business from all over the country, the background of the Golden Company is not simple, and it has a deep connection with Westeros.

The founder of the Golden Company even has Targaryen blood and is a royal illegitimate child!

This is to mention the incompetent King Aegon, who was once criticized by Renly many times.

According to historical records, the Targaryen King Yong did countless stupid things during his reign, but it is generally recognized that his biggest stupidity was to legalize the identities of his illegitimate children in his later years, that is, to recognize that the illegitimate children were of Targaryen blood and had the right of inheritance.

Renly believed that King Yong's actions might be because he suspected that his heir Daeron II was not his own, and at the same time, one of the illegitimate children named Daemon was also quite loved by King Yong, and King Yong even gave him the Targaryen family heir Valyrian steel sword Blackfyre.

After King Yong's death, his heir Daeron II initially incorporated Dorne into the kingdom's territory through marriage, but the lords and nobles who had been hostile to Dorne for thousands of years were quite resistant to this.

So some lords thought that since the Targaryen heirloom sword was passed to the illegitimate son Daemon, and the former king legalized the illegitimate son's identity, it obviously meant that the heir that King Yong preferred was actually the illegitimate son instead of Daeron II, so the war called the Blackfyre Rebellion that affected the entire Westeros began.

According to historical records, the Blackfyre Rebellion was a war that divided the continent of Westeros. At that time, half of the nobles supported the Iron Throne and half of the nobles supported the illegitimate son. Later, the rebellion was put down, but it was not completely eradicated.

After the defeat, those lords who supported the illegitimate son fled overseas and established the Golden Company in the Free Trade City-State. They were always obsessed with counterattacking Westeros. Then they launched several Blackfyre Rebellions in succession for countless years.

Now it is obviously one.

Unfortunately, this "rebellion" was not well prepared, or the forces behind Varys were very passive in the face of this sudden war. Many of their original plans were disrupted, and they had to come on stage in advance to "replace" him -

Renly learned from Varys that even if he had not kidnapped Viserys, the poor guy would have been "forced to disappear".


Renly continued to dig up secrets while rushing on the road, and the Far North Everwinter Land, far beyond the Great Wall, was also not quiet.

A large number of dead and resurrected corpses revived in the Everwinter Land and gradually spread to the human gathering places. Under a strange cold force, all humans killed by the corpses would also be resurrected afterwards!

The news spread quickly, and the wild people living in the Everwinter Land were full of panic. Compared with the south of the Great Wall, the wild people outside the Wall were more familiar with the legend of the White Walkers in ancient times.

And now, the legend has become a reality!

Completely different from someone's memory, after the White Walkers revived, their reckless killing made them expand rapidly, causing the wildlings to suffer heavy losses and had to flee urgently.

This matter is hidden and fatal, and is bound to have a profound impact on the current war situation in Westeros!

The original book is not finished, and some things cannot be confirmed. I can only write it according to the mainstream speculation on the Internet. Don't be too serious. In addition, I still owe 11 chapters after the update a while ago, but now the recommendation votes and rewards each add one chapter, and I owe two chapters on Double Eleven, so I still owe 14 chapters after this chapter~

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