The ship is majestic under your feet. Looking down the deck, you can see the divided clear waves constantly beating on both sides of the ship, causing waves of water to splash. At the same time, the water vapor fills the face and makes it look moist in the blink of an eye.

Looking up at the sky, the gloomy sky is like a gray curtain, blocking out all the brightness and making the already cool sea climate even colder.

"This seems a little different." There were some doubtful words coming from the side. The voice was pleasant, but a little childish. Looking sideways, Rhaenys, whose hair had returned to its original color, was standing beside her and looking at the sky as well. .

"What's different?" Renly asked strangely.

The slightly curly hair color in front of me is very strange, gold with silver, bright and beautiful, but also has a subtle mysterious temperament. However, this hair color matches her three-dimensional and exquisite facial features, and it is even more charming, and her blue eyes When the eyes blink, they seem to be full of autumn water, ripples of light, or naughty and teasing, smiling before saying anything.

It's hard to believe that a little girl in her teens can be so charming, and it's even more unimaginable to imagine how this girl will turn all living beings upside down when she grows up.

"The storm this time came too slowly." The sweet voice, like jade beads falling on a plate, was very clear, completely different from the hoarseness he had in his previous life.

"It's not necessarily a storm," Renly replied.

Not far away, a sailor heard the word storm and subconsciously turned his head to take a look, but he quickly lowered his head to avoid it and hurried past.

Not only this, but other sailors on the deck also deliberately avoided the area where Renly was.

On the way from the Iron Islands to the Riverlands to aid, the ship underfoot was naturally one of the Iron Fleet. Apart from the envoys, there were only Ironborn soldiers on board.

However, extreme beliefs prevent many soldiers from maintaining a normal mentality. In the past, Renly would attract a large number of people to worship him every time he came out. Later, he felt really awkward about this and did not want to stay in the cabin all the time, so he ordered the leader The captain restrained the sailors not to yell and yell, which resulted in a situation where everyone "shut away" when Renly appeared.

This is better than being entangled by a group of people, but don't expect anyone to come and talk to him. What's more, even the attitude of the people in the envoy group has changed. It's absolutely impossible not to talk to him. Not running over made Renly feel helpless.

Fortunately, the attitude of the girl next to her has not changed. In other words, as a freak, she knows some details about Renly, and she has been working tirelessly to hang out in front of Renly for the past two days, which is nothing more than another " The purpose of "boosting favorability"——

With the ability to channel the moment, Renly knew this very well. He had even figured out all the little thoughts of the person in front of him, but she was still unaware of it.

"I always feel that that kind of storm is very familiar, but I don't know why it is familiar." While leisurely watching the sea, the girl next to him glanced at Renly. The meaningful expression on her young face looked very interesting.

"Every time I go to sea, I encounter a storm." Renly explained in a voice that made the calm girl's expression change, and she looked slightly frightened.

"The storms come slowly and suddenly, but they are always very powerful. We have been to the sea together before, so it is not surprising that you feel familiar, because I almost died."

"Yes, yes." Rhaenys said with a slight embarrassment. She stepped away from Renly for a few steps, and she was no longer in the mood to "play with fire".

She did feel that the changes in the environment when the last storm came were very familiar, and because of the information she had obtained in the past, this familiarity was automatically classified as related to Renly. Now that she was testing it, it was obviously true, but the answer But it was so unprepared.

As a master of mysticism, even though she has some unique means of self-protection, she cannot compete with the power of nature. If she really encounters a storm, she cannot guarantee whether she will survive smoothly.

"Next time you go to sea, you must not stay with him." She secretly kept this matter in her heart, but Rhaenys did not see the slightly playful eyes of the young man next to her.

In fact, this is no longer the case.

In the process of the scepter mark on the left wrist being conceived, many chaotic powers disappeared, including the chaos mark, Naga fire, the power of the storm god, the ancient path seed mark... and the always-present in the attribute column. Curse of Embers trait.

The power that had always been there was absorbed. Now that there is no curse on Renly, there will naturally be no more storms. Saying this now is just to scare the other party——

A seemingly elegant and arrogant girl, in fact, she has a shameless spirit, and is more proficient in diplomatic methods to climb up the ladder, or it is called pushing the nose to the face.

For example, right now, after asking for answers related to the storm, she asked about military secrets seemingly casually.

"What are you going to do when the fleet lands?"

Renly didn't answer, didn't say anything perfunctory, just turned around and ignored him.

This look could be seen as pretending to be serious, or playing hard to get, but from the first contact to the present, Renly has always been in this attitude, making the girl secretly unhappy, but unable to be tough.

"That box has disappeared. Can you find me something else?" She said as she pushed a strand of hair that was blowing in the wind behind her crystal ears.

"Without that box, I'm so bored that I don't know what to do."

"I can be your prisoner quietly." Renly reminded her kindly, but the girl pretended not to hear and sighed, "Originally, I had already made some progress, but after you made such a noise, everything was gone... …What on earth did you do? Why did it suddenly disappear?”

Renly shrugged, unable to answer.

When the scepter was conceived that day, not only the mark of chaos disappeared, but also the strange box.

Renly suspected that the box might be one of the necessary ingredients to give birth to the world of death, but he had no way of knowing exactly what it was.

In other words, that kind of change is not controlled at all.

Obviously Renly's silence was taken as he didn't want to talk, but there were many things he didn't want to talk about, and Rhaenys didn't take it seriously, but her curiosity about him became even more serious.

Because of Renly's constant distorted answers, she now regards herself as a stupid woman in her previous life. If it weren't for this increasingly serious mentality of inquiry and learning, she would not stay here and suffer.

However, although she felt very embarrassed, Rhaenys was always willing to do it for the sake of a better future. Her entangled heart was very deep and she would never waver.

"I treat you sincerely. I don't believe you always have this attitude." She muttered secretly, and suddenly thought of something, "By the way, did you know that there is a very interesting black cat hanging around you all day long? "

"Black cat?"

Renly, who was looking at the ocean scene, was startled when he heard this, and then looked at her with a surprised expression, "Can you see it?"

"Why do you ask? I see it every day." The girl said in confusion, "It feels like you can't see it and keep ignoring it. How pitiful."

Thank you to Heath Ice Tea Book Friends and lussii Book Friends for your thousand rewards, and thank you to xiaotang24 book friends for your 100 rewards~

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