Renly hadn’t thought about the strange black cat for a long time.

First, he had been busy since he left the Tyrells. Second, the cat was missing all day. He would not ignore it in a short time, but it would be easy to forget it after a long time because it was an “air cat”.

But he didn’t expect that the person next to him could actually see it?

Renly was very surprised, so he told the details. Rhaenys also felt very strange after hearing it, because she didn’t use any means, and even thought that the cat could be seen by everyone.

He didn’t expect that it could be invisible?

She was very puzzled as to why she could see the cat, and even more curious about why the cat had the ability to be invisible, so she temporarily abandoned Renly and enthusiastically focused on the silent air.

Chasing, grasping, blocking, hugging... Every day, she fought wits and courage with the air. After the box, she found a new research object.

Time passed in this dull and interesting environment. The Iron Islands were not far from the Riverlands. Within a week, the shadow of the vast land was already visible.

Renly was also ready to go ashore in advance and communicate with the lords of the Riverlands.

Although he had sent ravens to communicate the matter of the Ironmen coming to help when he was in the Iron Islands, he did not tell the details. After all, letting the Ironmen enter the Riverlands was a far-reaching matter, and he, the Minister of Justice, had to personally dispatch them.

The target of the dispatch was mainly the Mallister family of Seabound City, because Seabound City was close to the west coast of Westeros and guarded the key road to the Riverlands, but it was the sworn enemy of the Iron Islands.

Renly had contact with the Mallister family ten years ago. At that time, the Ironmen attacked the city, and the heir of the Mallister family of Seabound City fled to the Twins. It was Renly who tricked the Twins into sending troops to rescue them. In addition, the current situation was tense and many things could not be taken care of.

So he was still sure about this matter.

As a result, when Renly got close to the shore, his heart sank.

The towering castle built by the sea has now fallen into the hands of the enemy!

Just as Renly was rushing to the riverlands, something that had a great impact on him was happening far away in King's Landing.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Pate, sir."

"Where are you from?"

"Beauty, sir."

"Why do you want to join us?"

"To make a living."

"Who is in your family now?"

"Uh... do you have to tell me about this too?"

The refugee resettlement square near the Lion Gate was crowded with people. In the sun, some people dressed as knights sat behind many desks, facing the long queues of refugees in front of the desks and constantly asking questions, and recording all kinds of information in their hands.

The refugees in the square were black and dense, and the number was no less than 10,000, but most of them were old, weak, sick and disabled, and could only watch and show envy or desire. Only a small number of them could queue up.

The Capital Rescue Team, which was approved and led by the Imperial Council and assisted by the church, has been in the works for a long time. Now, the basic framework has finally been established and people have started to be recruited.

Faced with this rescue organization that claims to provide food and drink, needs a large number of people, and has a certain salary, the refugees in the square who came from the riverland and can't even get enough food are naturally jealous.

Despite the jealousy, the order here is not chaotic. This is mainly because there are many golden robes in the square to maintain law and order, and there are also many monks to assist. More importantly, this organization called the Capital Rescue Team was initiated by the Duke of Dragonstone, Renly.

Publicity plus hard work made the Duke Renly very popular among the people, even higher than the king. Using his name to manage these people naturally has a certain deterrent effect.

But not everyone is cold to this.

As a refugee from Seaside City, Edmund had heard a lot about the Duke of Dragonstone, but unlike those who had fled from the Riverlands, he was skeptical that the Duke was a messenger sent by the gods.

Because he had never seen the Duke of Dragonstone take action, and had never even seen what he looked like. He just listened to the locals in King's Landing talking about it, but the locals were very repulsive to outsiders like them, so what they said was naturally not credible in his opinion.

But this did not affect Edmund's joining the organization called the Capital Rescue Team.

Unlike most people who joined to make a living, Edmund actually wanted to help refugees on the road.

As a refugee, Edmund clearly understood how many disasters he would encounter along the way, and how cruel it was for the old and weak. Even Edmund's sister died on the road because there was no food to eat, so she ate soil and died of bloating.

Edmund was very sad about this, but the sadness did not knock him down, but made him more resilient.

After arriving in King's Landing, he had no problem finding a job thanks to his relatively strong physique, and was even lucky enough to get a job as an apprentice in a blacksmith shop. But when he heard that the Capital Rescue Team was recruiting, he quit his job as a blacksmith apprentice without hesitation and chose to join.

Because no one knew the benefits of rescue better than him, and no one knew more clearly than him how important an additional rescuer would be to those poor refugees.

So he came here with the mentality that he had to join, and he had the confidence to do so.

The team gradually lined up, and Edmond, who was in the middle, gradually arrived at the front. He could clearly see that the knight who met them in front was a handsome young man with brown hair. He kept asking questions and wrote quickly on the paper with his hands.

Regarding whether he could join, Edmond listened carefully to the questions asked by the young knight, observed his words and deeds, and finally he had a better idea.

So when it was Edmond's turn, in addition to being asked the usual questions, he took the initiative to ask a question.

"Will the Duke protect us?"

This made the expressionless interviewer stunned, and then smiled at him.

"Of course."

Seeing this, Edmond turned around and left with confidence.

Sure enough, after a while, someone came to inform him that he had successfully joined the rescue team.

Edmond was very excited about this. He thought he could finally do something meaningful without worrying about basic life.

However, after joining, they did not leave the city immediately as he had imagined. Instead, they continued to train, and monks came to teach them some doctrines and literacy.

Edmund did not resist this, and those around him who joined for food naturally had no objection, so the days passed.

Three days, five days, ten days, gradually, Edmund, who was already in good health, became stronger and stronger. At the same time, because of his kind character and rational mind, he also became a team leader.

At the same time, the increase in training made Edmund's appetite increase, even more than half of others. Edmund was a little embarrassed, but the rescue team leaders did not limit how much he ate.

In this way, he became familiar with the cook.

"What are you eating today, Sam?"

"Of course, broth and black bread, Edmund. But I can secretly give you a piece of cheese, don't tell others."


During the question and answer, Edmund felt that the fat chef was a good person and was very satisfied with his current life. But what he was looking forward to more was leaving the city and doing his current job.

However, perhaps because they had not been properly trained, or perhaps there were other reasons, in short, half a month had passed and they were still not allowed to leave the city.

Instead, Edmund waited for a very strange change, a physical change -

His forehead glowed!

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