A strange man with a glowing forehead suddenly appeared in the newly formed capital rescue team. This matter could not be concealed at all, and it soon spread throughout the entire King's Landing.

A person can actually glow?

Is this magic or something else?

From the nobles to the common people, all those who knew about this matter could not hide their curiosity and swarmed to watch, which seriously affected the daily training of the rescue team. In the end, a large number of golden cloaks had to be sent to maintain law and order.

But the golden cloaks could resist ordinary civilians, but they could not prevent the nobles from entering the camp to observe. Therefore, although the number of onlookers decreased greatly, they still continued.

It was not until King Robert, who was busy with the war, heard about this that he invited the glowing Edmund into the Red Castle for all the courtiers in the throne room to watch together, and then the onlookers were basically resolved.

The whole process was a troublesome matter for the newly formed capital rescue team, and it was also the same for the parties involved. Edmund, who had great ambitions in his heart, was annoyed by this, and of course he was more panicked.

The light on his forehead was completely out of his control. He didn't know why he suddenly turned into a big torch when he was training privately at night.

This change was very exaggerated. Others were curious and watched, but those who were close to him avoided him, fearing that the light would be evil and harmful.

Edmond himself was also very scared. He even thought that he was seriously ill or cursed by some dark wizard because of the dizziness caused by constant disturbances. He was trembling and frightened every day, fearing that his head would suddenly explode with a bang after a certain time.

Fortunately, this did not happen. As time passed, other people in the rescue team had similar situations, so he gradually put his mind at ease--

Emond's team was classified as the third team of the capital rescue team, and a man named Mette in the fifth team could make the weapon in his hand shine after a certain day!

Before Edmund's matter was settled, the emergence of this incident caused a second turmoil in the entire King's Landing. After being summoned by the King of the Red Castle, Edmund diverted a lot of attention.

Then there were new changes one after another, such as Walter from the seventh team, Reisben from the tenth team, and Bilov from the first team...

These special personnel either glowed on their bodies or could make their equipment glow. Without exception, they all came from the Capital Rescue Team, an organization that was established not long ago.

At first, people were very curious about this, but gradually they became panicked, thinking that these mutants might be monsters.

This view was once quite popular, and even the nobles were panicked because of it. However, when the Archbishop of the Church learned about this and met these mutants in person, another saying quietly spread and completely eliminated people's fear -

These mutants are not monsters, but have won the favor of the gods in heaven, are the gospel of suffering believers, and are the messengers of the gods. They are warriors personally selected by Duke Renly to fight for the gods and protect the believers!

Because Renly was the messenger of the gods before, these people appeared in the capital rescue team organized to rescue refugees, and the organization was led by Renly and the church. Now with the endorsement of the archbishop and the propaganda of the church monks... this statement has basically become an established "fact" as soon as it appeared.

For a time, the church was in the limelight, and the Duke of Dragonstone was regarded by many people as a "demigod" walking on earth. Even the Baratheon family behind him was stained with holy light, becoming mysterious and noble, and some people were even more terrified and felt awkward.

"Will we be punished by the gods in heaven for having an affair behind Robert's back?"

A queen secretly found her brother, panicking.

"How can the gods have time to care about little people like us?" The blond James chuckled to comfort, but as a knight who believed in warriors, his smile was very reluctant, and he felt that this matter was getting more and more exaggerated.

"The gods don't care, but Renly has time. We--"

"We have already sent him away, don't worry, my dear sister. If that person really has the ability, he would have exposed us long ago."

"But I'm still afraid..."


King's Landing has a population of more than 500,000, and it is a capital city with a large flow of people. People from all over the country are everywhere. Since this incident has already happened, it is bound to spread throughout Westeros.

And those mutants in the rescue team, after the initial panic, are basically regarded as warriors sent by the gods. In addition to enjoying generous treatment, they are also entrusted with important tasks. After training, they lead their teams out of King's Landing and head towards the riverlands in the north.

The "brainwashing" of the church monks is very strong. Even the mutants themselves believe that they are really the people chosen by the gods. They are excited as if they were injected with chicken blood, and vow to successfully complete this mission.

But no one would have thought that it was not the gods who caused such a situation, but a cowardly fat chef in the city.

But even the little fat guy himself didn't quite understand the whole thing, and even confusedly thought that he had nothing to do with it, and he envied the guy with the shiny forehead.

Only Tob, the current head of the rescue team, knew a little about the inside situation, so he was not fooled by the church's weird remarks, but he was at a loss because he couldn't get the details.

After pondering for a long time, he still didn't understand what the situation was. He could only write a letter to explain the details clearly, and then use ravens to send a message, hoping that his master who went to the Iron Islands and seemed to be omnipotent could solve his doubts.

Unfortunately, when the raven arrived at the Iron Islands, Renly was no longer there.

The sea was filled with fog, and the huge fleet slowly drifted in a strait somewhere on the west coast of Westeros, looking at the huge castle vaguely visible on the land, and the red-bottomed black goat flag covering a wide area on the castle wall.

Victarion, the commander of the Iron Fleet, was discussing with some powerful captains and lords of the islands how to capture the castle called Sealand City. However, as a solid fortress that has resisted the invasion of the Ironmen for countless years, Sealand City is not something that can be taken down casually.

"There are many mountains in the West. It is impossible for us to take a detour from there. It will only slow down our speed. If the enemy discovers our whereabouts and attacks us, we will not be able to resist at all."

"Landing from the North is not possible either. Even with the cooperation of the northerners, it is not so easy to cross the Neck Swamp, so I think we should start from Haijiang City."

"Do we really have to attack by force?"


The geographical location of Hejian is special. The area in the north near the west coast of Westeros belongs to the North. There is a huge swamp and forest called the Neck Swamp blocking it. The side facing the sea is the West. However, the West is mountainous and not suitable for landing at all, especially not suitable for carrying a boat to travel.

If the Ironmen want to land smoothly without losing their long boats, only Hejian Haijiang City is the most suitable place, which is also the closest route to their target, Sancha River.

However, the castle was blocked and occupied by the enemy at this time. If they wanted to carry out the original plan, they could not bypass Haijiang City at all, so they could only attack by force.

But to what extent would the attack consume and how long would it take?

Even though they dispatched troops in response to the order of the Son of the Drowned God, the lords of the Iron Islands were not crazy enough to disregard everything. Not to mention that the Ironmen were not good at sieges, even if they were determined to attack, it was still unknown whether the enemy would have continuous reinforcements.

Of course, if the enemy had reinforcements, so might they. However, no matter what, it was not cost-effective to give up one's own strengths and use weaknesses to deal with the enemy.

"Maybe the Lord Son of God will have a way?" Someone suggested after struggling.

"Are you a waste? Does the Son of the Drowned God have to decide on this matter?" Another lord retorted.

"If there is a more convenient way, why not use it? You call me a waste? I think you are a brainless ass!"

"Well, then go ask?"



It's not easy to be a charlatan. Renly knew this long ago. However, since the people of the Iron Islands needed to send troops, he couldn't avoid the risk of meeting them.

However, Renly did have a breakthrough for this.

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