Obviously Renly would not have thought that his cheap sister-in-law who cheated on his brother was already scared and ready to do something before he had anything to do. He even said that he had not thought about King's Landing for a long time.

When he was away from home, problems came one after another. Since the arrival of the Lannister army, the research on meditation and the scepter came to an end, and Renly began to focus on the war itself.

Still in the siege, the enemy and us continued to fight, but under the continuous shouting and killing, we could faintly feel that the atmosphere of impending storm was getting stronger.

That was the call for the upcoming decisive battle.

The Lannister army was already in place, which proved that the counterattack of the Iron Throne would come soon, and the enemy seemed to be unaware of it, but Renly believed that they could not be unaware of the large-scale military deployment of the Iron Throne, and now they looked like they knew nothing, but they didn't know what to do.

"Maybe they will have foreign aid?" Renly guessed secretly, but he couldn't imagine what kind of foreign aid the enemy could mobilize. According to Rhaenys, the number of Targaryen troops this time was the limit of what the nine free trade cities could mobilize. If there were more, it would endanger the rule of the city-state itself.

So Renly used his psychic ability to possess a seagull and looked down to observe, and decided to find out.

Unfortunately, this kind of seabird caught casually was completely different from the bird he trained personally. It was very difficult to communicate with it, let alone easily control it.

And the bird he trained had already died in the process of kidnapping Targaryen.

Finally, after training it with great difficulty, Renly went out for a walk, and he didn't find any unusual movements from the enemy. He just saw that they had built fortifications on the periphery, as if waiting for the counterattack of the Iron Throne.

As a non-professional, Renly had no say in the current military measures, so he told the Lannister who came over about the enemy's reaction, and the other party was also suspicious after hearing it.

"There must be a conspiracy."

"What conspiracy could it be?" Renly asked.

"Maybe they are attracting our troops here, but are actually preparing to attack King's Landing?" The blond Lannister proposed a hypothesis. .

"King's Landing is not that easy to attack, right?" Renly was a little unconvinced.

From the beginning to the end, the defense arrangement of King's Landing has been the top priority. After all, it is easy to say that other places have fallen, but what is there to fight if the capital of a country has fallen?

Tygett didn't think so. He instinctively thought of his niece's letter, so he had some doubts, but after careful thinking, he thought that his niece could not be stupid enough to collude with the enemy.

After all, in a sense, the hatred between Lannister and Targaryen is deeper than that between Baratheon and Targaryen. After all, Baratheon was only forced to rebel, while Lannister was a betrayal that stabbed him in the back.

Besides, he knew that his niece, the queen, did not have much power in King's Landing, and could not cooperate with the enemy from inside and outside.

"What could it be?" he thought secretly.

The enemy wouldn't give up and do nothing, would they? Or were they confident that they could resist this counterattack?

Unable to predict the enemy's movements, this feeling made Tighet uncomfortable. He could only be more vigilant and secretly pray that no accidents would happen.

However, the gods in the sky didn't seem to hear his prayers this time, or the seven gods didn't give Renly face this time. When the defense of Haijiang City continued, the enemy's attack continued, when the reinforcements appeared on the distant horizon, and the counterattack plan was initially formed, an accident really happened-

The three-way encirclement was not achieved, and the army that came from the valley rebelled on the battlefield!

Being in the besieged Haijiang City, Renly and others could not move at all, but standing on the top of the castle, they could see from a distance that the surging torrent of knights did not rush to the enemy camp, but crashed into the reinforcements that should have belonged to the friendly forces!

At the same time, most of the troops behind the siege of Haijiang City also gave up the front line here and turned to join the attack!

For a while, the war in the distance was chaotic. The posture of encirclement suddenly turned into being surrounded. The situation was tragic. Although the distance was far, there were faint sounds of horse hooves and shouts of fighting and killing!

Standing on the top of the tower and looking at the chaos, Renly squinted unconsciously.

Even though he knew that there were still some traitors in the Vale that had not been cleared, he had never thought that such a drastic change would happen.

In Renly's cognition, although the Vale could not be said to be loyal to Baratheon, it was also very reliable.

The Arryn family behind the Prime Minister has ruled the Vale for thousands of years, and its prestige in the Vale has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. And his cheap brother Robert is the adopted son of the contemporary Arryn family, and has a good relationship with many lords in the Vale.

It is not surprising that one or two Vale lords rebelled. After all, Baratheon could not take care of everyone's emotions and interests, but such a large-scale rebellion was very strange, not to mention that they did not receive any wind! ?

"What happened?" Renly was full of confusion.

"Perhaps they were blinded by magic?" Rhaenys, who had "come out of retreat" after hearing the noise, stood beside Renly at this time, looking at everything in the distance, her face looked very relaxed, even a little gloating.

"What are you going to do?" she asked curiously.

"Let's see what happens." Renly replied.

The planned decisive battle has now suddenly turned into a counter-harvest, and the army, caught off guard, is obviously not in good shape.

The situation is not good, and there are even signs of defeat. If the enemy really wins this battle, then it will be difficult to lock the enemy in the riverlands with a great loss of strength.

In other words, after this time, the enemy is very likely to break the current dilemma and truly invade the entire continent!

This is bound to bring serious consequences, because the enemy is full of Dothraki cavalry, and if these cavalry can let go of their hands and feet to burn, kill and plunder, it will be a disaster for the civilians and nobles of the Seven Kingdoms.

"We must stop them." Renly frowned and thought.

Although he thought that even if the enemy broke the situation, he had a back-up plan to make them retreat again, such as restoring the Holy Sword Knights in a crisis and threatening the Dothraki to withdraw like threatening the Qohor.

But this kind of thing cannot be done in a short time.

The situation in the riverlands was already bad enough. The presence of a large number of refugees made Renly fully aware of the consequences of this war. If the war spread to other areas, how serious would the casualties be?

The nomadic peoples were too destructive, and the entire Westeros would probably be seriously injured.

But how to stop it?

Renly's mind was full of thoughts.

The distance was too far, and not all enemies under the sea city had evacuated. The army in the city could not break through to support in a short time, and his own ability could not achieve remote deterrence.

The seven gods on his wrist could not do anything, because the power that the seven gods could exert was always limited by his wrist, and it was impossible to do it from a long distance.

The only way to strike the enemy from a distance seemed to be to threaten the enemy gods, but it had not been long since the last time the Qohor people were forced to retreat. This kind of attack had a certain "cooling time", otherwise Renly would have started aiming at the second target.

What to do?

As his mind turned, Renly stared at the enemy in the distance, and a somewhat unreliable method gradually took shape in his mind.

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