If there is anything I have learned during this period besides meditation, it is that I have stronger control over the world of death behind the scepter.

What makes this strong performance is that Renly can summon more dead souls to appear in front of him.

This may be due to the recent frequent wars and the death of too many ironmen. Maybe it is because after mastering the scepter and summoning the souls of the dead, such a breakthrough naturally occurred. In short, unlike the situation where he could only summon one at the beginning, now Blue Li can summon a large group of people, and if he wants to, he can summon all the dead souls in the world of death!

It's just that this kind of undead soul is useless in Renly's opinion, because they can't touch the physical body. If you insist on using them to attack, it can only bring a feeling of sinister wind, but there is no way to harm others.

But being useless doesn't mean it's completely useless. At least, using them to scare people, or scare a group of people, seems to be a good way for now.

With this thought in mind, Renly, who was standing on the wall, ignored the blank stares of the people around him, held his left hand empty, and a black scepter appeared in his hand.

Then, under the horrified gaze of others, Renly raised his scepter and pointed it forward. A burst of blue light suddenly burst out from the crystal on the top of the scepter, and then translucent ghost figures appeared one after another and swarmed away!

There was an endless stream of ghost figures. After they appeared, they ran towards the enemy along the city wall. There were few at first, but within a few breaths they became densely packed. At a glance, it seemed as if sea water was spreading from the top of the wall and pouring over them!

However, if you look closely, you can see the horrifying faces one after another, as well as the body of death dressed in rags.

The enemies below who were besieging the city and blocking the reinforcements were stunned by this, but then they started screaming in a panic. Visible to the naked eye, the enemy's encirclement line outside the city quickly retreated to avoid them.

In the gloomy environment, the ghosts seemed to glow faintly, and their faces were particularly clear against the background. The situation was so unique that there was an uproar on the city wall. Looking at the army of dead souls pouring out from the top of the wall, no one could remain calm. Many ironmen knelt on the ground with excitement on their faces——

Just because they can clearly see that these dead souls are ironmen, or in other words, these are their dead tribesmen, and now they have come to the world of the living to fight for them!

The Ironborn were excited and fanatical, and the soldiers from the West could not empathize with this. They were more frightened, and at the same time they were even more frightened by Renly who used such methods——

Compared to King's Landing and the Iron Islands, although people in the West have heard about Renly's reputation, in this world where information circulation is not developed, this kind of hearing is just hearsay, and the impression is actually very vague.

Now that they saw this horrifying phenomenon, they didn't have much psychological defense at all. It was like an ordinary person seeing a ghost. Even though they seemed to be friendly forces, they were all frightened to the point of turning pale and trembling all over, for fear that they would die. After those dead people show up.

Looking around, only Rhaenys next to Renly was calm, or could maintain the surface of calm, but her beautiful light blue eyes were also wide at the moment, looking sideways at Renly, that As the crystal light of the scepter in Renly's hand flickered, her uncertain little face turned blue and white, and the emotions in her heart were as complex as her face.

After meditating last time, she remembered some past life memories, not many, but they were all related to the person next to her. She had already thought that she had a general understanding of Renly.

But at the moment, it seems that this understanding is not enough at all. How many methods does this seemingly mysterious being in front of him have that others don't know?

"Sooner or later I will hollow you out, and sooner or later I will have this power!"

She secretly encouraged herself and looked forward to everything in the future.

In her opinion, since the person next to her has begun to teach her, the relationship between the two parties has entered a new stage. This master-disciple status seems to have been established. Now that her "master" is so powerful, she naturally becomes more... Be inspired.

It's a pity that she doesn't know that most of the methods of people around her are not her own. The energy of killing gods is the result of external force, and now the huge number of dead souls released is also an external force.

In other words, Renly, who possesses the scepter, only has the authority to open and manage that world. However, this authority and the world of death represented behind it cannot actually be regarded as Renly's own power.

Of course, the difference is subtle, but at least it is impossible for Renly to teach this ability to others.

People around him had different emotions because of Renly's behavior, but the person involved did not pay attention to them, but kept staring at the countless dead souls he had released.

The ghost army composed of dead souls was like a blue sea that spread rapidly under the gloomy sky. In an instant, it swallowed up the besieging soldiers under the city. Screams of fear came one after another, and the figures fleeing in panic were as small and humble as countless ants in the water. No matter how you run, you can't escape the "spreading water color" around you.

The footsteps of panic were messy, and some soldiers who were "engulfed" were so scared that they collapsed on the ground. Many people who were fleeing in front looked back while running. Some ran faster because of this, while others were faced with the horror of the fast approaching. The faces closed their eyes involuntarily and trembled without resisting. However, when they were really "swallowed", they did not feel any pain except for the gusts of cold wind.

This situation made the soldiers besieging the city at a loss, and they even stood there in a daze, unable to react at all. However, as time passed, as the translucent beings around them passed by quickly, their bodies, which were weak due to fear, gradually recovered their strength. The people who had collapsed on the ground before also stood up with trembling legs, staring at the illusory figures that ignored them in all directions, and their nervous expressions were relieved.

Some brave soldiers even raised their arms to touch the ghosts that passed by quickly, but they only felt a gust of cold wind, and nothing else, and they didn't even attract the attention of these ghosts.

"Lord of Light, bless me, I'm still alive!"

"I'm scared to death..."

"They don't care about us at all."

"What are these?"


The voices of lingering fear rang out one after another. After realizing that the spreading army of dead souls was harmless, everyone under the city breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the emotions of these people could not be conveyed to the enemies fighting in the distance, or rather, the seemingly large army of ghosts had already torn the chaotic battlefield in the distance into pieces.

Whether they were enemies or friends, whether they were fighting or not, when they saw the sea of ​​ghosts swarming out of Haijiang City, they all fled in horror!

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