When Renly went north, the Riverlands were still in the cleaning up stage after the war, cleaning up the remaining enemy forces and restoring the original social order.

The war between the two continents was limited to the area between the rivers, and the destructive power caused was very serious. Among other things, the originally dense crops in the river areas were basically destroyed and plundered, and the rich people in the wild All the manor villages and villages were completely destroyed, and most of the poorly defended and crudely constructed castles were captured by foreign enemies.

The population of the civilian class was greatly reduced, and many people among the nobles also died. Even Hoster Tully, Duke of the Riverlands, died in this not long but extremely cruel war.

At this time, the Duke of the Riverlands was succeeded by Edmure, the son of Duke Hoster. Now he is leading the army in the Riverlands and the royal army to jointly encircle and suppress the traitors——

Although the enemy retreated, the traitors in Hejian did not follow.

When Renly left the Twins, several traitorous nobles were negotiating with House Tully and the Iron Throne. In order to atone for his sins by ceding territory and paying compensation, rather than giving up his status and power in Westeros and facing expulsion.

Renly didn't pay attention to the specific situation, because no matter how bad the outcome of the negotiation was, there would be no surprises.

Before leaving, he was always thinking about the two things at hand.

The placement of werewolves is very simple. You only need to choose an uninhabited land and report it to the Iron Throne. Westeros is very large, and the population is not large enough to cover all parts of the continent. There are many such uninhabited lands. The werewolves' final choice was an island in the river.

The issue of "remuneration" in the Iron Islands is in a stalemate. The main reason is that if they want to let them pass through the Sancha River, they must obtain the consent of the Tully family in the riverlands.

Therefore, before Renly left, he wrote a letter to Edmure, the current Duke of the River, but Edmure Tully hesitated about this letter.

"Forging an alliance with the Iron Islands to intimidate the four lords... This method is somewhat interesting." He told the family manager in the camp tent.

"The Ironborn are greedy and cruel and cannot be trusted." The gray-haired old steward shook his head upon hearing this.

"I don't trust the Ironborn either, but if there is Lord Renly's guarantee..." Holding the letter, the red-haired new Duke was really hesitant.

The Tully family's rule over the Riverlands has never been very stable. It can be seen from the situation of this war that several nobles have betrayed the Tully family and even Baratheon. Those who have not betrayed have not been able to coordinate their armies. Not so smooth.

If this war hadn't affected the entire Seven Kingdoms, and the armies from the Riverlands were simply used to defend against the enemy, they probably wouldn't have been able to withstand the enemy for even one day.

Now that his father died in this war, how should he, the new Duke, manage his lords?

If an alliance could be made with the Ironborn of the Iron Islands...

Edmure was a little moved by this.

Although it is said to be a lord of the river, lordship refers to status, not that all the territory in the riverlands belongs to the Tully family. In fact, the Tully family's fiefdom is limited to the area around the family castle Riverrun. Each other territory has its own lord.

Therefore, even if the ironborn of the Iron Islands are allowed to sail into the Sancha River, there will be no loss of profits for the Tully family. If the ironborn are really sincere in developing business as stated in the letter, then the Tully family can even gain more from it. part of the tax.


Will the ironborn be so honest?

On the one hand, the old impression made the young Duke hesitate. On the other hand, there were many rumors about how the Ironborn followed the Baratheon fanatically.

The impulsiveness of his personality made Edmure want to resolutely agree to this, but the risks that could be seen in the future pushed this idea back to the bottom of his heart again and again. After thinking for a while, he finally made up his mind.

"Let's see what the Iron Throne decides first!"

However, after settling on this idea, he felt a little uneasy, so after thinking about it, he simply ran to the study room to write a letter to his sister in the north to ask for advice.

Renly naturally didn't know what happened after his death, as he was busy rushing to the north at this time.

Regarding the resettlement of the Ironborn, he couldn't force it. Speaking of King's Landing alone, he was sure that even if he made some "unreasonable" requests, they might be accepted. But this matter was not only a matter for King's Landing, but also for Hejian. land.

The royal power of Westeros is not as good as what I remembered from my previous life. If you want to issue decrees in territories outside the royal territory, you must have the consent of the local lord.

Renly's reputation in the river is not as strong as that in King's Landing. Even some lords in remote areas of the river may not have heard of him. After all, the current world is not the information age. The speed of news circulation is very slow, and most of it is difficult to be true or false. distinguish.

At the same time, Renly also heard that Edmure, the newly appointed Duke of the Riverlands, was an indecisive person, and there was really little hope that he would accept the views in his letter.

"How long do we have to go?"

While riding on horseback along the forest road, a clear voice came from beside him. It was the follower Rhaenys. Now she was sitting astride a docile bay pony, sitting boredly on Renly's left side. Looking at the green sky above.

"It's still early. If you don't want to rush, you can go back first." Renly said while glancing at her.

The letter from Braavos did not make this girl leave. It seemed that this girl who was deeply bound to him was planning to stay. Renly did not force her to leave, or he could not force her to leave. He would not tie her up and send her back.

In fact, Renly actually enjoyed the days with her. Apart from anything else, he finally had someone to talk to. Otherwise, no one else could communicate with him normally.

"Do you think that the green prophet really knows that kind of thing?" Rhaenys instinctively ignored the second half of Renly's sentence, and her face was full of curiosity as if she had thought of something.

"You have to ask to know." Renly replied.

The girl asked about the connection between the historical timeline and the current world. Because they were both ancient people, Renly did not hide his purpose of looking for the Three-Eyed Raven, and claimed that he wanted to figure out this problem.

"Can you really find him?" The girl asked again.

"We'll know after we look for it."

"We're not going here in vain, are we?"

"If you're afraid of this, then you should go back first."

"...Aren't you tired of wearing this armor all day?"

"The war has just ended. If there's any danger, there's no time to put it on now, so I can only--"

At this point, Renly frowned suddenly, then raised his hand to signal, and the group of knights and iron soldiers following behind him stopped immediately.

"Sir, what happened?" A brown-haired knight rode up and asked.

His name is Moore, a knight from the West. He admired Renly very much because of the fact that the army of the dead souls of the Sea Border City dispersed the enemy that day. Later, when he heard that Renly was going to the North, he volunteered to escort him all the way with his family's army and knights.

"There is an ambush ahead." Renly answered with a serious face, "There are many of them, prepare to break out!"

Unlike being in the army, he was always alert when he was rushing to the North. He even used his telepathic ability to connect with a flying bird's mind, so some things could not escape his eyes.

After hearing this, Moore was stunned, and then he turned around and gave orders without hesitation, so the formation of the team, which was originally a little scattered, changed immediately.

The contact time was not long, but he was very convinced of Renly. Now that Renly said so, it must be true--

Sure enough, not long after, they encountered thousands of ambushes in the forest!

Thank you Meiliqiangwudi for the 5,000 reward, thank you Heath Bingcha and Yebailiangxiangyi for the 1,000 reward,

Thank you xiaotang246 for the 200 reward, thank you Di丨Yutiandi for the 100 reward~

Also, I stopped updating for two days and didn’t post a single chapter, because I said before that the recent updates would be unstable, but it seems that I didn’t explain it clearly, sorry...

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