The chaotic sound of fighting continued to sound from the dense forest, scaring many flocks of birds in the shade of the forest to fly away in a hurry. On a straight sentinel tree far away from the battlefield, Andel, wearing a neat vest and trousers, stared at the blurry and cruel ambush scene with a monocular telescope and couldn't help squinting his eyes.

He was a Myr from the Free City. After the invasion of Westeros failed, Andel was originally planning to return to his hometown by boat with other fellow countrymen, but before he actually boarded the ship, he suddenly received an order to stay in Westeros and lead a thousand Unsullied soldiers to ambush and kill a member of the Baratheon royal family.

This order came very abruptly, but Andel then learned some details. It is said that the target is related to the Old Days Gate they have been looking for for a long time.

Andel actually disagreed with this. The rulers of Myr kept talking about oracles, but he had never heard of the gods appearing in front of the world, and he didn't know whether the so-called oracles were true or false.

Relatively speaking, he believed that this war launched in the name of looking for the gate was just a coordinated action between the nine free trade cities, and the purpose was naturally out of the ambition to occupy the sunset land of Westeros.

"It's a pity that I can't see how capable I am." Thinking of this, he curled his lips in disdain.

The nine free trade cities have their own hatreds, and a rash alliance will not have a good result. Andel had this idea before the war.

This is indeed the case. The war was nothing at the beginning, but now it has encountered a major setback. This so-called alliance has collapsed all of a sudden, and no one can save it-it can only be said that the moment the war started, the result was doomed.

But... obviously it has failed, why do you still ask me to stay here to kill any targets related to the Old Days Gate?

Staring at a tall figure in green armor and violent movements deep in the battlefield, Andel really couldn't understand the order issued by the top.

Even though I heard that the man named Renly had some strange skills, there was no sign that he was related to the door, right?

Or what exactly is that door?

"Who cares? Maybe some people just want revenge." Andel thought with relief.

It seems to be true when you think about it. Although the reason for the failure of the war was the instability within the alliance, if it weren't for the accident in that decisive battle, they might have had a chance to succeed.

And the failure of that battle was not because of the besieged green-armored knight at the moment?

If that guy hadn't cast that weird illusion, the alliance army might have been galloping under the wall of the capital of Westeros now, right?

However, now they can only flee in disgrace, and have to endure the blockades of Westeros one after another. The army is constantly decreasing, even two-thirds less than in its heyday.

Under such a tragic defeat, it is understandable that some city-state leaders angrily decided to retaliate.

"But what's the use of this? Failure is failure."

With such a sigh, Andel thought that there would be no accidents with the target that was already in the encirclement, so he simply put down the telescope and climbed down the sentinel tree. Seeing this, a deputy immediately approached.

"How is the ambush going, sir?"

"What else can we do?" Andel waved his hand and replied, "We'll go after it's over, hoping to catch him alive."

There are nearly a thousand elite Unsullied warriors ambushing here, while the enemy is only three hundred miscellaneous troops. Even if that guy named Renly has some special means, he can't fight against such a gap.

Relatively speaking, he is more concerned about whether he can successfully board the ship to leave Westeros after completing this mission.

The stage of the large-scale evacuation of the army after the defeat has passed, and the scattered soldiers remaining in Westeros have no one to pick them up. Now that the Westeros people have blocked the coasts everywhere, it is not so easy to retreat, even if the top leaders promised to come to pick them up.

However, Andel had already made corresponding preparations, just because he was cautious by nature and did not trust the top leaders of those city-states very much.

"I can't go to the northern route for now. With so many soldiers, it's not easy to go anywhere else. I can only sneak along the beach on the other side of the valley..." He secretly thought about how to act next, but before he could figure out his idea, he suddenly heard a special noise coming from the direction of the battlefield not far away. He looked up and his face changed drastically.

"How did he find me - how did he break through!?"

There was no time to think about these questions. Seeing a tall knight in green armor leading a group of enemies rushing on foot, Andel hurriedly called on the surrounding Unsullied guards to cover him, and he turned around and ran.

Although he was sent by the top leaders to carry out this mission, Andel was not an expert in charging into battle. He was good at thinking about methods and strategies, but it was difficult for him to engage in bloody battles with others.

His steps were fast, and the shouts of killing behind him became louder and louder. The guards behind him loyally used their lives to carry out the tasks assigned by Andel, but they seemed to be unable to hold on.

While running in panic, Andel couldn't help but look back, and saw that the target in green armor was now fiercely waving a two-handed sword. His movements were violent but swift, and every attack brought out a shrill scream and burst of blood!

There were Unsullied soldiers wielding spears to fight back, but they were unable to break through the defense of the man's green-glazed armor. At the same time, he didn't know whether it was dazzling, but he faintly noticed that the ferocious existence was quietly blooming with a layer of golden light that seemed to be substantial. And on its sharp weapon, there is a blue ghost flickering, and a ferocious face seems to appear every time it is swung!

"This man is too scary!" Secretly frightened, Andel no longer paid attention to what was behind him and ran quickly, hoping to escape from the battlefield quickly.

As a result, not long after running, a pale shadow suddenly passed in front of his eyes. Then, before Andel could react, he felt a sharp pain in his left eye. He subconsciously covered his face and screamed, and there was a sound of wind behind him. Then, there was severe pain from the impact on the back of his head, which made him stagger, and finally fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Lord Andel!" The deputy who was following him was shocked when he saw this, and helped him stand up. Unfortunately, the enemy behind him who threw out his weapon had already run over at this moment. He was obviously wearing full armor, but he was faster than them. be quick!

Seeing this, the only two Unsullied guards hurriedly turned around to stop them, but they failed to withstand the opponent's fierce counterattack. They died tragically in just a few breaths. The tall figure in dark green armor stepped over quickly and pulled out his deputy. He slapped his hand aside, grabbed Andel by the back of his neck, and pulled him up from the ground.

"How did you find me!"

Covering his bleeding left eye, Andel turned his head and roared in disbelief. Unfortunately, the other party did not answer him, but just picked up his back collar and slammed it against the tree trunk on the side, directly knocking Andel into it. Fainted.

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