The bachelors later recorded mostly the same words, such as the new king's outstanding demeanor, the elegant and noble demeanor of the lords, etc., but in fact, many things happened on the day of King Robert's coronation.

First, when the team passed by Flea Bottom, someone threw a pile of feces from the third floor and hit the back of Duke Tywin, who was in the front of the team and wearing gorgeous armor. The scarlet cloak embroidered with a proud lion was immediately contaminated and unbearable to look at. Then some of the splashed liquid even rebounded to the face of a brother behind him. The surroundings were in uproar, and the angry roar attracted the attention of the whole team.

At the same time, among the people watching on both sides, no one knew who made a long beast shout. The sound was intermittent and aroused people's reverie, as if satirizing something.

The always steady Duke Tywin was gloomy by this series of situations, while the new king Robert was furious and ordered a strict investigation of the people nearby to find out who was disrupting his coronation ceremony.

After a commotion, several people were arrested, but it was not possible to determine who was the real culprit, which also delayed the journey.

The team continued on the road after a while, but not long after, a disheveled woman hurried over and began to shout a name outside the blockade of the golden cloaks. So a short man following the Duke of the North rode his horse to approach, but soon he ran back with a changed face and said something, then left the team and left in a panic.

Eddard Stark did not leave with him, but this iron brother of Robert seemed very absent-minded during the rest of the journey.

Later, the team also encountered a sloppy drunkard who urinated on the street, and an old beggar who was not mentally normal ran up and begged loudly.

Several prostitutes hid behind the windows of the wooden buildings on both sides, exposing their breasts and seducing the knights passing by on the street below. As a result, they were seen by Stani, who was in a bad mood because of the previous incident. So he went to find the commander of the capital guard who was responsible for the security of King's Landing on the spot and sternly demanded that this unruly "troublemaking" brothel be closed.

However, all this barely affected the overall itinerary of the team. After a whole afternoon of "smooth" patrol, the team began to return to the Red Castle, and the coronation ceremony was completely over.

A grand dinner followed.

The butler had started to prepare for this banquet several days ago. In the next two days, King's Landing would hold a tournament to celebrate the coronation of the new king. Therefore, a group of knights were eager to talk loudly with the people around them, vowing to have a good time at the banquet and the tournament.

Then someone discovered that the king's younger brother Renly had been unconscious in the carriage for an unknown period of time. His body was cold and his face was pale, as if he was seriously ill.

After another round of chaos, the seriously ill boy was sent back to Maegor's Tower, and Grand Maester Pycelle hurriedly followed.

The banquet in the Red Castle was not affected by this and was still held as usual, but a gust of wind that night suppressed the excitement of the banquet to the lowest point. The wind outside was howling, and although the banquet inside was quite noisy, it also seriously affected the atmosphere.

The heavy rain that came not long after made the banquet fall into a trough.

The heavy rain came violently, and the lords and nobles in the core of the hall were not affected at all. They still ate and laughed as usual, but the open-air seats outside and some small nobles near the edge of the hall were drenched by the heavy rain. When the banquet ended, the ambition of some groups to have a big meal had long been forgotten, and they turned to worry about whether they would catch a cold.

Not to mention, several people really caught a bad cold afterwards.

The rainstorm continued on the second day, and the roars in the gloomy sky sounded one after another. The rain washed the stone brick surface with a rustling sound, but it became a crackling sound when it was poured on the muddy road.

This rain seriously affected the martial arts competition that was scheduled to be held later, and it also suppressed the solemn atmosphere that should have been there for the coronation of the new king to the lowest point. The only thing worth affirming is that the air in King's Landing became much clearer because of the rainstorm, and it was not as smelly as before.

This seemed to silently imply that this new dynasty might face some storms in the future, and it seemed that the gods in the sky felt the establishment of the Baratheon Dynasty and took the initiative to send rain to help wash away the dirty silt that once existed in the capital of the Seven Kingdoms.

In short, there are all kinds of gossips in the streets, just look at which side you sit on.

At this time, the year 283 of the Conquest calendar has entered the dust of history. It has been 284 years since the coronation of the new king. There seems to be a storm in the sea east of King's Landing, and even the rain has continued for several days.

Afterwards, Grand Maester Pycelle claimed that the storm in the narrow sea in the east might be the biggest storm in the history of Westeros.

Then another rumor began to spread - the Storm King usurped the throne and would bring endless storms and rains to the Seven Kingdoms.

However, the sky was clear for more than ten days after the storm, and this rumor gradually disappeared.

King Robert took office, and the Seven Kingdoms had to deal with everything that needed to be done, and all the previous promises or decisions needed to be truly implemented at this moment.

Territory allocation, courtier adjustment, recruitment and dispatch of tax collectors from all over the country…

Many of the nobles who had gathered in the capital dispersed after the rainstorm stopped and returned to their homes, but there were still people from each family staying in King's Landing, because King Robert would marry Cersei, the daughter of Duke Tywin of the Westerlands, in the near future. The wedding would be very lively and they must not be absent.

Amid the busyness in the Red Castle, the intelligence chief Varys delivered a message.

In the storm, the royal fleet of the former royal family Targaryen gathered on Dragonstone Island suffered heavy damage and was no longer a concern. Now the defenders of Dragonstone Island are ready to surrender to the new Baratheon Dynasty and sincerely hope that the royal army will rush to accept them as soon as possible.

So the fleet, which had not yet been fully formed, headed towards Dragonstone Island under the leadership of Stannis Baratheon.

Unfortunately, when they arrived at the island, the Targaryen family on the island had already left.

This incident made King Robert, who was full of hatred for the "dragon remnants", very angry. He even reprimanded his second brother Stannis for his poor performance. The new Prime Minister Jon Arryn, who was watching from the side, also had doubts about this.

A while ago, although the rumor was basically attributed to the unwilling mentality of Duke Mace of the River Reach, the confession provided by the captives they captured was not the case. Instead, he mentioned another name.

And this name has a clear connection with the current heir of the kingdom in front of him.

The prisoner died in prison that night after he gave his name. There were not many clues, and the Tyrell family took the initiative to stand up at that time. In contrast, Duke Jon was more likely to believe that everything was the Tyrell family's fault, rather than the kingdom's heir Stannis's dirty hands and feet.

But despite this, a certain suspicion still remained in his heart, and it would always emerge every now and then, making him ponder.

The change of dynasties still seems to be unable to escape the corruption of power. Under the vigorous vitality, there are still undercurrents. I wonder where this troubled Westeros continent will lead.

However, one thing happened, which diluted some of the atmosphere in the castle.

After sleeping for more than half a month, King Robert's younger brother Renly finally woke up.

Thank you to the book friends 5555556, the book friends who are free and easy, the book friends who wake up that day, and the book friends 20180621201430293 for the 500 reward, thank you to the book friends Harry Bofei for the 200 reward, thank you to the book friends who don't need electronic music and the book friends who are old and wretched for the 100 reward~

In addition, the next chapter will be updated earlier.

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