Complex dreams continued one after another. Sometimes he was struggling and drowning in the turbulent sea, and sometimes he was engulfed by the flames of a ferocious dragon. The fierce storm tortured the tiny figure on the surface of the sea, and the dragon's fire burned him into a pile of dust.

In addition, sea monsters, swimming fish, thunder, rainstorms...

Countless scenes came and went, like the tides, repeating and entangled.

Immersed in various dreams, Renly's thoughts could not help but drift with him, his thoughts were scattered and could not be condensed, and he didn't know whether he was awake or dreaming.

At first, this situation continued to be very serious, but then it gradually subsided. The storm slowly dissipated, the dragon spread its wings and flew away, and finally all the dreams turned into bubbles and dissipated. Renly only felt a darkness emerging, and then the scattered thoughts gradually condensed into shape.

His senses were also restored.

The surroundings were very quiet, but his sensitive ears could hear a series of trivial noises, including the chirping of birds, the sound of people talking, the sound of mops rubbing against the ground, and naturally the sound of people's footsteps.

He had no strength in his body, and his dry lips made him lick them with his tongue. A sour and bitter taste was thus felt in his mouth. The taste seemed familiar, as if it was the residue of some kind of medicine.

He slowly opened his eyes, and the familiar ceiling and exquisite bed curtains allowed him to quickly confirm that this was his room. He turned his head slightly and looked around. There was no one here except himself.

However, he saw a few shriveled gray-black leeches lying motionlessly on the silver tray on the bedside table, which made Renly, who had just woken up, startled and his mind immediately became much clearer.

He then raised his arm and found that there were indeed some abnormal red and swollen marks on it, but at this time Renly did not pay much attention to this situation, but stared at his skinny arm in a daze.

The child's arms were thin to begin with, and the one in front of him, though not skin and bones, looked very thin, totally different from the chubby one he had eaten before.

"How long has it been?"

The boy, who was deeply trapped in the feather bed, couldn't help but think of this question.

Renly didn't remember what happened before he fell asleep. He only remembered that it was the day when his cheap brother was crowned, and then he fell asleep in a daze, and then he had continuous dreams...

But now thinking back, those dreams were also hazy and he couldn't remember them.

He felt like he had only slept for one night, but the current situation was definitely not the case.

Why did this happen?

Renly immediately thought of the dragon egg he had eaten before, which had no reaction at first.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, then barely stood up and leaned against the head of the bed, and his eyes followed to the silver-plated round mirror embedded in the wall opposite the bed.

A pale and skinny young face came into view, looking much more haggard than normal, with hair much longer, and bangs clinging to the forehead due to sweat stains, looking wilted.

Renly found that his hair seemed to be darker than before, and the color of his eyes was a little different, but the information that emerged immediately made him temporarily abandon these concerns and focus on the "attribute bar" on the mirror.

[Racial level: LV2]

[Profession: Bard]

[Professional level: entry level]

[Professional characteristics: sensitive to rhythm]

[Knowledge: Heraldry LV7, Swimming LV7, Archery LV5]

[Knowledge: Poison making LV5, Dagger mastery LV5, Fishing LV2, Horse riding LV2…]

[Derived characteristics: Psychic emblem, Valyrian blood (mutation), Curse of Embers]

The racial level became 2, and swimming inexplicably upgraded to one level. There was no change in the others, but the last characteristic made him frown.

Two more, two less?

No, since swimming has reached level 7, it should also derive a characteristic, which means three less...

Thinking, his eyes focused on the replaced characteristic.

Originally, this was just a subconscious behavior of Renly, but he didn't expect it to have a new change.

After focusing his eyes, he saw the original foggy information on the round mirror slowly fade away, and a new line of text reappeared-

[Valyrian blood (mutation): The weak Valyrian blood in your body has merged the power of curse and derived characteristics, your physique has been enhanced, you have some mysterious characteristics that come with your blood, you have the ability to survive in the underwater world and illusion mimicry, but it will cause some unnecessary trouble]


This sudden explanatory text made Renly stunned for a while, and then he couldn't help but look at another one.

[Curse of Embers: You have some remnants of curse power hidden in you, which makes you immune to most curse effects, but when you are in the sea, you have a small chance of triggering a storm]


Blood awakening, fusion, mutation... Although these things are a bit strange, Renly can still understand them, but the appearance of the curse makes him frown unconsciously.

When he was in the dungeon, the strange storm had long made him suspicious, but there was no clue. Now it seems that the storm was obviously not triggered by accident or unintentionally, it was a curse.

But the question is, who cursed him? Or, what is it?

He was alert, but before he could think carefully, he suddenly heard a trivial noise in his ears. He looked down and saw a black cat walking out from under the bed.

At first, it didn't notice that someone was looking at it. It stretched on the light green carpet and yawned, then sat there and began to lick its fleshy front paws.

But while licking, its movements suddenly stagnated, and then its head slowly turned to look at the head of the bed.

The loud and sharp cat cry seemed to be frightened by something, but it seemed that a cat was expressing joy. With a burst of noise, the guards outside the door hurriedly pushed the door open, and then excited shouts immediately rang out from inside and outside the room.

"Hurry, hurry up, Master Renly is awake!"


The awakening of the king's younger brother caused a stir in the busy Red Castle. The patient regained consciousness, Grand Maester Pycelle hurried over to check on him, and the servants were busy preparing food and nutritional supplements.

The atmosphere of joy and relaxation spread in a small circle, and soon after, Renly's two cheap brothers came one after another and stayed with him for a long time.

The new king had a generous smile on his face, and his sincere laughter and joyful eyes made people feel more favorable, but Renly could still see a trace of irritability in his eyebrows.

And although the second brother Stannis had the same expression on his face, he could also feel some depression and looked a little tired.

At first, Renly was still wondering what happened to these two people, but later he heard the servants talking about it, and he knew what happened specifically.

The remaining Targaryens on Dragonstone escaped Baratheon's pursuit and now disappeared without a trace, no one knows where they went.

The missing people include the former Mad King's Queen Rhaella Targaryen, the Queen's youngest son Viserys Targaryen, and a newborn baby girl whose name is still unknown.

Their disappearance is a time bomb for the new and ill-gotten kingdom, and it is no wonder that Robert is troubled by this, but it has another meaning for Renly.

"I don't know what the mother of dragons looks like." The black-haired boy thought about it.

"Isn't she really an eyebrow monster?"

This possibility seems unlikely, because the person he came into contact with looks completely different from the one in the show he watched, which is normal. It would be strange if they looked the same.

But for now, Renly doesn't have much time to think about the mother of dragons who will have a long list of names in the future, because he is not in a good condition at the moment.

He seemed to be skinny and weak like an old man, without the spirit of a child.

When he just woke up, Renly couldn't even get out of bed normally.

After a few days, his body gradually recovered, and he was finally able to walk.

This made him feel complicated.

It stands to reason that "upgrading" is a good thing, but it is not very comfortable to have such a special state of feeling that the body is hollowed out.

However, as his body gradually recovered, he slowly felt the changes in himself.

His strength is much greater than before, his mind seems to be clearer, his memory has been enhanced to a certain extent, and even his skin has gotten rid of the fragility of a child. Although it still looks white and tender, it has a kind of flexibility.

"Is it improved in all aspects?" He understood.

The Valyrian blood that emerged is different from what he knew. It seems to have integrated his two previous characteristics about the ocean and a so-called illusion mimicry ability. Unfortunately, Renly did not have the opportunity to jump into the sea for the test, and he didn't know what the specific situation was.

However, he tried it once when he was washing his face. The cold feeling still existed, but the stimulation of the cold seemed to be reduced.


After spending some time recuperating in Maegor's Tower, everything in the outside world had nothing to do with him for the time being. However, during a walk in the courtyard, the brown-haired middle-aged Davos came to him and told him something.

"The White Deer Wenda said that she had completed the task you asked her to do, and asked me to find out when you are free to see her."


At first, Renly was unfamiliar with the name, but then he remembered that it was the female bandit who defected to him, and then he remembered what he had said before he fainted, about the cranberry man and the dagger...

So he said to Davos: "I can see her tomorrow."

Thanks to xiaotang246 book friend and I am a water friend book friend for the 100 reward

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