A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 70: The Dagger of the Swamp Man

Bai Lu Wenda has always been curious about the child who casually gave her son a gold dragon without asking for anything in return.

Is he the naughty child common in aristocratic families?

Or a fat boy with big money?

Or a kind-hearted and weak boy?

Every time she picked up the gold dragon, she would think of this question, and when her companions discussed and decided to give up the dull life in the Royal Forest and go to the boy, she would always think about it.

Now she finally met the person in question, and it felt a little strange.

The black velvet coat with silver edges was a little loose to wear, and the same was true for the pants. The boy looked very thin on him. The crowned stag emblem woven with gold thread and black silk on his chest shone brightly in the sunlight outside the window. His face was pale and looked a little weak, as if he had just had a serious illness - I heard that it was true.

At first glance, he seemed to be a frail boy, with nothing special except his black hair that made people want to play with it. However, when the boy's beautiful blue eyes looked at her, this impression changed completely.

Those were a pair of calm and scrutinizing eyes, giving her a feeling that was completely different from the boy's age, but at this time she was more concerned about the color of these eyes -

Amazing ice blue color, magnificent, deep, but not indifferent, but rather a strange attraction. When she was stared at, she felt a comfortable feeling like being blown by a cool sea breeze in the hot summer weather.

"How did you do it?"

The slightly hoarse voice of the child interrupted the woman's amazement, so she gathered her thoughts and replied: "I observed him for a few days and found that he did not bring any soldiers with him. He only brought a baby and a wet nurse to live in an inn in the city."

She paused and saw that the boy was listening attentively, then she said: "He was not there on the day King Robert patrolled the city, so I took the opportunity to climb in through the window and secretly took the child away."

At first, Wenda was afraid that the child in front of her could not understand what she was saying, so she spoke very slowly, but seeing that the other party was listening calmly, she unconsciously spoke much faster.

"I left him a note, asking him to bring the ransom to redeem the child, and I asked him to take off all his weapons and armor and go to the place I specified before I would actually show up. But when he went, I actually crawled into the hotel again and took out all the things he left behind. Fortunately, I thought I would have to repeat it several times before I could get it.

The blonde woman in the light green cloak said, squatting down and patting the rough wooden box at her feet.

"It's all here, my lord. "She used honorifics unconsciously.

At this time, the two were in a soldier's duty room on the edge of the Red Castle. In order to meet this female bandit, Renly forged a "family letter" from Storm's End in advance. After giving it to Davos, the woman was qualified to pass through the gate of the Red Castle. Then, before the soldiers went to inform the busy King Robert, Renly appeared here appropriately and "happened" to intercept.

Now it was a time when the throne room was busy with political affairs, so Renly was not afraid that Robert would come running after hearing the letter. At the same time, Stannis was not in the Red Castle at the moment, so he could receive the woman in front of him with confidence.

When the other party spoke, he had already opened the box. Renly glanced at it and finally saw the target he wanted in the gap between a pile of leather armor belts.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not take it out immediately. Instead, he looked at the beautiful woman in front of him and asked: "What's the situation with the baby now?"

"I put it back." The other party said: "He is a little annoying, crying and shouting, and he peed on me. "

Renly understood what she said and roughly understood what kind of character she had.

Just like her original identity, she was a female bandit.

She was very familiar with things like kidnapping and extortion. She did not show much sadness for the death of her companions, and did not care about breaking the law. She had no scruples about the means and everything was for the purpose of achieving the goal.

But she was not just a female bandit.

She sounded quite smart. At the same time, it was interesting that normal bandits could not read, but this one could read and write.

This was not an ordinary thing. You know, even if they were from noble families, there were many people who could not read.

The lord class basically only needed to be able to read and write. The others had maesters, so they didn't need to spend much time studying.

And people in this world generally did not like to study, but were happy to wield swords and guns.

"Where did you learn to read and write? "Brenly asked curiously.

The man in front of him looked about thirty years old, tall and slender, squatting there with his golden hair scattered and spread out, looking a little casual, and his appearance could be called very beautiful.

"My father is a hedge knight."

The other party replied: "He taught me to read and write since I was a child."

Brenly nodded when he heard this, and did not ask any more questions, but took off a small gray bag tied around his waist and handed it to the other party.

"If you really want to be my retainer, then you will naturally have a fixed salary, but before that you are not one, so this is your reward."

He had already spent all his gold dragons, so the bag naturally would not contain gold coins, but it was from Maegor's Tower, so it was also very valuable.

The other party took the bag and opened it, revealing a look of joy.

Brenly smiled at this, and then looked at the boy who was pulling the corner of the woman's cloak hood, looking a little nervous.

The boy was wearing a brown tunic and tight trousers. He had a delicate appearance and a pair of bright green eyes.

He seemed to be about seven or eight years old, and his face was neat and tidy. He didn't look as dirty as when he saw him before, nor did he look slovenly like an ordinary civilian child. He had obviously been groomed before coming here.

Just facing Renly's gaze, his clean face suddenly turned red, his head was lowered subconsciously, and he looked a little nervous.

"Is she a girl?" Renly asked strangely.


The woman who had put the money bag away stood up and answered, and at the same time reached out and patted her son's brown-haired head: "Tob, call the adults quickly."


His stumbling words sounded very shy, but at first glance he looked like an honest child. Renly was actually happy with this because he liked honest people.

So he said to the woman: "You stay in King's Landing for now. When I leave the Red Keep one day, you can bring your son to follow me. If you need anything, go to Davos first."

The Davos he mentioned was not in the room, but chatting with the guards outside to attract attention.

The woman nodded after hearing this, and then left with her son wisely.

She didn't know much about Renly, she only knew that Davos could contact him, and she was surprised when she was asked to do it later. Originally, she wanted to ask the boy why he had to find a way to get the weapons and equipment from the northern swamp man, but in the end she never asked.

She didn't know why, but she always felt a little restrained in front of the child who was younger than her son, as if a commoner were facing a lord with a higher status than herself.

However, she is not a commoner, but a female bandit. She used to make a living by bullying and blackmailing noble lords, so this is a bit abnormal.

Maybe you care too much about this opportunity?

she thought to herself.

After the Brotherhood of the Kingswood was wiped out, these bandits who were once famous had no choice but to survive with their tails between their legs. Because of their profession, they knew a lot of nobles, and they were even cautious when walking out of the woods, for fear of being recognized. Then he was hanged or beheaded.

However, hiding in the woods and raising pigs for a living is really not what these people are willing to do. This boredom reached its peak after an old friend fell ill and had no money for treatment.

So when the golden dragon arrived, they resolutely embarked on the road to King's Landing.

At first, they actually planned to defect to Stannis. After all, there was a precedent of smugglers. Only after they found out the specific situation, they gave up the idea. After some consideration, they looked at the owner of the golden dragon, the young master of the Baratheon family.

They want to make some money from this kid. Although this idea is not very reliable, having an idea is better than having no idea.

The result was very unlucky. Instead of getting any money, two of her companions died. Wen Da was actually disheartened and decided to go back to the woods to continue raising pigs for a living. As a result, she didn't even die before. The aristocratic young master who posted it suddenly handed over a note and also offered her a generous price——

Consider training her son to be a knight!

For some people, knights are just being called around and spending money to hire a lot of super soldiers, but for most civilians, becoming a knight is equivalent to reaching the sky in one step, and it may not be possible to work hard for a lifetime. The top position that can be achieved.

Although she is not an ordinary commoner, Wen Da understands better what this promise means, so even though the other party's words are not certain, and even though the other party is only a five-year-old child, she still tries her best to complete this matter.

The process is an understatement, but only she knows the hardships and dangers involved.

Just for the sake of the children, everything is nothing.

The contents of the two large boxes were carried into Renly's room in Maegor's Tower by the guards.

The boy claimed that these were some old toys and clothes sent to him by Storm's End, and none of the guards doubted this.

After some busy work, the room became quiet. Only a black cat came over curiously and circled around. Renly ignored this and immediately opened the box and watched intently.

Because he had revealed his curiosity about daggers to the Zedi people, to be on the safe side, he did not tell the female bandit what he really wanted. Therefore, there were many items in the box.

Most of them were clothes, as well as leather and mail, but the one Renly was interested in was the wooden-handled dagger hidden in the pile of clothes.

He picked up the dagger without hesitation, then turned it over and looked at it in front of his eyes.

This dagger looks very ordinary. It has a nanmu handle. The iron body of the dagger shines with a sharp luster under the sunlight coming from the balcony. It has obviously been maintained for a long time.

It was just different from before. Sniffing it with his nose at a close distance, Renly suddenly discovered that the smell on the dagger had not really been lost. It was still there, but it had become very weak.

"Consumed? Or..."

Thinking thoughtfully, he did not test whether he could enter the copy by holding it tightly at this time, but put it into his "trash can".

Physical weakness led to mental depression. At this time, he felt that he had no strength, he had not fully recovered, and he really had no intention of embarking on an adventure.

So even though the dagger looked unusual at the moment, he didn't dare to really test it, otherwise he would be caught off guard if he jumped in directly.

"After I get well..."

This thought flashed through his mind, and Renly turned his head to look at the bowl of fragrant pea and bacon soup on the bedside table. It was the leftover food from breakfast, and Renly did not ask the servants to take it away.

After all, eating more can make you get better faster, and he had already decided to make the most of this period of time to be a glutton.


Just as Renly was thinking about how to eat in his bedroom to get a more balanced nutrition, a conversation closely related to it was taking place in the king's residence in Maegor's Tower.

I opened the backstage in a daze and suddenly found that a big guy had rewarded a leader, the first leader in my life, ahem, a bit Alexander.

Thank you to the book friend Xianyuzhi for the leader reward.

Thank you to the book friend Lingyun Qiongke, the book friend Reverse World, the book friend Don't Cry, and the book friend bb63 Meowsass for the thousand rewards.

Thank you to Uncle Joel and the book friend Yu's Raw Milk for the 500 rewards.

Thank you to my book friends Ye Yunyuan, Su Xuanzhe, 160803212445433, 20190331174125110 and 20190217170115487 for their 100-yuan reward~

And thank you to all the friends who voted for this book every day!

I will update one more chapter today, and I will update it in the evening. The main reason is that I am really clumsy, and the amount of words I type every day is always not enough. I also have to rush to finish the manuscript for the burst after the release. I hope everyone can understand me:-(

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