That day, Renly not only learned that he would soon be sent to the Reach to be an adopted son, but he also met Lord Tyrell, who returned to greet him with a smile on his face.

Come to think of it, that person seems quite satisfied with having a younger brother now.

It is understandable if you think about it. Adopted children in this world have no inheritance rights. Except for some special circumstances, it is mostly a diplomatic means for nobles to send their children to each other as adopted children, allowing the other party to raise and teach them on their behalf, thereby bringing them closer to each other. .

In fact, the child belongs to whose family it belongs.

My cheap eldest brother was sent to the Valley as an adopted son in his early years. Now his adoptive father is the Prime Minister and can be regarded as his right-hand man.

However, Renly thought that the situation he faced was a little different from Robert's, but he didn't have much opinion on it, or even if he did, he couldn't do anything about it. When he found out about it, he had already made up his mind. Down.

His mind was a little confused, but it didn't affect what he was going to do next.

Two days later was the day of Robert's wedding. At this moment, the servants in the Red Keep were all busy and dizzy. This situation seemed to be just right for Renly, so after returning to the bedroom, he took it from his lining pocket. He took out the medium he found in the dragon's lair.

It was a broken wooden sword handle, about the same length as his palm, with burnt edges, as if it had been baptized by fire.

On the surface of the handle, a gray seven-pointed star pattern was vaguely visible, silently revealing the original identity of the sword handle.

Renly had some guesses about this, and took out the dagger he had harvested before and pinched it. Nothing happened, so he made a decision.

However, he did not grasp the handle immediately. Instead, he made a special trip out and ran to the tower where Archmaester Pycelle was located and turned out a few books.

It is worth mentioning that Pycelle, the Grand Maester of the Red Keep, is currently very reluctant to contact Renly.

This is not only because of the initial treatment, but also the subsequent recovery after a long coma——

Every time he went for treatment, the child would question his medical skills or ask questions. After several times, he felt that this child was so annoying.

But as the king's younger brother and the Duke of Dragonstone, the Grand Maester couldn't treat him like an ordinary naughty kid, so he could only pull himself together and speak politely.

"My lord, if you want to know the history of King Maegor I, then I solemnly recommend to you the book Bitter Bridge and Stone Bridge. It records in detail the Battle of Stone Bridge and the lives of King Maegor's six brides."

After seeing Renly pull out a few books from his bookshelf, Grand Maester Pycelle stood up from behind the desk tremblingly and handed a book to the boy, as if intending to ease the relationship.

After looking at the book in his hand, Renly took it without refusing.

"Thank you, Maester Pycelle."

He responded politely and seemed very polite, but the other party felt a little uncomfortable when he heard this.

"I am a grand maester, Lord Renly. There is a difference between me and the maester. You must know that I am more knowledgeable and wiser than ordinary maesters..."

He was chattering endlessly, but the boy didn't listen to what he said at all. After a few brief responses of um um ah ah, he pushed the door open and walked out with a few books in his hands.

This made the Grand Scholar couldn't help but shake his head, with a look of helplessness on his face.

"What a rude kid."

The burned seven-pointed star grip is a very obvious symbol. The seven-pointed star represents the gods of the Church of the Seven Gods. In the history of Westeros, an organization called the Star Warriors used this pattern. To be a sign.

The Star Warriors, also known as the Poor People's Assembly, is one of the two major armed forces in the ancient Church of the Seven Gods.

Another armed force is called the Knights of the Holy Sword, also known as the Sons of Warriors, which is mainly composed of church knights.

These two armed organizations have a long history and have existed for a long time before the establishment of the Targaryen dynasty. However, decades after the Conqueror's War, they were actively disbanded by the church.

That was the result of the conflict with the Targaryen dynasty, but the result was clear, but the process was full of struggle. After discovering some characteristics, Renly felt that he had found a general goal...

He looked for books, read them, and repeatedly learned about the history of a certain period. It wasn't until he finished lunch that he closed the book. After thinking about it, he felt that it was almost the same.

So he first told himself to sleep and asked the servants not to disturb him at night, then locked the door of his bedroom from the inside, and finally lay down on the fluffy feather bed and sunk deep into it.

After assuming a comfortable posture, the boy's hands on his stomach tightened the hard handle of the sword.

A familiar sense of trance was born and quickly spread in my mind.

Before his fuzzy thoughts had fully awakened, Renly felt instinctively uncomfortable with the burst of pain in his head, and his body was swaying extremely unstable, which subconsciously reminded him of the days when he was wandering on the sea.

But after a while he was sure that he was not in the sea, but on land——

Because he heard the bleating of the sheep.

It wasn't just the sheep, there were also trivial conversations all around, and there seemed to be a lot of people there. At the same time, he could also smell the sour smell of sweat fermented on people's bodies, mixed with the smell of animal feces, rushing into his nostrils.

He felt weak all over, as if he was having a high fever. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a clear sky with no clouds in sight. The view was wide.

Renly found himself half-lying and half-leaning on a cart loaded with various goods. When he lowered his eyes, he could clearly see the muddy road behind the cart and a shepherd herding sheep.

On both sides, there were some men, women, old and young, wearing loose cloth clothes following on foot. Their conversations were clear to the ears. As the cart continued to move forward, these people walking were gradually left behind.

"What the High Bishop said is of course correct. King Aenys arranged for his son and daughter to get married. Isn't he a monster?"

"Didn't His Majesty Aegon marry his own sister?"

"That's different. When the old king got married, the Seven Kingdoms hadn't been unified yet."

"What does this have to do with this?"

"It has a lot to do with it..."


Listening to the recent conversations, the information filled in them allowed Renly to basically determine the era he was in. The conversations of those farther away were not very nutritious. They were all about how good the weather was, what to eat later, and how long it would take us to get to King's Landing.

Renly found that he had become a big man with long legs and blonde hair. The characteristics given by the bard profession also took effect at the moment, so the surrounding words were clearly audible, and the mutated special blood seemed to gradually glow in his body, which alleviated his weakness all over his body.

All this was actually a bit incredible, but Renly didn't pay much attention to these things that he couldn't understand at all. At this time, he was staring at a piece of white cloud that quietly appeared in the sky.

White clouds slowly emerged from nothing, the situation was quite strange, and the shape was completely different from normal clouds, as if a piece of white chalk outlined three lines of words on the surface of the blue sky.

Three lines of words that do not belong to this world——

[Awarded as a knight]

[Participated in the church's trial of the seven sons of Maegor I in the name of a warrior's son and won]

[Guide the sons of chaos to the right path]

Thank you for the 600 reward from the book friend That Piece of Stars, thank you for the 200 reward from the book friend Unheard of Yuzu, thank you for the 100 reward from the book friends I am Yeyunyuan, Cletia and Zizaishanlinjian~

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