A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 77 The Trial of the Seven Sons (1)

The clouds in the sky gathered and formed, and then disappeared again after Renly took a few glances. However, before he could think about it carefully, an old voice suddenly asked in his ear.

"Lemon, are you feeling better? You look better than yesterday?"

Looking sideways, he saw a hunched-over white-haired old man sitting on the side of the bullock cart. Now this man turned his head and looked at him with concern.


It is generally popular among common people to name their children after various plants and fruits, such as lemon, tansy, turnip, castor, beans and so on.

Are you a civilian now?

Renly understood secretly, but did not speak, but nodded.

Seeing this, the other party smiled, revealing a set of teeth that were reddened from chewing some kind of betel nut-like plant for many years.

"Then you have a good rest, and I will call you when you stop." The old man said, patting Renly on the forehead, his expression seemed to be quite close.

Renly nodded again, then pretended to be tired and closed his eyes to rest.

But in fact, he was constantly listening to the various conversations around him at this time. In conjunction with the strange cloud formation he had just seen, he gradually gained some insights in his heart.

In the 37th year of the Conquest calendar, Aegon the Conqueror died of a stroke on Dragonstone at the age of 64.

He was succeeded by his eldest son Aenys.

King Aenys was weak and incompetent. During his short reign, chaos arose throughout the Seven Kingdoms. The most serious one was the conflict with the church——

The Targaryen family has intermarried within the family for generations, but this seriously conflicts with the church's teachings prohibiting incest.

When Aegon the Conqueror was alive, the church acquiesced in this matter, and even more acquiesced in his polygamy, but after his death, this contradiction immediately surfaced in the face of an incompetent king.

The first conflict broke out when King Aenys' brother, Maegor Targaryen, married a second wife and committed bigamy. Although the result of this incident was that King Aenys' brother Maegor took his second wife and fled to the Free Trade City. , but the church is obviously not satisfied with this.

This also leaves hidden dangers for a second, more intense conflict to break out.

In the 41st year of the Conquest Calendar, King Aenys arranged for his daughter to marry his heir in accordance with family tradition. Therefore, the Starry Cathedral of Old Town, where the Archbishop of the Church of the Seven Gods was based at that time, issued a stern statement excommunicating the king from the church, and the general Calling him a monster king, the people responded one after another, and countless hostile eyes were aimed at the Targaryen who originally ruled them.

The church at that time not only had two major armed forces, the Assembly of the Poor and the Sons of Warriors, but also had autonomous judicial powers.

After the statement from the Temple of Stars, the Warrior Sons began to strengthen the defense of the Temple of Thought located at the top of Rhaenys Hills in King's Landing, and summoned people from all over to come for reinforcements, preparing to use it as a stronghold to fight against the Royal Red Keep on Aegon's High Hills. .

Some crazy members of the Poor People's Assembly even climbed up the walls of the Red Fort, which was not yet fully completed, and sneaked into the Red Fort to prepare to assassinate the king.

Although they failed, they frightened the weak king so much that he and the royal family fled back to Dragonstone, the home of the Targaryen family. As a result, King's Landing was completely occupied by the church.

King Aenys died of illness not long after returning to Dragonstone. Although he had his own son, it was not his heir who ascended the throne, but his brother Maegor.

Maegor's mother was Queen Visenya, the Conqueror's High Queen who challenged all those who denied Maegor's rule after her son's coronation at Dragonstone.

The leader of the Church Warrior Sons accepted the challenge, but on condition that the more ancient and cruel Seven Sons Trial be launched.

King Maegor responded.

This is roughly the series of events facing the current era.

Renly found that the people around him were talking about the statement issued by the Archbishop of the Starry Cathedral. It was obvious that this "freshness" had not passed. Coupled with other overheard words, he was finally able to confirm that their group was being called to march towards King's Landing. Hurry and go to defend the Temple of Remembrance at the top of the hills of Rhaenys, King's Landing, and confront King Aenys who has not yet escaped.

This route does not conflict with the three things he saw before——

【Become a Knight】

[Participated in the church’s trial of seven sons of Maegor I in the name of the Warrior’s Son and won]

【Guide the Sons of Chaos to the Right Path】

Renly felt that each of these things was getting harder and harder.

Being made a knight is not too difficult for him, because the tradition of Westeros is that a knight can make others a knight. If he follows the literal meaning, he can definitely get a lot of money. Then bribe some poor knight to canonize him.

Although this kind of canonization is extremely dishonorable and irregular, and there is a risk of being suspected of fraud, it is nominally considered to have obtained the status of a knight.

However, if you consider the second thing, it would be impossible for Renly to fool around like this.

The Poor People's Assembly and the Soldier's Sons are the two major armed forces of the church. However, compared to the Poor People's Assembly, which can be joined by anyone, the Warrior's Sons, which only accepts knights, needs to be strictly screened. People who do not have the skills of various knights can even think of joining.

As for Renly, he has never been trained as a knight at all, let alone that he not only wants to join the Warrior Sons, but also defeat the Seven Sons Trial.

The rules of the Seven Sons Trial are similar to those of ordinary one-on-one combat trials, except that the number is seven versus seven. Unless the person involved withdraws the accusation or the person being judged dies, the Seven Sons Trial cannot be stopped, which means that both parties will either die or live.

That's fine. Even if facing ordinary enemies, it's not impossible to say that there is no chance of winning. However, this trial is a confrontation between the long-standing church in Westeros and the new secular dynasty. The participants cannot be mediocre people. They will only be top masters carefully selected by both forces.

A rookie who has not yet become a knight, going against the top knights on the continent?

Renly didn't think he could win in a head-on fight, and he didn't even have a clue how to get into the trial.

In addition, the third task also made him very confused.

Whether it was recorded in history books or in his memories, the term "Sons of Chaos" had never appeared. Who or what was this thing?

And how to guide it?

Countless questions made him feel very powerless for a while, but in general, Renly did not lose confidence because of this. After all, this was just a copy. He would try his best according to the situation. If he couldn't complete these tasks, he would die.

So he didn't think about it anymore, and his eyes swept around, and finally looked at the old figure in a rainbow cloak who was leading the way at the front of the team.

The team heading towards King's Landing here is a mixture of ordinary civilians and members of the Poor's Gathering, and a group of "militia" of the Poor's Gathering is usually led by a Warrior's Son.

The rainbow cloak on the other party proves that he is a Warrior's Son, so he must be the leader of this group of militia, or this team, and Renly cannot ignore him.

Because no matter what means are used to win in the end, joining the Knights of the Warrior's Son is the most basic requirement.

Thank you to the book friend Yan Xunran Huiyi for the 500 reward, and thank you to the book friend Xiaotang246, the book friend Yu De Sheng Niu Niu and the book friend Yue Xia Tian Han for the 100 reward~

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