A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 78 The Trial of the Seven Sons (2)

The team they were in was originally less than a hundred people, and they were all members of the Poor People's Assembly. They gathered and set off near a castle called Acorn Hall in the Riverlands.

However, the job of the members of the Poor People's Assembly was to protect believers from harm on the road, and they kept encountering some travelers going to the King's Landing Temple to worship, so the team gradually expanded to more than 200 people.

The addition of these people seriously affected the team's forward speed and made the entire team chaotic, but it also brought some conveniences.

For example, the rickety bullock cart beneath me was not actually the property of a member of the Poor People's Assembly, but was provided by an old man who joined in midway.

The old man was called Walter, and the young man driving the oxcart was his son.

They are not actually acquaintances with the lemon possessed by Renly, and they even met not long ago. It's just that the old man is kind-hearted and takes good care of the sick "Lemon", even letting him get in the car.

At the same time, he is also very polite to others around him, even a little weak.

"Monks often say that we are born guilty." One time during a casual chat, the old man sighed: "Fortunately, the gods gave us hands and feet, which can be used to atone for our sins."

"Honor the great gods, Old Walter." The middle-aged sheepherder, who was always hanging behind the oxcart, laughed at him after hearing this. "So help me, I have an urgent need to urinate. Please help us take care of these bleating little guys."

So the old man happily got off the oxcart and went to help, but he didn't see the sheepherder who was in urgent need of urination return for a long time.

Renly glanced around and saw that the man had already gone to the front of the line to chat and spank with another guy dressed as a sheepherder.

In fact, this was the third time after Renly became possessed that he asked the old man to help take care of the sheep and went off to the side to be lazy...

Many people in the worship team are pious, but not all of them are good people.

I learned from the hunchbacked old man next to me that he was already suffering from a high fever when the team picked up the "lemon" from the roadside.

Renly was sure that no one around him knew him.

This also explains why he was lying alone on the bullock cart, but no one came to visit him.

Apart from chatting with Old Walter for a long time and making sarcastic remarks, Renly was naturally most concerned about the son of the warrior who led the team, but he had no chance to come into contact with him.

Firstly, he was still very weak and could not leave the cart. Secondly, he rarely came to the back of the team where the cart was.

According to Renly's observations in the past two days, every time he camped, the warrior's son knight would sit alone by the campfire and pray silently. Occasionally he would stay with the three core members of the Poor People's Assembly, but the distance was too far and he didn't know them. Talking about something.

There are many people in the team, and everyone is included. Apart from the members of the poor assembly holding simple weapons, you can often see the figures of shepherds, farmers, traders, beggars, and women running around with a few naked children behind them.

This made the surrounding environment chaotic, but it allowed Renly, who had a keen hearing, to learn some useful information. Coupled with the intentional or unintentional guidance when chatting with people, he still knew a lot of things.

For example, the knight is named Lelin. He joined the Sons of Warriors when he was more than ten years old. He has been a veteran knight for more than forty years.

For example, the Knights of Lelin travel back and forth on the route between Acorn Hall and King's Landing all year round to protect travelers.

For example, he was originally from the Western Region and was a noble, but he only joined the church after his family suffered a disaster.

This information made Renly thoughtful, and while the other party was on a horse tour, Renly saw the heraldic patterns painted on the black robe and shield outside his armor.

It was a crystal sword with tears flowing through it.

The seven-colored crystal sword shining on a black background is the inherent emblem of the Knights of the Warrior's Sons, but crying is something only Renly can see.

He had some ideas, but he didn't take action immediately. Instead, he stayed in the bullock cart to recuperate, preparing to wait until he regained his ability to move.

It seems that every time he enters this kind of dungeon, he will possess the target facing various dangerous situations, making Renly always feel passive.

However, since possessing him, his weakness has gradually diminished. It seems that the mutated Valyrian blood naturally has some resistance to diseases.

Even on the third day after possession, he had basically recovered his mobility.

Why do we have to walk in the fields when we can just ride in a bullock cart?

So he just pretended that he was still ill, and others didn't pay much attention to him.

While walking swayingly, I would occasionally chat with Walter or his son, and I would also think about how to complete those three things.

At the same time, although the changes after eating the dragon egg made him frightened, the effect caused Renly to think about whether he should get a new dragon egg in this era, or something else.

According to historical records, during the late reign of Aegon the Conqueror, twelve young dragons were hatched on Dragonstone...

The road beneath me is located in a green fertile field, with wild flowers and grass growing on both sides. Behind it are more than a dozen dirty sheep, driven by the sheepherders' whips, bleating and stepping on the rather hard soil surface in the sun. On the bed, black excrement is left every now and then.

On the right side of the fertile plain, the overlapping high mountains are vaguely visible, slowly retreating as the ox cart moves forward. Not far to the left, there is a river flowing rapidly. The river is called the Blackwater River. It spreads from the riverlands to King's Landing, and finally flows into the sea across King's Landing. It is one of the main rivers in Westeros.

So the sound of the river flowing, the sound of sheep, the footsteps and discussions of people are always heard. The fishy smell of the sheep and the stench of the old yellow cow pulling the ox cart are particularly unique.

Renly hoped that his illness was a cold, the kind that would cause nasal congestion, but unfortunately it was not.

At this time, he was possessed by a big blond and blue-eyed man with a broad chest and straight long legs. When he stood up, he seemed to be able to overlook everything around him.

At least 1.9 meters tall.

Such a tall man, apart from anything else, would have a great advantage in physique alone when wearing knight armor.

It was useless to think about dragon eggs now. Renly planned to wait until he arrived at King's Landing. For now, he was more concerned about how he could become a knight, or a knight under the command of a warrior's son.

His initial idea was to try to contact the warrior's son who led the team after he recovered completely, and then start from him. However, this decision did not last long. An interesting sign in the team attracted Renly's attention.


"Help me, old Walter, we are going to pick some wild nettles over there to make a cup of tea. Help me take care of these lambs, and we will share some tea with you when we come back."

The sloppy shepherd with a rag hat and pockmarks on his face came to the door again after peeing. After seeing that the old man had no objection, he patted him on the shoulder and turned away with a smile.

This was the nth time he had been absent-minded...

Looking at the shepherd's back, Renly touched his chin, then looked up at the man driving the ox cart, the son of the old man Walter.

"Tommy, do you know this shepherd?"

"He was added on the way, I don't know him." The young man with messy red hair answered, his gray face full of dissatisfaction.

Obviously, he had long been impatient with his pious old father being constantly ordered around.

"Do you know who knows him?" Renly asked again

"Except for the shepherd who always hangs out with him, I don't see anyone else who knows him."

"They always chat together, why don't they mix the two flocks of sheep together?"

"Because they are afraid that they can't tell which one belongs to which one." The young man driving the ox cart said contemptuously: "Look at his rogue look, if the two flocks of sheep are mixed together and then separated later, all the fat sheep will definitely run into his hands. Someone in our village has done this."

Renly nodded when he heard this.

This sounds quite reasonable, but shouldn't a normal farmer be tight with his own property?

How can he be so confident to hand over those sheep to others? And then he always runs to the side to chat with others?

Even if Walter is honest and reassuring...

Thinking of the background of the current era, a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes, so Renly paid special attention to the sloppy shepherd who looked slick and slick in the next two days, and found that every time he made excuses to get rid of the sheep, he was just communicating with another shepherd.

This doesn't seem to be anything special. After all, everyone has a fixed small circle, and it is impossible to know everyone in the team. It is normal to chat with acquaintances in their respective villages while on the road and not take the initiative to contact strangers around.

But Renly always felt that the shepherd was very suspicious. This suspicion reached its peak when he pretended to pee and approached, and then overheard something--

They were discussing whether to slip away first.

Thanks to DragunovZero for the 200 reward, and thank you for the 100 reward~

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