
616 Peter had just punched the Green Goblin when he heard an angry shout overhead.

With a loud bang, a large piece of glass shards spilled, and a huge black shadow fell at the same time.

"Hey, brother," 616 Peter caught Jin's fist that fell from the sky with agility that matched his size, "you're overweight!

"Damn it! Why do you have to stop me every time, every time!

Jin also tore through the usual indifferent disguise, the muscles in his face twisted and hideous, and he angrily swung his fists continuously.

616 Peter didn't notice for a while, he was struck hard in the face, and just wanted to fight back, but was overturned by Jin He by brute force and threw out into the distance!

Spider-Man's strength is far beyond ordinary people, but his weight is not.


Peter swung the spider silk and landed on the collider, twisting his neck: "Why don't you reflect on why we didn't stop others but came to stop you?" "

Hey, you've knocked me out," Miles descended from the sky, stopping 616 Peter who was about to go up again, "Let me fix him, it's my job."

616 Peter pointed at Jin He, who glared at them angrily: "That big man, are you sure?"

"Of course."

616 Peter didn't say anything more, and the two Spider-Men clashed their fists and jumped off the collider in two directions.

"It's time to end this farce!"

At this time, the continuously running particle collider has begun to affect the surrounding space-time, and the closer to the center of energy, the more it can feel the fluctuations and distortions of space.

Like a ticking time bomb that has begun to count down, it seems that it may detonate New York and even the entire universe at any time!

The good news is that the current situation is no longer under Kim He's control.

The researchers who shoot hi are tied up one by one by Shadow Spider-Man, the furious gold and are gradually suppressed by Miles, who stimulates the superpower of electricity, the Green Goblin, Tombstone, and Dr. Octopus become the targets of the siege, and the empty Gwen climbs up the ceiling with a control USB flash drive and is snatching control of the collider.

The battle situation is visibly dumped towards Spider-Man's side.

Joson's character also changed from the main attacker to the bastard, punching here and kicking that side to help Spider-Man stabilize the situation....

Sneak away on the spot.

His target is the weapons warehouse on the ground floor of the building, and the alloy insurance door at the level of the Central Bank of the Ugly Country is a little tricky, but it is also difficult for Joson.

The power of mind was released, and he found the weak point of the wall, and immediately, two huge flames condensed in his hand.

[Fantasy Card: Green Goblin Bomb

] [Card Type: Ability Card

] [Rarity: R] [

Introduction: One of Norman Osborne's main output means, mutating into a magic attack in a parallel world. 【

Effect 1: Flame Flame】

【Use both hands to throw flame bombs, which explode when hitting enemies.】 【Effect

2: Tarsal Boil】

【Green Goblin Flame burns longer than ordinary flames and is more difficult to extinguish.] The

Green Goblin's skill in this world, Euler fell out on the way, and has now turned into the shape of Jossen.

It's not very rare, but it's surprisingly easy to use.

Boom -

Green flamebombs bombarded one after another, and the thick concrete wall was not much different from the Oreo sandwich biscuits, and in the blink of an eye a large hole two people tall was blasted open.

Through the large hole attached to the flames, the warehouse displayed rows of different types of energy weapons, some of which had been taken by the group of researchers outside, but the rest could at least be armed with a company.

The blue power of mind began to spread, wrapped up along with the display shelves all over the floor.

By the time Joson left the hole where he had come, the emptiness behind him was cleaner than it had been licked.

[Fantasy Card: Private Arsenal

] [Card Type: Item Card

] [Rarity: R] [

Introduction: Dr. Octopus cooperates with the black technology arsenal secretly developed by Jin He, and the Chitari people call it an insider. 【

Effect 1: Energy Weapons】

【Mass-produced energy weapons of all types, starting a small war is not a problem.

After the search, Joson returned to the underground space satisfied.

The collider is still spraying a large stream of particles, but seeing the villains tied together by cobwebs below, and the little black spider Miles, standing in front of them with his hands crossed at the waist, it shows that the control of the two big guys has successfully changed hands.

"Where have you been?"

A white silhouette silently fell behind him, and Gwen took off his mask, revealing brilliant blond hair, and his eyes were inquiring.

"Dealing with some personal matters," Joson also put away his face armor, "The battle is over?

"Excuse me," Gwen pointed to the group of figures gathered on the ceiling above the energy center, "let's go, everyone is waiting for you." "

"OK, give you a ride?\"

\"Hey, I haven't agreed yet! The

figures of the two rose into the sky, and Miles, who saw this scene, also followed closely with spider silk.

Miles and everyone clasped fists in turn: "Guys, it's time for you to go home."

"yes, it's time to go home."

Penny Parker walked out of the mech, her tone happy with a hint of loss.

Hearing the always cheerful little girl say this, the surrounding air suddenly smelled of parting.

Peter Polk slipped onto Shadow Spider-Man's shoulder: "Don't be like this, we'll all miss you!"

"Yes, we are already friends."

"It is." ×

everyone nodded.

Johnson recalled the sequel to the Spider-Man parallel universe that had been hotly publicized before the crossing, and couldn't help but quip: "Maybe, there is a chance to see you again?"

"No, I don't want to come and save the world again!"

"That's exhausting!"

"It is!" × N

Josson: "..." After

a burst of laughter, Miles manipulated the particle collider to open the space-time channel.

"Let's go first, guys."

"See you soon!"

Spider-Men from different universes used their most familiar high-altitude diving posture to jump into the space-time channel composed of energy torrents in turn and disappeared.

"It's my turn," Gwen poked the daze-stricken Joson with his arm, waving his hand at the reluctant Miles with a smile on his lips, "I'll miss you, guys."

"Me too..."

"Ah, see you later."

The reactions of the two were diametrically opposite, Gwen spread his hands helplessly, no longer hesitated, his fingers released the ceiling and turned, allowing gravity to pull the body down into free fall, and finally disappeared into the colorful particle stream.

Josson came to his senses, he was grappling with a serious question -

how should he go back?

Jump into the space-time channel like everyone else?

Please, although the space-time channel is ready-made, it is connected to the multiverse local to Marvel, and the one-punch world is not among them.

Run directly using the avatar ability?

Miles hasn't left yet, if this is seen, wouldn't it be nice to want to mix in and play together next time?

He doesn't look like a personality who likes to make small reports, does he?

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