Next to Josson, Miles seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be saying to him: "She's very good, isn't she?

"yes, who wouldn't like a pretty blonde chick who is slim and can still beat."

"You're right," Miles couldn't help but laugh, "If we were in the same school, I would definitely compete with you!"

"Not necessarily, I've graduated long ago."

"You're nice, man, nice to meet you... Wait a minute?

Miles rummaged through the operation interface for a while, looking surprised: "Why didn't I find your universe number?"

Joson learned Gwen to spread his hands: "Probably a setup failure?"

Miles was dumbfounded: "No... So how do you go back?

Josson spread his hands, and the one used for the return trip appeared in his hand.

At this time, the fantasy card flickered on and off, as if Ultraman had to show that he was running out of battery than before, and kept flashing.

Don't flash, don't flash, let's go.

As soon as Johnson grasped the "black box fragment", he winked at Miles: "It's okay, I'm different from them." "


The avatar ability was activated, the "black box fragment" turned into a point of light and disappeared, and a pitch-black space-time portal opened in front of the two.


Miles blankly withdrew his right hand that was fisting with Josson, and watched him step into the pitch-black vortex.

In the next second, the vortex dissipated, and he disappeared with Josen, who was among them.

"It's really special," Miles couldn't help but smile and shake his head, "This guy..."

One punch world.

"Minister, I have your phone."

The high-level meeting of the Metropolitan Police Department had just ended, and the minister took the mobile phone handed by the female secretary of Black Silk and put it to his ear.

"This is Serizawa... Oh, it's Josen-kun! The minister's eyes lit up, waved his hand to signal the female secretary to go out first, the latter agreed, immediately exited the conference room, and brought the door outside, "Why do you suddenly have time to call me?" What the...... A batch of new equipment has been captured! Good, good, Jossen-kun, you have a heart... No need to send it to the headquarters of City A, I will send someone directly to City Z to hand over to your director!" "


Z City, suburbs, small lakeside.

The sun is shining, the air is filled with the rich fragrance of grass and trees, and the lake not far away is sparkling.

Everything remained as it was before Jossen crossed over, as if he had never left.

Hanging up the phone with the minister, Johnson shook his head.


Finally back.

The feeling of time and space travel is still not so comfortable, and he attributed the main reason to the fact that the physical attributes have not yet been added in place.

Nian Li activated, and a watch flew out of the nearby grass and landed in Jossen's hand.

This is the watch he deliberately dropped before leaving, at this time the watch is still in place, the appearance is intact, the hands are walking unhurriedly, and it has just been three minutes compared to before the crossing.

These three minutes are exactly the time when Johnson and the big guy are on the call.

That is, when traveling to other worlds, time does not flow in the world of one punch.

It's you, smash Valudo!

This small lake is relatively close to the flowing water dojo, and Johnson thought about the old man who had not seen the bad old man for a long time, and stopped by to visit.

When I arrived, I found out and pounced.

The left-behind child Chalanzi received Qiao Sen at the door with a broom: "The master craftsman went down the mountain yesterday, saying that he was carrying out heroic activities, and he didn't know when he would return."

"Ah, so, the old man is actually so diligent..."


"Huh?" There was a uniform shout from inside the dojo, and Qiao Sen couldn't help but wonder: "Chalanzi, don't you have to practice martial arts?" "

Ah..." Cha Lanzi scratched her head embarrassedly, "My talent is not as good as that of senior brothers, so I want to help out with more chores."

After hearing this, Qiao Sen patted him on the shoulder seriously: "You will definitely become a closed disciple of your master in the future."

"Really? Thank you! Chalanzi's eyes lit up, and her eyes showed excitement, "Mr. Qiao Sen, do you mean that my perseverance and perseverance will eventually move the master craftsman and teach the real martial arts?"

"No, I think the old man always has to leave a capable housekeeper."

Cha Lanzi: "..."

"You come on, I'll go first."

Under Chalanzi's resentful gaze, Qiao Sen Shiran floated up and flew towards the direction of Z City.

As the head of the special affairs section of the Z City Police Department, Johnson is still very dedicated.

Most of the work was completed on the first day after returning from the training camp, and this trip to the other world was expected to take a while, but it was not yet noon when I returned to the bureau.

"Yo, everyone is busy?"

Joson walked into the office with a large bag in his hand, smiling at his subordinates who were struggling with documents.

"It's so fragrant..."

Kyoko ruffled her bangs, raised her head, and saw the abundant lunch in Jossen's hand, her face turned slightly pale: "Please have lunch, my class elder?"

"Of course, I eat so much alone, do you treat me as a rice bucket?"

"What's there to eat?"

"Hamburgers, chips, pork chop bowls, eel rice... I also bought milk tea and drinks, everyone took a break and came to get it for themselves.

"Thank you, Chief!" × N

, the police officers who had been busy all morning got up one after another, took their favorite food from Josson, and went back to their desks to eat happily

: "For the sake of your conscience as a capitalist, I forgive you for the time being."

Kyoko holds an expensive set of luxurious eel rice, and her small mouth is bulging, like a door-slamming hamster preparing for the winter.

"Hard work, hard work, my assistant officer." Qiao Sen held a box of pork chop rice and stood in front of the apricot table to eat, "No way, the special affairs class has just been established, and these trivial things are always indispensable."

Kyoko gave him a blank look, swallowed the food in his mouth, and said angrily: "Then you also send us some more manpower, so many things, how can we have three or four big cats and kittens in time?" "

Dissipate gas, dissipate gas." Qiao Sen put the empty lunch box on the table and straightened his clothes, "Your section leader has a good harvest today, and the reward from the headquarters will come down soon." "

Really fake, how much can be gained in a morning..." Kyoko looked suspicious, watching Joson turn to leave, "Hey, your trash!"

"Throw it for me."

After Johnson left, the entire Special Affairs Office began to become a little noisy.

One police officer complained: "What the chief said is not true, I don't want to touch these documents at all!"

"Hey, don't you think Captain Johnson is handsome when eating?" Ouch

..." A little policewoman's face lit up, in exchange for Kyoko's accurate chopstick attack: "Don't be a fool, lunch is eaten so fast, your section leader is a foodie..."

Kyoko: "..."

How am I going to save you, office idiot."

Thinking about it, her little face was also slightly red.

Although I don't want to admit it, she has a good point....

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