"I... Yes, yes, yes!! Saitama

, who was submerged, made an unusually firm voice in the human slit.

Josson: "..."What

kind of perseverance is this?"

No wonder the supermarket sale punch is so terrifying!

Glancing around, Johnson saw a shop with tables and chairs in front of the door, and immediately rose into the air, and the sound radiated around.

"It's a pleasure to meet everyone in M City, in order to thank everyone for their enthusiasm, I will hold a fan meeting in front of the 'Pig Tea Restaurant', everyone does not need to crowd here, those who want to sign an autograph line up and come directly to me."

"Yes!" As soon as × N

responded, a large number of fans followed Jon in the sky to leave, and the order of the scene was restored.

After the crowd left, a gray-faced figure suddenly sat up on the ground: "Great, finally saved..."

Saitama picked up the squeezed vegetable basket, a carp stood up straight, and a roaring fire burned in his eyes: "It's not time to rest yet!" Must show courage when training, supermarket sale, I'm coming!! "


a black shadow flashed, and Saitama seemed to comprehend the teleportation technique, leaving a scattered afterimage in place and the whole person disappeared.

A minute later.

"Hahaha! I've got my signature in my hand!

"One snap finger on my T-shirt signed, that's pretty cool!"

"Is this how superpowered heroes are signed? Love love, love! "

Eh! Is Lord Johnson gone?

"When! It's a pity that I haven't asked for a group photo yet! "


In the corner of the sparsely populated pedestrian street, blue light flashed, and Joson's figure appeared out of thin air.

"Oh yes, it's good that the reaction is fast enough, otherwise I won't be able to go back today."

Fang Cai, he controlled the magnetic field to produce laser rays, and the speed of light of "Ninja Fa, Magnetic Escape Laser Lithography Batch Signature Technique" met the signature needs of fans on the scene, and teleported away while everyone was blinded by the laser.

If Yong took his sister to pass by at this time, Gao Low wanted the entire ninjutsu name of "Thunder Roaring Wind Dancing and Flashing" to go again.

By the time everyone reacted, the fan meeting was over.

I saw it, and I didn't seem to see it.

People can't be found, but it's already a pleasure to get the few S-class hero signatures that have flowed out of the market.

The accident made Johnson rediscover his popularity in public, and it seems that going out in the future will be a problem.

While using super-powered optics to simulate another person's appearance solves the problem perfectly, Joson is a hero and not a wanted criminal.

When you go out, you have to sneak up your true appearance, and I always feel a little embarrassed by doing so.

If only I could be like Superman, wearing black-framed glasses and changing clothes at the touch of a button....

When you look up, a store called "Murata Fashion Hatter Store" comes into view.

Walking into the store, rows of wooden display shelves are placed with hats of various styles, some new and some exaggerated, which seems to suit Jossen's taste.

"Yusuke, there is a guest coming, don't you hurry up and come out to say hello!" An old lady with one-sided glasses sat in front of the sewing machine behind the counter and shouted into the room.

Immediately greeted Qiao Sen with a smile on his face, and the wrinkles on his face were squeezed together: "Guest brother, there is a sofa over there, you sit down first, my grandson will come out in a while, you can talk to him about any needs." "

Okay," Johnson nodded, his heart moved, "Old man, is your hat customized?" "

Of course," the old lady raised the fabric material she was working on, "I sewed all the hats in the shop one by one."

"So it is."

Johnson sat down on the sofa where he was entertaining, and after a while, a young voice came from the back room.

"It's coming."

A thin young man came to Qiao Sen: "What do the guests drink, coffee, black tea, green tea, chrysanthemum tea, and red wine." "

Mineral water will do, thank you."


The young man brought a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Qiao Sen, and in his left hand he held a drawing board for painting: "Okay, let's talk about what kind of hat you want, my grandmother's craftsmanship is very good, no matter what kind of whimsy can be turned into reality."

Johnson thought for a moment: "I want a caps that can be used every day, and can cover my face a little." "

Cap? Okay..." As

he spoke, the young man turned the charcoal pen in his hand, and a few strokes fell, and a three-dimensional shaped cap, already appeared on the drawing board.

"Guest, take a look, do you think it's okay to look like this?"

"Yes, it looks very good," Joson looked at the young man in surprise at the sketch of the cap, and couldn't help but ask, "It's really amazing drawing skills, you're a professional costume designer, right?"

"No, my main business is a cartoonist." The young man smiled proudly, and the charcoal pen in his hand continued to draw, "Let's go to a few details, you can add any material you want." "

Is that so?" Johnson thought for a while, "The overall color scheme uses black, the brim and brim plus some gold edges, the front is decorated with some gold-toned metal accessories, plus a capital letter 'J', the back of the hat is best to show some hair, after all, I have more hair, so the design will feel much more comfortable... If asked, that's probably it.

As Johnson described it, the young man had a pen flying in his hand, and in a short time, the God of War cap that must have been customized according to his requirements jumped on the paper.

In addition, the young man also drew three views of the front and back sides of the hat, and the subtlety of the technique made Johnson marvel.

The young man smiled and handed the drawing board to Qiao Sen: "Look at it, this cap, whether it is not to your liking, if you are not satisfied, you can also tell me."

Jossen took it and looked at it: "Satisfied, let's make it like this."

"Okay! Grandma, come live! The

young man tore off the drawing paper and handed it to the old lady behind the counter, and Qiao Sen saw it and asked, "It will take a few days to come and get it?"

"A few days? "You can get your hat by sitting in the store for a while, and you can call me whenever you need anything." "

Thank you."

So fast?

Joson was a little surprised.

About half an hour passed.

A tall and musturdy figure walked out of the store, the blackout brim cast a shadow on the face, and a pinch of black hair popped out from behind, which at first glance seemed to be connected to the hat.


There is that smell.

For this accidental peaked hat, Joson is very satisfied.

That is, after wearing it, the whole person's temperament has changed greatly, looking cold and solemn, highlighting that a living person should not be approached.

The most important thing to do is that the face that cannot be seen clearly seems to be full of invincibility.

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