Calculating the time, if Saitama catches the supermarket sale, it should come out at this time.

Johnson pressed the brim of his hat, and the teleportation launch instantly disappeared in place.

"Am I blinded? That kid disappeared! Inside

the shop, the old lady poked her head out in amazement.

The young man supported his grandmother on the side: "That guy should be a hero!" "


"Teleport" back to the pedestrian street, and bump into a crowd of panicked citizens.

Hey, did the weirdos appear?

The Johnson Tower stood in the middle of the street, and the crowd was cut in two by him like a tidal wave.

Even if someone looked at him a few more times in a panic, they did not recognize his identity.

In the "Heart Network", the psychological activities of the surrounding citizens can be seen -

wow, this person is so tall!

It's so familiar, which hero is it? If you can't recognize it, let's run for your life first!

This guy hit me? Forget it, it seems to be very difficult to mess with....


The cap launches a move and transforms with one click.

The effect is outstanding!

Very good.

The corners of Jossen's mouth turned up slightly, pressing the brim of his hat.

This way, you don't have to worry about private travel in the future.

"Emergency disaster broadcast! A large octopus weirdo appears in M City, and the disaster level is tiger level! Ask nearby heroes to go to destroy them immediately! "

Emergency disaster broadcast..." There

was a faint explosion ahead, followed by the disaster broadcast of the Heroes Association.

The "heart net" spread, and Saitama's biomagnetic field appeared where the explosion sounded.

Sure enough, Saitama had already rushed over.

Then it's okay.

A tiger-level weirdo, Saitama can easily kill before starting training, and it should be easy now.

Crab Monster:?

Having said that, Joson went against the flow of people and rushed to the place where the weirdo appeared.


Ten minutes ago.


"Run away! Run away!!

"Weird! The weirdo has appeared!!



hot air balloon-sized octopus freak appeared in the city, and with a casual wave of clawed tentacles, buildings were cut and destroyed, and splashing sparks ignited and cut gas pipes, causing a violent series of explosions.

The city that was peaceful last second was like a hellish scene at this time.

Tiger-level weirdo, "Octopus Claw Man" appears.

"Siné, Siné, Sine!"

"All humans want Sine!"

The octopus freak has a cynical and weird human face, and he can't stop waving tentacles to attack the crowd.

The sharp claws made its tentacles extremely aggressive, and many of the civilians who were chased fell like mowing grass, and some even flew to the sky with a scream, splashing blood on the ground.

"Sine! Sine! The

weirdo's voice was like a fateful spell, and a tall, thin man with blond hair stomped on the ground in a panic, turned around, and looked at the huge octopus weirdo who had come to the front with a desperate face.

Do you want to die!! (crying)

Knock knock knock... Knock

knock knock.... A rhythmic blow gradually amplified from weak to strong, and the octopus freak was stunned for a second, not knowing how the little thing below could suddenly make such a loud noise.

But the next moment, a thick tentacle was like a whip swinging an afterimage, and suddenly fell!


My eyes!!"

The heart-rending screams resounded in the sky, and three bloody wounds appeared on the man's left face, and almost even his eyeballs were chopped apart by a claw!


Just subconsciously closed the eyelids and suffered a slight injury.

The "octopus claw man" glanced at his paw suspiciously, is the distance short?

The tall and thin man covered the wound in pain, blood oozing from between his trembling fingers, and half of his face was soaked with blood.

His face shape was originally the type that was not close to people, because of his timid personality and his usual likes to wear hats, he was not able to see it before.

At this time, at a glance, the scars and blood unexpectedly added a bit of fierceness.

If only his eyes weren't so fearful.

What's going on?

The "octopus claw man", who had turned into a weirdo, did not doubt for too long, and driven by the destructive desire that filled his consciousness, the tentacles that had just been withdrawn were raised high, and another slam fell at high speed! This blow is bound to cut off the man under his feet who escaped with good luck!

The strong wind that almost hit his face made it almost impossible for the man to open his eyes, and his previous life was like a slide before his eyes.

Carefree childhood, ordinary student days, ordinary social beatings in adulthood, and eventually became an otaku who can only play games.

Thinking that the new wife in the Galgame that I just bought has not yet met, the despair in my heart finally broke through reason, and before death came, it turned into a roar of sorrow and indignation: "I don't want to die!" Whoever it is!! Please come and save me!! "

Knock knock knock... Knock

knock knock.... "Sine... Huh? The

deafening drumbeat and a hoarse "Kill to Give" successfully brought the "Siné" in the mouth of the giant octopus to an abrupt end.

The expected severe pain did not come, and the tall and thin man with sweaty hair struggled to open his eyes, as if hallucinating, he saw an ordinary back that was not yet tall in front of him.

But anyway....

Finally survived!!

The falling tentacles stopped in mid-air, wanting to retract, but found that they were bound in place by a powerful force far beyond humans, and the octopus weirdo had to look down again, only to see an ordinary human wearing a blue tracksuit holding his tentacles with both hands!

What the hell?

But how can human power compete with weirdos?

"Every time I go out to buy vegetables, I always encounter some bad things, it seems that the clothes that have just been mended are going to be torn again..."

Saitama, whose feet were deeply sunk into the concrete floor and wrestled with the giant octopus with his head down, said behind him: "Hey, I said you, if you still have the strength, stay away!" This is the battlefield right away!

"Got it, got it!"

At this moment, Saitama's side face that could not be seen clearly was like an angel, and the ordinary body that was no different from ordinary people was as majestic as a mountain peak.

The scene in front of him was like a soldering iron, deeply imprinted in the man's heart.

The man who was so frightened that he almost became incontinent dragged his soft legs and fled backwards with a rolling belt.

"Continuously... Normal punch! "


The fleeing man watched in shock as the lifesaver just now was shot and flew to his side.

How handsome the posture of resisting the weirdo just now is, how embarrassed it is now when he is beaten flying.

"Hiss... I was careless, there was no flash!

Saitama, whose forehead was cut, narrowed his eyes instinctively, leaving behind blood that quickly stained his cheeks.

Part of the blood flowed through the eyes, and even the sight was inevitably stained with blood.

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