Unlike the other man present, Saitama habitually ignored the pain, as if injuries were commonplace.

Noticing that the man was looking at him dumbfounded, Saitama grinned: "Don't worry, I'm still very strong after training!"

Dexterously getting up from the ground, he pushed away the still stunned man, and he shook his fist to meet the pursuing octopus freak.

"Come on, the battle has just begun!!"


When Johnson arrives, the giant octopus that caused the chaos is headshot by an unknown force, and the broken body falls in the middle of the street.

A ragged figure is grasping an octopus foot with sharp claws and cutting other octopus tentacles.

In other words, why do octopuses grow claws?

Oh, it's a weirdo!

That's okay.

"Heartnet" finds several seriously injured survivors, Joson has a green chakra full of life flowing in his hands, and the "palm cactus" is activated, quickly repairing the injured body and dragging them back from the gates of hell.

It's a pity that such lucky people are only a few after all.

"Are you all right, Saitama?"

"Eh, wait... Who are you?

Saitama subconsciously turned around, and then saw a guy who couldn't see his face clearly approaching, and couldn't help but ask.

Does it work so well?

Qiao Sen raised the same caps of the Qiao family's God of War on his head in surprise, revealing his handsome face: "It's me, Qiao Sen." "

It turned out to be Josson! Strange, why is it that you are a little unrecognizable as soon as you put on your hat?

"After all, I'm a public figure, so it's normal to need a little disguise when I usually travel, right?"

Saitama couldn't help but recall the serious stampede that had just been almost squeezed to death by the crowd, and immediately nodded his head in agreement: "What you said makes sense!" Using

mental power to move the injured person whose physiological signs returned to normal to an open space convenient for rescue, Josen looked at Saitama, who was covered in blood but was busy with a busy head, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "Hey, hey, what are you doing?" Cut so many octopus legs down, it won't be ready to take it back and eat it!

"Yes, such a fresh octopus leg, it's a pity to waste it, right?" Looking at Saitama's hands that kept moving as if he had just returned from scavenging, his face was taken for granted, "And I also bought green wasabi sauce this trip, plus soy sauce, and the white seared octopus fillet is a perfect match!"

Speaking of this, Saitama's movements froze, and his expression changed suddenly: "Oops, I just threw away the things I just bought in order to save people!" I have to go get it back! Before

the words fell, the person had already run away without a shadow.


Johnson raised his hand without stopping it, sighed and activated his mind, and made the cut octopus leg into a card, ready to help Saitama take it back.

As for eating?

It is impossible to eat, it is impossible to eat this strange food in this life!


Just after handing over the fantasy card to the F cub into the card library, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of a tall and thin figure who was only promised.

"Are you..."

Johnson turned his gaze and saw the tightly bandaged gauze on the left side of the person's face, which seemed to overlap with someone in his memory.

The man was swept by Qiao Sen's gaze, his heartbeat accelerated involuntarily, and he quickly raised his hands to signal that he was harmless, explaining: "I, I, I... I'm here to find the hero who defeated the weirdo! "

Knock knock knock... Knock

knock knock.... The familiar "Imperial Engine" sounded, and Joson suddenly realized, it turned out to be King!

I said how it looks so familiar.

However, the current appearance of the slightly younger King in front of him could not be that he just met the weird man who left him with three scars?

Joson raised the brim of his hat slightly, walked over and patted King's shoulder: "Don't be nervous, you're looking for Saitama, right?"

King, who was already a deep otaku attribute, did not recognize Jossen's heroic identity: "Eh, is that hero's name Saitama?" "

If you're talking about the guy who defeated this octopus weirdo, it should be him."

Johnson raised his finger, and King turned his head in the direction of his finger.

A figure in the ruins of a collapsed city struggles to move the remains of a fallen building, and pieces of reinforced concrete of various sizes fly to both sides like waste paper balls, smashing the nearby smoke and dust.

"Obviously it's here? How could it not be found... Oh, finally found it!

Saitama happily walked back with two large plastic bags, and the previous vegetable basket was gone.


Seeing the benefactor return, King was just about to speak, but heard the man next to him say, "Stop! Saitama, I'll help you get the things first, right?

"Eh, thanks! But why..." Before

he finished speaking, two plastic bags were wrapped by Nian Li and separated from Saitama's hands and flew into the air.

Immediately, I saw Johnson clapping his hands and puffing out his cheeks.

"Shui Dun - who repairs the dam!"


An exaggerated stream of water sprayed towards Saitama, and by the time he reacted, it had completely turned into a falling soup chicken.

Even with it, the blood and dirt on his body were washed away.

"Okay, it's okay."

Precisely controlling the amount of water produced by the "Great Waterfall Technique", Josen snapped his fingers, and the plastic bag in the sky fell back into Saitama's hand.



Saitama, who was dripping with water all over his body, took it blankly, spitting out a large mouthful of water in his mouth, and the dead fish's eyes were full of grudges: "Qiao Sen, I have no grievances with you, why spit me with saliva!"

"That's not saliva, it's... Forget it, you just think of it as a superpower.

"Don't think about fooling around so easily, hey!!"

On the side, King, who had been stunned for a long time, was stunned, and suddenly felt that the benefactor's defeat of the giant octopus weirdo just now was not so outrageous.

Is this a hero?

"Eh, you're still here?"

After arguing for a while, and finding that Josen, who could not turn into a gold lord's father every day, Saitama gave up the struggle, and only then noticed King, who had been standing next to Jossen.

"Yes, yes!"

King came back to his senses and bowed sincerely to Saitama: "There is a pharmacy outside the walking street, please bandage them and rush back to thank you!" "

Oh, I don't need to thank you so formally," Saitama scratched his head, "I'm a person who wants to be a hero out of interest, and since I meet a weirdo, there is no possibility of ignoring it."

"Besides, the big guy I killed today is also a big gain for me, so don't take it too seriously."


There was a hint of envy and yearning in King's eyes, but when he looked at Saitama and Josen, who was obviously not an ordinary person next to him, the flash of emotion quickly dimmed down.

Impossible, I'm just an ordinary person, a waste house that can only play games, how can I become a hero like them who are originally strong?

"It's possible."

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