A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1000: Fusion God Eye!

This period of history is not complicated, it is just that a few years ago, there was Reiki on the earth, and in this environment with practice, monks will naturally appear.

But with the passage of time, due to some unexplained accidents, the spiritual energy of the earth dried up, so the monks on the earth gathered together, led by a force called Yuexingzong, and relied on the resources of that time to carry out a major migration. .

The place they went to was no longer this left-hand sanctuary, but went to the side-door sanctuary, and after the endless years of evolution, it has completely rooted in the side-door sanctuary and has grown into towering trees.

But... The Moon Star Sect in the Sanmen Sanctuary, who pays attention to the blood lineage, so whether it left the teleportation array before the migration that year, or returned to the earth after the migration in the process, all left behind.

Its main purpose is not to conspire with the Federation, but to absorb blood and integrate it into the Moon Star Sect, at least... from this jade slip, it is like this.

As for whether there are other secrets, Wang Baole did not know, but his eyes narrowed after reading the jade slip.

"Maybe it's my villain, but I still feel that this month the Star Sect has left a teleportation array on the earth to absorb the blood... it's not so simple on the surface!"

Wang Baole's eyes are bright, and he can't tell the reason. All this is just his guess. As for the final result, Wang Baole believes that one day, he will know.

But no matter what, at present, Yue Xingzong has no malicious intentions towards the Federation.

"Future things, let's talk about it later." Wang Baole shook his head and looked deeply at the seabed hills closed by the cave, turned around, and left the sea area. When he appeared, he was outside the stars of the solar system.

Sitting cross-legged here and looking into the distance, at the same time, he also began to prepare for the teleportation and fusion of Shenmu civilization, so that time slowly passed, and the day of the fusion of Shenmu civilization was getting closer and closer.

Under the leadership of Zhao Yameng’s mother, the new president, the Federation is ready to prepare all the stars to prepare for the arrival of the new era. In addition, the people also knew about this matter during this time, although some panic appeared , But overall it is stable.

Panic is also inevitable. After all, the arrival of an alien civilization, although it is merged, will still have an impact on the Federation, and this unknown will naturally be used by some other purposeful people to incite it.

It's just that today's federation is different from before. These purposeful people don't dare to jump too far, so although some small disturbances have been set off, they are quickly suppressed in the hearts of the top federal federations.

Until a few days later...Wang Baole avatar sitting cross-legged on the stars of the solar system, and his deity meditating in the star of the gods civilization, opened his eyes at the same time, teleporting... officially started!

The sound of roar is within the scope of Shenmu civilization, and it spreads out from the stars, sweeping across the entire range of Shenmu civilization like a storm, so that the eight planets that currently exist in Shenmu civilization are trembling, and even more so on these eight planets. All the people with divine eyes and civilization are also uneasy.

But this anxiety did not last long. With the entire scope of the Divine Eye civilization, it was completely covered by the light radiated by the stars in the blink of an eye. As the entire civilization turned into a sea of ​​light at this moment, everyone's mind was blank for a moment.

Only Zhang Tianzu, as the only planet in the native monk of the gods and civilizations, can barely see the change of the starry sky. In his eyes, he sees the so-called sea of ​​light, which is the transmission wave.

With the star of the Divine Eye civilization as the core, the sea of ​​light transformed by the emanation of the teleportation mantle covers all of it, and it also merges into all objects within the scope of the Divine Eye civilization.

"Civilization teleportation..." Zhang Tian Patriarch's heart was trembling. He lived for so long, and for the first time witnessed the vastness of civilization teleportation, so he couldn't help but looked to the side not far away. .

For this Zhao Yameng, Zhang Tian's ancestors were very afraid during this time. Although this fear was related to his own restraint by Wang Baole and he could not struggle to resist in this life, it was also related to Zhao Yameng's series of means in Shenmu civilization.

In a short period of time, Zhao Yameng has completely integrated the Shenmu civilization, which not only promoted Wang Baole's ascension to become the Emperor of Shenmu, but also used iron blood to suppress all dissidents. In that **** killing time after time, he gave way to The god-headed civilized monk was terrified.

If this is the case, the ancestors of Zhang Tian will not be afraid. What’s more is that Zhao Yameng has also formulated a set of laws for the Shenmu civilization. Although this law cannot theoretically escape weak meat and strong food, in general, for ordinary For the monk, it is still possible to protect rights and interests and life, even if handled well, it is not impossible to weaken the town!

This is like a storm to the Shenmu civilization. After all, before this, the Shenmu civilization system collapsed and lived on plunder. The royal family did not have any means of intervention, which made the entire Shenmu civilization chaotic, and it also caused countless people to suffer. Language.

So as soon as this law came out, it was immediately sought after by a large number of monks, making them willing to tie this legal rope to their bodies, and those strong men had to agree. In addition, Zhao Yameng also announced the reward system to make everything Paying is rewarding, soothing.

All of this is only part of Zhao Yameng’s means, but it’s just that, it has made Zhang Tian Patriarch realize that if these continue, then I am afraid that it can not be used for several generations, and there is no need for someone to suppress the Shenmu civilization, everything is It can run on its own.

All of this needs to be attached to the federal system, and the federal government will become the law enforcer and the public trustee.

This matter is good or bad, the ancestor of the heavens is not sure, so he can only sigh and watch the sea of ​​teleportation cover the entire starry sky of civilization, until... teleportation starts, and in the blink of an eye, everything around him begins to blur !

The god-headed civilization is as if it was directly erased by an invisible big hand in the starry sky where it was originally, disappearing in an instant, stars, planets, sentient beings, everything, at this moment, disappeared.

In the area left behind, a vortex black hole was formed in a piece of empty space, and the starry sky farther around was dragged in to make up for it, and then slowly calmed down, but the ripples raised in this area did not disperse for a long time.

In the next moment, in the solar system, with the transmission of the Divine Eye civilization, as Wang Baole's eyes opened, his hands were raised violently, waving to both sides, and the entire solar system roared, the starry sky trembles, and the hearts of all beings set off in the big waves, Divine Eyes Civilization... appeared in the solar system!

The God-headed civilization that has just appeared is not a substance, but a translucent state. Eight planets are distributed in the starry sky of the solar system and surround the sun with the eight planets. This scene shocks everyone who sees it.

At the same time, at the moment when the illusory shadow of the Divine Eye civilization arrives, its star is exactly where the Federal Sun is.

The two sides overlapped together in a virtual and real way in an instant, and even at the moment of overlap, the monstrous loud noise came out of the sun, just like swallowing the big tonic pill. Extremely, its size is also at this moment, skyrocketing!

The roaring sound continued to reverberate, and as the volume of the sun soared, with the spread of the light within it, the starry sky where the solar system civilization is located seemed to be stretched out and spread out!

The range is larger and the star range is wider!

Eventually, after expanding more than twice, the stars that appeared in the new solar system finally completed the fusion, and their size has soared twice as much, and the ancient bronze sword originally penetrated the sun, but now it is In the fusion of these two stars, Shengsheng was pushed out, so that the sun finally returned to complete!

As for the ancient bronze sword, it was like a battleship, towed by stars, and started to circle around like stars, at the same time... in the outer periphery, a total of sixteen planets, distributed around each other around the star, inside The eight planets from the Divine Eye civilization have also rapidly turned into substance from the previous illusions!

This change lasted for three full days. Under the control of the integration of Wang Baole's body and the avatar, in the moment of complete completion, the monk of the Divine Eye civilization just felt a little weak in the stun, there was something like something, and it has changed since then. Strange feeling.

But for all the lives born here in the federal civilization, it is the star burst, a blessing to all beings, that is a gift from the level of life!

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