A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1001: National promotion!

In Weiyang Road, there are countless civilizations. To promote civilization, it takes a long time and the overall improvement of individuals and races, so that the level of civilization can slowly increase.

But there are shortcuts!

This shortcut is to devour and integrate the stars of other civilizations, so that all the existence in the other civilization is enslaved from the roots and soul, thereby enhancing the level of its own civilization stars.

Once the level of the star is raised, then as if the water overflows, a phenomenon called spiritual feed appears. This phenomenon can make all life born here in civilization from the essence of life in a blink of an eye. It has been improved, thereby affecting the cultivation of change, and even allowing some people to cultivate for an instant climb, and even allowing monks stuck in a certain state for a long time to break through.

Because this promotion is too domineering, and there are no bad consequences, so while making countless people crazy, it also allows the war between civilizations in the Weiyang Dao region to continue.

And this...maybe exactly what the Weiyang tribes need, otherwise they will not join this rule of shortcut for the promotion of cosmic civilization when they replace the Ming Sect and formulate rules in the Heavenly Way.

But in any case, under this rule, war is constantly eternal, and the survival of the fittest or the weak of the civilization has become the norm. Whether it is willing or unwilling, in this area of ​​the Weiyang Road where you cannot control your destiny without promotion, put In front of the solar system, only continuous improvement.

At this moment, with the emergence of the spiritual feed, in the spread of the rays of the sun that merged with the star of the Divine Eye and became more magnificent, the ecology of the entire Federation has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Mountain peaks rose up from the ground, all the mines were formed in an instant, the rivers and rivers were endless, and the fields became the fields, and all the ordinary things had the magical power!

Birds and beasts hissed, clouds of mist came to the spirit rain, everything in the world was evolving, vegetation was growing wildly, the world was nourished, all things were being nourished, human beings were also in it, and under the guidance of Wang Baole, Change more!

The first thing to be changed is the qualifications. This promotion of the national qualifications has made those who had no qualifications for practicing spiritually qualified from this moment!

The qualifications of those who are already qualified are improved accordingly!

At the same time, on the face, it also seems to be adjusted. Under the change of life level, it has changed. As for Shouyuan...the same is true. Once the federal people, since the Lingyuan era, Shouyuan has all been improved, but with Today's comparison is trivial!

Today's federal people, with the improvement of their life level, can live to the age of 200 even if they don't practice. Not only is Shou Yuan like this, so is their health.

In addition to this, there is also a piece of magical instrument, which is also improved by this spirit, but the one with the most improvement... is still a monk!

Promoting from the level of Lingwu to the refiner, you no longer need specific things, you can promote yourself, and practice Qi to foundation, although still need specific things, but because of the emergence of spiritual feed, there are naturally more things that meet the requirements, and even some The condensed gas congregation monk who had been prepared for a long time, at this moment, the foundation was merged, and the cultivation practice was successfully broken through!

It can be said that almost all monks and practitioners are in this moment of spiritual feedback. The overall improvement, the more weak the practitioners, the greater the increase!

This is true even for Yuanying monks. The entire federal territory has been broken through in recent years. A total of nearly a hundred Yuanying monks have been cultivated in this spiritual feed. Some of them are from Yuanying’s consummation and direct Climb to the psychic!

Not only they are like this, like Li Xingwen, but also Zhao Yameng’s mother, and other high-level leaders, and the most promoted among them is Li Xingwen.

As a rising monk in the Spiritual Age, as the first prince, the first Yuanying, and the first psychic except Wang Baole, Li Xingwen's qualifications are amazing, but only limited by the level of life There is no chance experience like Wang Baole, so it is slow.

But now... Under the spirit, his qualifications were improved, his life level was improved, and his cultivation practice was also at this moment, like the opening of the gate, the roar erupted, and he climbed all the way to the spirit directly from the realm of God. Fairy!

Not only him, but also Lin You. Zhao Yameng’s mother also climbed up. After stepping into the spirit fairy realm, the Federation appeared the fourth one who stepped into the spirit fairy.

This person is the big tree!

Soon, a fifth appeared. This fifth person was the Xu Sect Master of the Xinghe Sunset Sect. He had always been low-key before, and now with the outbreak of cultivation, he returned to the peak of the Federation!

Compared with them, the younger generations such as Lin Tianhao, Zhou Xiaoya and others have also improved, but at most they have reached the spirit, there is still a gap, but as long as they are given time, in the spiritual environment of the new Federation Breakthrough is sooner or later!

At the same time, the vast Taoist palace was equally profitable. Although Feng Qioran in the Taoist palace did not receive spiritual feedback, the starry ancestor of the Dao Palace's eyes suddenly opened on the altar at the point of the sword. Kai, all injured people including him, at this instant, the healing speed of the whole solar system has doubled under the sudden increase of the aura of the entire solar system!

This matter made this ancestor of the Star Field deeply moved, because Wang Baole had proved his previous words with actual actions, so he also confirmed his previous commitment. Looking at Wang Baole, who was meditating on the stellar at the moment, this star Old Patriarch looked down at the woman in palace dress sitting in front of him.

"The saint's proposal, the old man agreed, maybe he is indeed the most suitable person."

After hearing this sentence, Miss Sister Mask, who has followed Wang Baole all the way, smiled on her face and turned away after a week of worship.

At this moment, the gifts from the stars are still continuing. With the improvement of the life level and cultivation of all people, there are two people who have improved. It is amazing!

One is Wang Baole, the other is... Zhao Yameng!

This fusion of stars comes from the Sun’s spiritual contribution to a certain extent, which is regarded as gratitude and blessing. The latter is for all creatures in the Federation, and the former... is for Wang Baole and Zhao Yameng!

So here at Zhao Yameng, the improvement she received was terrifying. At the same time that her life level was elevated beyond others, her cultivation practice was at this moment. Under the convergence of endless spiritual energy, she reached the Immortal Great Consummation!

As for Wang Baole... as the leader of all this, especially the star of the gods fused by the sun, there is a connection with him, so the gift he received here is naturally the ultimate. Its cultivation is from the beginning of the planet. Under the influx of endless aura, it reached the middle of the planet!

Although it has only elevated a realm, to the planetary realm, the total amount of aura and time required for the promotion of this realm is beyond the imagination of the monks below the planet.

It is already the ultimate feedback that the solar system can do to improve it in the cultivation of planets, and Wang Baole is not dissatisfied, because he knows that this fusion...is just the beginning!

This spiritual feed lasted a full month. When it was completely over, sixteen planets in the solar system circled, and the Divine Eye civilization and the Federation also docked.

There was no resistance or surprise in this docking. At the same time, it was smooth, and the civilization of God's Eyes was integrated into the Federation, and the Federation was the dominant one.

By this time, Wang Baole understood that the things of the Federation had come to an end. There is the Dao Palace in the Star Territory, and now the forces of the Federation, and the guardianship of the Heavenly Patriarch, plus his own background, in general, the Federation here, For a certain period of time, it is safe.

And he also received a letter from the Patriarch of Flames, telling him that the messenger who came to pick him up to the Flame Galaxy was almost coming.

"Are you going..." Wang Baole murmured, his mind swept through the present solar system and felt its magnificence, he took out a paper slip.

This paper slip comes from the land of star fall. Before leaving the land of star fall, Wang Baole asked the star fall star for a thing and asked for 30 planets!

This paper slip is a token that enters the land of the starfall. It can be used thirty times, and under the approval of the starfall emperor, there is no time limit. As long as you hold this slip, you can summon the starfall boat to come to greet and go Perform a separate trial.

This is what he prepared for the Federation, and the first to use this paper slip is Zhao Yameng.

So after sending it to Zhao Yameng, his watch star star ship appeared, after Zhao Yameng boarded the ship and left, Wang Baole returned to Mars, accompanied by his parents, while silently waiting for what the Master said to greet the arrival of his messenger!

"Flaming galaxy..." While waiting, Wang Baole also looked up from time to time, looking at the starry sky, his eyes gradually showing the look of expectation!

This volume is over, the next one: The Ming Sect Reappears!

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