A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1002: Sixteen young masters!

Wang Baole didn't wait long. On the third day after he returned to Mars, the range changed beyond the new solar system, which was twice as large as before, and a red flame ripple appeared in the star sky.

The ripples appeared very abrupt, as if coming from the sky, and the ripples split themselves in the diffusion, so that when seen with the naked eye, countless ripples can be seen spreading out layer by layer.

At first glance, it looks like a calm lake was thrown into a stone, but because of the flames that make up these ripples, it is more like a raging sea of ​​fire, and after dozens of breaths, this raging sea of ​​fire begins to churn , From its central position, slowly condensed an illusory figure.

As this figure appeared, an earth-shattering breath seemed to shake the starry sky, bursting out of it, making the sea of ​​fire more intense, and the surrounding starry sky appeared to be unbearable.

It seems that this slowly condensed figure itself is too high, so it will cause the starry sky to vibrate when it appears, and even the solar system is somewhat distorted. Obviously if this horrible existence is malicious, then let The dissipation of the solar system is just a matter of thought!

But obviously, the figure that is condensing is restrained, so the breath quickly converges, and no longer spreads outside the solar system, but condenses in the body. At the same time, its body is slowly condensed under this condensate. For the substance.

Revealed its true appearance!

Appearing in this starry sea of ​​fire, it is a veteran cow radiating flames all over the body. This cow is red in color, and the size of the fire is rolling in the foot. It seems to be its performance after suppression, not completely revealing the body. .

But even so, it still makes the nearby starry sky seem to collapse at any time, and the terrifying coercion emanating from it has already surpassed the star, and even compared with the power of the star field, it seems that it can't be much different.

This kind of horrible existence is not common in the starry sky. In fact, if it wants to, it can be rampant whether it is the left-hand sanctuary or the side-door sanctuary. Basically, most civilizations are vulnerable in front of it. Weak.

And when it came, it was instantly noticed by the position of the bronze sword edge of the solar system, and the ancestor of the Taoist palace meditating on the third altar. The old man's eyes opened sharply, revealing uncertainty and breathing. They were all in a hurry, he stared at the direction of the old cow with his chest ups and downs, his face changed again and again, and his body slowly stood up, just about to speak, but at this time...

The old cow coming out of the solar system first opened his mouth, not only for one person, but spreading the mind, spreading to the entire solar system, so that all the existence in the solar system, no matter what it was doing, appeared in the mind. In the majestic words!

"Old slave Yan Yan, ordered by the flaming flame, to welcome the 16th young master Wang Baole to return to the flaming galaxy!"

This mindfulness is like a storm, which instantly permeates the entire solar system and enters the minds of all beings. The Taoist monk on the bronze ancient sword, all of them were mad, even those who were injured and comatose, trembling unconsciously. The ancestral celestial ancestors on the three altars also squinted in an instant. Although they were relieved in the shortness of breath because they knew the origin of the other party, they immediately mentioned it again.

Although he thinks that Wang Baole will not lie to himself, since he is a disciple of Patriarch Blaze, it must be, but he did not expect that the identity of the other party's disciple is more amazing than he thought.

"What kind of disciple... will the Blazing Patriarch arrange a star power to come to meet?"

"Apart from welcoming, I also want to deter the heart of my Taoist palace... and deter other forces, so that all parties that have attracted attention due to the fusion of the solar system and God must converge..."

"And all of this, in the final analysis, is due to the importance attached to that Wang Baole..." Dao Gong Patriarch was silent, and the importance attached to Wang Baole in his heart also increased.

At the same time, countless people and monks in the Federation, as well as all those familiar with Wang Baole, such as Lin Tianhao and Liu Daobin, were shocked by the sound of the mind.

"Sixteen young masters?"

"Wang Baole..."

"Although this identity is not specific, but it sounds unconscious, it must be good!"

"It's worthy of being the guardian of my Federation! My founder of the Mars Special Zone!! My old leader Liu Daobin has followed throughout his life!!!"

During these countless uproars, Zhao Yameng's mother, Li Xingwen, Xu Sect Master of the Xinghe Sunset Sect, and Lin You, etc., also took a deep breath at this moment, looking at Mars in different positions.

Wang Baole had previously told them about the things to go, and briefly said where to go, but even if they were mentally prepared, they still had a strong turmoil in their hearts at the moment.

The horror of the old cow and the words contained in the divine thought allowed them to clearly recognize the status of Wang Baole and its unpredictable future, and there will be no firm heart that has changed, and it is now more determined.

Even Zhao Yameng's mother had an idea in her mind at the moment. She planned to wait for Zhao Yameng to come back and talk to her carefully about her and Wang Baole's future.

At the same time, I also made up my mind to take special care of Zhou Xiaoya, because she had a strong worry in her heart. She was worried...Wang Baole, who is going farther and farther, will one day be too big and too fast due to the pace, and gradually join the Federation Alienated.

Although she thinks this possibility is very small, but as the president of the Federation, she can't help but consider it, then the best way is to let the other party care, besides her parents, she can join the care, naturally she is her woman Too.

The sentient beings were shaken and raised countless thoughts. At the same time, Wang Baole on Mars also put down the tableware and chopsticks in his hand, stood up and looked forward to his parents, looking deeply in front of him.

"Dad, Mom...I don't know how long I have been here, but I don't think it will be too long. You... take care!"

"Go, Baole, you have to take care too..." Wang Baole's mother endured the sadness and spoke softly. His father also nodded and watched Wang Baole's stooped figure, gradually disappearing into place.

Until it completely disappeared, Baole's mother couldn't support it anymore and shed tears.

With a sigh, Wang Baole, who appeared in the starry sky from the figure, came out, and he did not give up, but he knew that when he embarked on this path of cultivation, he would walk like a boat against the water, and retreat if he did not advance, so he had to keep moving forward. Walking, only in this way, when you can protect everything you want to protect, you can also see the wider world.

At the same time, Wang Baole was very grateful for the ancestors of flames.He was very clear that the sentiment from the solar system was the love of the Master for himself. This love is reflected in both the deterrence of the mischievous and the loved ones in his hometown. Friends feel at ease.

With Master's intentions like this, Wang Baole knew enough, so he stood in the starry sky, looking at the solar system and looking at the earth, vaguely seeing the silhouette of a woman standing on the top of the rebuilt Taoyuanyuan on the earth.

The hair rose with the wind, covering his face, but he could not cover the soft gaze in his eyes.

Across the starry sky, it seems that the eyes can touch together, Wang Baole looked at it for a long time, nodded, turned around, and ran straight...outside the solar system!

This time he left, he did not worry about the Federation. Whether it was the covenant of the vast Taoist palace or the improvement of the national level after the integration of the Divine Eye civilization, the Federation itself was completely different from before.

At the same time as it is more powerful, there is also the figure of the ancestor of flames, all of which will allow the Federation to develop in a very stable manner for a period of time in the future!

"Then... Next, let's go and see, how vast this starry sky is and how bright it is!" Wang Bao was happy, with a strong light in his eyes, and his body roared into a long rainbow, traversing directly at an alarming speed Today's solar system, until it appears...outside the solar system, seeing the vast sea of ​​fire and the center of the sea of ​​fire, the whole body exudes a breath of terror...Old cow!

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