A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1016: A great achievement!

In this distance from the place where Wang Baole was practicing, it was very far away from the starry sky, and it was not a stellar monk from the nearby civilization, but a planetary monk to intercept Xie Haiyang.

This monk's body looks similar to humans, but the blood in the body is different, but composed of magma. He has a natural talent for the rules of fire attributes, making him in the flame galaxy, the combat power is much higher than the outside world, even if it is A fellow monk in the same land cannot help him.

So even if he felt that Xie Haiyang's flying shuttle was good, he also noticed that Xie Haiyang was a bit unpredictable, but he still looked very cold and proud.

Because he doesn't care how the other side thinks, he is now doing things for the younger. If the other side has a great future, it will naturally be clear that if there is no future to dare to break through, then he is worrying that there is no chance of meritorious performance.

So after speaking, he stood there, looking at Shuttle with cold eyes and observing.

"Young Master?" Xie Haiyang was shocked when he heard the other party's words. From the name in the other party's words, he naturally reacted. This is a disciple of Patriarch Patriarch, who appeared nearby and was doing some More important things, so it will be ordered to seal the four sides of the starry sky, so that no outsiders can come close.

"I don't know which disciple of Patriarch Blaze... Maybe this is an opportunity?" Xie Haiyang's hesitation here immediately fell into the eyes of the monk who was blocking his progress. After perceiving Xie Haiyang's performance, this monk I sighed regretfully in the bottom of my heart, knowing that I had a chance to make a contribution. I was afraid that it would be gone. The person in front of me, even if he had some background, obviously did not dare to invade.

The monk waved his hand impatiently at the thought that there was no chance of meritorious service.

"Do not retreat!" As he said, there was a blaze of flame in his hand as he flew out of the air, turned into a sea of ​​fire in front of him, towards the shuttle where Xie Haiyang was located, and quickly pushed it past, and he would be driven away from this place.

If you change at other times and other locations, in the capacity of Xie Haiyang, you will certainly not allow the other party to be so arrogant in front of you, but now in the flaming galaxy, he is also seeking people, so he can only calm his temper and control the flying shuttle. While retreating away from the flames, the body flickered outside the shuttle, standing on it and clenching fists toward the front.

"This Daoist, I don't know which disciple is the ancestor of the flames? Xie family Xie Haixie, who is here to visit the ancestors of flames!"

When the planetary monk heard this, he looked slightly, put away his supernatural powers, and looked at Xie Haiyang carefully, then he held his fist in return.

"It turned out to be Xie Daoyou. If Daoyou went to visit his ancestor, he still had to make a detour. It is really the sixteen young masters who practice in the front. I am waiting for my duty. All outsiders should not step in, sorry!"

"Sixteen Young Masters?" Xie Haiyan was shocked, according to the information he collected, and immediately reacted.

"The sixteen young masters are Wang Baole?"

"Bold, no matter what your intention is, in my flaming galaxy, dare to call the name of the young master?" The planetary monk suddenly looked calm, snorted, and the cultivation base broke out, and a pair of masters were received. The look of humiliation, Xie Haiyang looked at the bottom of his heart while scolding the dog legs, but on the surface it shouted.

"Misunderstanding, Daoyou, this is a misunderstanding. Xie Mou and Brother Baole are friends of life and death. When I came here to visit the ancestor, I also had the intention to visit the old man. The ocean is here, and I hope the Baole brothers will see you!" Xie Haiyan smiled, his expression was very calm at the moment, making his words full of persuasion.

This made the planetary monk a little hesitant. After taking a closer look at Xie Haiyang, he did not continue to drive it, but let him wait here. He took out the jade jade and sent a voice to his own star ancestor.

But even the ancestor of this planetary monk is not qualified to contact Wang Baole directly. It is really their civilization. It is too far away from the place where Wang Baole is truly cultivated. Even when it reached the Lingling civilization, it could not be immediately passed to Wang Baole.

After all, Wang Baole was sitting cross-legged in the meteorite belt at this moment, isolating all contact with the outside world, and immersing himself wholeheartedly in the operation of the first layer of Feng Xingjue.

As he practiced, and with the operation of Feng Xingjue, the fluctuations in Wang Baole's body became more intense. In the end, the nine ancient stars around him turned into Dao stars, and the pressure continued to spread out, affecting This meteorite belt makes the roar sound spread from time to time.

At the same time, there are layers of ripples, which gradually spread under the operation of Wang Baole's Feng Xingjue. Until half a month later, when the ripples scattered on Wang Baole covered the entire endless range of the meteorite belt, his eyes opened suddenly. .

"Almost, the next step is to find a suitable meteorite to come to the first layer of my Feng Xing Jue...completely perfect!" In the murmur, Wang Baole lifted his right hand, and grabbed a lot of money in front of it, suddenly many in front of it In the meteorite, there was a person who got rid of the star's traction and whistled toward Wang Baole.

At the moment of approaching, Wang Baole looked at Qi Qimang and pinched the tactics with both hands. Around him, the Dao star composed of nine ancient stars was the core, and a huge star chart directly turned around him.

This star map is composed of light spots transformed from ten thousand stars, and each light spot that looks like a star is actually a cow lice that has shrunk into a sphere, arranged under each other, forming the outline of the body of the **** cow. And in the eyebrows of the outline of the head of the **** cow, it is the place where the star is located. Inside this star, it is... Wang Baole meditating cross-legged.

At the moment when the outline of this star chart appeared, the meteorite ingested by him was rapidly reduced in size under the traction of the power of the star chart, until eventually it became a long rainbow, which was directly integrated into Wang Baole's star chart, and One of the light spots merged quickly.

Until fully integrated, the original cow lice in the light spot also smoothly entered the interior of the meteorite, and the moment the two became one, the pressure from Wang Baole's star chart was obviously a bit more!

After a careful feeling, Wang Baole was invigorated and pinched again. From this meteorite belt, there was one meteorite selected by him, whistling from all directions, coming straight to Wang Baole, all approaching. Later, under the influence of starlight traction, it became smaller and smaller, and eventually became Changhong, which quickly merged with the light spot in Wang Baole's God Bull star map.

In this way, the time passed slowly, and Wang Baole's practice was also carried out at a rapid pace. The fusion meteorite from the first two or three, reached a hundred, and then over a thousand, until half a month later, the number of meteorites has exceeded Six thousand!

His divine bull star chart has continued to increase its coercion. Up to now, the fluctuations of the whole star chart, even the singular civilization ancestors outside the meteorite belt, are shocked in the heart.

Even if he is a stellar monk, he still feels that there is a growing force in the meteorite belt at this moment. Even the faintness makes him feel a little dangerous, and is spreading wildly.

Until another half a month passed, under the sigh of Xie Haiyang, Wang Baole's body meditating on the knee, a sudden shock, and his eyes opened again, he finally flew around Changhong made by ten meteorites around him, In the outline of his own star chart, the last ten light spots are filled in an instant, making the first layer of his star star tactic...completely perfect!

Between the roars, the shadow of the **** cow composed of tens of thousands of meteorite seemed to be alive. With Wang Baole standing up, he stood up in the starry sky, and raised a roar that shook all directions.

Just roaring, it formed an invisible wave, spreading frantically around, like a storm, sweeping all directions to make the outside world repair, all the stars below, all trembling, had to retreat and couldn’t get close, even if the stars were all one The hearts shook violently, looking at the star-shaped meteorites, and the huge, snarling shadow of the divine cow appeared at the moment, all bowed their heads.

"Congratulations to the young master, the achievements of the gods have begun!"

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