A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1017: Please soon!

Almost outside the body of Wang Baole, the phantom ghost phantom was revealed outside the star of the scorching civilization, roaring in the sky, and a silent roar came out, and the storm spread across the four sides, while the main star of flames was lying on the stone turned by his fourteen brothers. On the back, his hands were resting behind his head, humming Xiaoqu's fifteenth, he suddenly got a good meal, sat up, and looked at the burning civilization.

His look was completely different from his previous appearance. At this moment, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and there was relief in his eyes, as if an old soul appeared in the body of this teenager!

Not only was he like this, at the moment the stone underneath also had a face on it, with a look exactly like fifteen, exactly the same, there were thirteen transformed trees, and the gentle twelve sisters, The overbearing eleven elder sisters and so on, all at this moment, look the same!

No matter the 7th Senior Brother with a swollen nose and blue face, or the 3rd Senior Brother taking a bath in the magma, and the Master Sister playing chess with him in the 2nd Senior Brother’s Tower, even including the old sleeping cow, they all smiled at this moment. Consistent!

With comfort, with care, with expectations.

"This kid has already gained momentum." The elder sister in the tower of the Second Senior Brother smiled and opened the chess piece in his hand.

"Being able to practice so quickly in such a short time, to achieve this momentum, in addition to the shower arranged by the Master, this is the key to the Feng Xing tactics that fully fits his qualifications." Brother II raised his head and spoke gently, he was very clear, A suitable exercise method is extremely important for the monks, especially the degree of exercise such as Feng Xingjue, it can make people go smoothly and go straight to Jiuxiao!

After all, this is their flaming pulse, the most nourishing practice!

"Master Zun went out to seek the help of Heavenly Master, personally use his brother's hair to play the ancient Tao today, so that Feng Xingjue can evolve and adjust himself to the most suitable qualification for the sixteen brothers. If tailored for him, do this, Master must have paid a great price..."The second brother whispered, and the master sister across from him laughed.

"Although the price is not small, but it is worth it. My monks want to walk out of the real road. Although the exercises are heavy, the qualifications are heavy, the chances are heavy, the magic weapons are heavy... But in fact, these are secondary, real The one that should be put first is the momentum!"

"From the planetary realm, we must begin to cultivate... fearless momentum!"

"Only by possessing such a will, can we have the momentum that can't be stopped, all things in the world, heaven and earth in the universe, and billions of ways!"

"This trend, if not extinguished, is destined to set foot on the peak and make it invincible in the world!" The master sister laughed in the sky and expressed strong expectation in her eyes, murmuring words that only she could hear.

"The flames go up and down, and all disciples have this kind of potential, but the heavens are indifferent and have fallen...but I believe that if we can continue to go, this momentum is the road to the road!"

In this flaming main star, when everyone's eyes are staring at the scorching civilization, at the moment outside the star of the scorching civilization, in the eyebrows of the shadow of the **** cow roaring in the sky, Wang Baole in the Dao star has a domineering look in its look Italy is slowly breeding!

"Now, looking at the planetary environment...it's just a transition!" Wang Baole feels that the cultivation in the body is fluctuating, obviously only in the middle of the planet, but it gives him the feeling that if he goes all out, then he can defeat himself with the cultivation of the planet, maybe there are , But if you want to kill yourself in this realm, I am afraid that you are looking at the entire Weiyang Dao territory, even if there are, it is almost rare.

"The only engraving rule of Daoxing, the rules of the nine ancient stars, the nightmare tactics to assist the killing, and the power of Feng Xingjue to burst..." Wang Baole murmured, the domineering meaning in his expression became stronger and stronger, as if he were the whole person. In this fusion, the shadow of the divine cow is also guided invisibly, making its momentum stronger at this instant.

Involving the rules of the Quartet starry sky, the power of the rules around him was transformed into a roar. The starry sky roared, and many stellar monks around the roaring civilization and other civilizations in the vicinity met him, and his right hand raised a wave.

He suddenly took out all the hundred celestial stars given in the Zijin Civilization Compensation. These celestial stars were refined and have magic seals, so they looked like round beads with the size of fists and different colors.

However, if the seal is unpacked, they will immediately become planets, pulling and spreading in the starry sky, and regenerating the stars.

"Although I just practiced the first layer of Feng Xingjue's practice to the great consummation...I haven't practiced to the second layer yet, but I think...these ordinary stars, I should be able to merge!" Wang Baole narrowed his eyes, and the Dao star outside his body instantly The light shines, and the Daoxing personality permeates the entire divine star map, which makes this divine cow tremble, although the power has not improved much, but at the level, the power of Daoxing borrowed is different.

At the same time, Wang Baole lifted his hands and immediately pinched the tactics, and suddenly the shadow of the **** cow outside his body roared again, slamming at the light beads transformed by the hundreds of ordinary stars, with a big mouth.

Under this suction, this hundred ordinary star beads immediately radiated brightly, went straight to the Shenniu, and was instantly swallowed by the Shenniu, dispersed throughout the body, and merged with the meteorite in different positions, all this The process didn't last long, so there were more than ten breaths. As Wang Baole waved his arms, the shadow of the vast divine cow outside his body roared again.

This time, the momentum is stronger and the momentum is stronger, because in this **** cow star map, there are a hundred positions, and the meteorites are merged by the stars to become stars!

Although compared with the whole, these hundred stars are only one of the hundred, but the overall improvement of Shenniu is still great, which makes Wang Baole's eyes even more brilliant.

"Sure enough, I am blessed with Daoxing. When I am on the first floor of Fengxing Jue, I can go to regular practice. Only when we reach the second floor, we can merge the stars!"

"In this way, I can be sure that after practicing to the second level, I will merge the spirit and the immortal stars in advance. In this case...at the third level, it should not be a problem to merge special stars!"

"If one day, I can merge tens of thousands of special stars, the shadow of the **** cow, how powerful will it be?" Wang Baole shook his mind, and some could not imagine, but this expectation was deeply ingrained in his heart. The ground surfaced.

"Dao Xing blessing is like giving me one more exercise. If I practice to the fourth level, then to some extent, it will be the fifth level like never before!"

"So... my way of breaking through the planet is very likely to no longer be the fusion of a star..." Wang Baole thought inwardly, and at this instant blessing to the soul, a bold thought came to my mind.

"Is it possible to use this star tactic to advance my Dao star from planet to star? Once it is done, then my cultivation will become natural and it will then break through and step into the realm of stars from the planet! "Wang Baole's eyes showed strange bright light, whether it was the original dream, or the main star of flames during this time, he asked Lao Niu himself, and the classics he had checked.

All made him very clear that there are many ways for planetary monks to promote stars, and because of the change in life level, they are no longer limited to fixed, there are too many options to promote people.

But basically, no matter what method, there is no guarantee of success rate, and the probability of failure is generally high. If it is really foolproof, it is not without, but the time and cost of preparation are beyond imagination, such as... Civilization has never seen a star, so as long as you promote your own civilization, you can also give back to Fuze to make the life level of the monk explode directly, so as to step into the stellar realm smoothly.

Thinking of this, Wang Baole narrowed his eyes and didn't continue to think about it. After all, he still had a big gap from the breakthrough. At this moment, the magical power was beginning to be completed. The most important thing before him was to find a way to get enough stars. Wan Fanxing’s supplement is the key, so Wang Baole raised his head after thinking. As the mind moved, it suddenly turned out. The shadow of the **** bull full of domineering momentum shrank rapidly in the flash, like a rewind, and finally returned to After his body, Wang Baole stepped out, and his body immediately appeared in front of the stellar monks who came to protect the dharma civilization and the nearby civilization in the next instant.

"Meet the young master!" These stellar monks bowed their heads in worship and respectfully.

"Thank you!" Even though the identities are different, and there are many lives and deaths in the flame galaxy, but Wang Baole is very clear that this is due to the presence of the master, it is the power of others, not himself, so he is still very polite to return the gift. To leave to return to the main star of the flames, the star-studded monk on the side of the civilization was hesitant and spoke in a low voice.

"Young Master, there is a monk named Xie Haiyang, who claims to be your old friend and has been waiting outside for a long time..."

"Xie Haiyang?" Wang Baole froze for a moment, then blinked. At this moment, there was a flash of surprise, he was worried that there were not enough stars... So he coughed and immediately spoke.

"Please soon!"

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