A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1018: A pair of good brothers!

After Wang Baole's command came out, he waited for seven full days... Xie Haiyang came over. This is no blame for Xie Haiyang's indifference. It is really where he is. There are some distances from Wang Baole. Seven days has been his best effort. , And even stars help each other, otherwise, it may be at least half a month or longer.

Fortunately, Wang Baole was also impatient. During these seven days, he sat cross-legged outside the star of the splendid civilization, while consolidating his supernatural powers, he was also familiar with the operation and display of Feng Xingjue.

Finally, after Wang Baole was thoroughly proficient in Feng Xingjue, he could instantly spread it out to form a powerful magical power, and then it could be reduced to cover the whole body and become his own protection. Xie Haiyang arrived.

Far away, stepping into the sea of ​​Xie Hai, the splendid civilization, and after seeing the amazing wave of Wang Baole outside the star in the distance, he felt a strong shock in his heart.

On the one hand, it’s been a long time since Wang Baole’s cultivation practice was like the difference between the world and the world, which shocked him. On the other hand, the stellar monks who surround and respectfully surround Wang Baole. Its posture of battle conjures up that the identity of the other party is now completely different from what it once was!

All this made Xie Haiyan take a deep breath and immediately adjusted his mind at the bottom of his heart, so as soon as he approached, he immediately shouted out loud.

"Xie Haiyang, I have seen the sixteen young masters of the flame galaxy!" said Xie Haiyang with a fist and bowed deeply.

Almost at the moment when Xie Haiyang opened his mouth, Wang Baole sitting cross-legged there, his eyes slowly opened, and looking at Xie Haiyang, he immediately stood up, a smile appeared on his face, and greeted him with a flicker, laughing at the same time The sound also spread everywhere.

"Ocean Brothers, why are you so polite, you and I are friends, it doesn't have to be this way." Wang Baole approached with a laugh, lifted Xie Haiyang with a sincere look in his eyes.

"In these years, if it was not for the Ocean Brothers to help each other many times, it was impossible for Wang Mou to come to this day. Ocean Brothers, I will not worship you, and you won't have to worship me.

Xie Haiyang heard the expression and moved, holding down Wang Baole's arm.

"To come to this day, Xie Mou's help is only insignificant, all because of your own ability, Brother Baole, you must not be arrogant!"

"Ocean Brothers!"

"Bole Brothers!"

Both of them have a loud voice and a very enthusiastic look. For many years, they haven’t seen their old friends, and they all have emotions in their talks and laughs. All the people around them looked at each other, and they felt their friendship, and they must be like gentlemen. In general, they support each other, respect each other, and do not contribute to each other.

But actually...these people who wait and see still don’t understand Xie Haiyang and Wang Baole. Xie Haiyang seems to be enthusiastic, but there are also sour in his heart. After all, Wang Baole has changed too much. Before it was just a fairy, it is now a mid-planet, especially The fluctuations emanating from his body, even if he had the protection given by his ancestor, were still fainted.

All of this, apart from this layer of identity of the ancestors of the flame, let the cultivation be the focus of change, which is obviously the line of the star falling.

It's this star-falling place that makes Xie Haixin sour!

Because if it wasn’t for his father’s unexpected situation, he had no time to take care of the places in the Starfall, and he had to go back to deal with them immediately, then... according to his previous design, step by step, the final place in Zijin civilization, It should be acquired by him.

Then whether it is sold or given away, it will give him huge benefits, but now... everything is past.

However, as a businessman, he can adjust quickly, so his smile will inevitably be commercialized by some outsiders.

At the same time, I was thinking about how to use my previous business relationship with Wang Baole to achieve my goal.

As for Wang Baole, he naturally saw this familiar smile at a glance, but he didn’t mind at all, because although his smile was not commercialized, his passionate focus was more on the benefits that Xie Haiyang can bring. After all, he is now The most missing is Fan Xing, and the arrival of the other party made Wang Baole see hope.

This is the relationship between the two of them. In the eyes of Xie Haiyang, the sour feelings dissipated. After the reason was restored, the value of Wang Baole also greatly deepened with the difference today, making his previous investment greater. the value of.

In Wang Baole's view, although this kind of relationship with each other cannot be a sincere relationship, but they are valuable to each other, it is the most stable relationship. So in the joke, when I learned that Xie Haiyang was going to visit myself After the master, Wang Baole immediately invited the other party to the flame star.

"Bole brothers kindly invited Xie Mou to be welcome." Xie Haihai smiled and talked with Wang Baole. In the wind, under the **** of a large number of flame galaxy monks, he flew toward the main flame star. On the way, the two said the previous things. Unknowingly, he talked about the land of star fall.

"Bao Le Brothers, it's interesting. Someone came to ask me a few days ago if I had a brother named Xie Daan. I told the other party. My brother didn't call Xie Da mainland, but I have a younger brother. That's the name." In Xie Haiyan's discourse, he looked at Wang Baole with a smile. He was not trying to make things difficult, but he was implying that Wang Baole, you borrowed the name of my Xie family, I know, so you owe me a favor.

Wang Baole smiled at the words.

"Let Ocean Brothers laugh, there was something wrong at the time, and when I came back, I encountered an emergency. This is not the first time to explain to you, but I would not mind if you want to come to Ocean Brothers. After all, I can get the place of Starfall. Ocean Brothers also There was a lot of help.” Wang Baole, like a smile, nodded to Xie Haiyang. His words both explained and implied the other party. On the place where the star fell, the other party’s series of arrangements, whether it was the burial place of the gods in the beginning , Or the subsequent rescue at his own request, all of which implied the hidden meaning of using his own to obtain quota. This matter has already been seen by him, so it is said that it does not exist.

Xie Haiyang laughed at the words and looked as usual, as if he didn't hear any hints, but instead of talking about the land of the star fall, he talked to Wang Baole about the old federation.

Wang Baole also smiled as usual, talking with him all the way, sometimes sighing, the two are getting closer and closer to the main flame star, and finally in the distance behind the main flame star, Xie Haiyang seemed to casually mention Wang Baole's cultivation, Wang Baole heard Yan blinked, and he also felt very casual.

"After I came to the Flaming Galaxy, I really knew that the cost of the original practice was so great. Just a star-closing tactic actually required thousands of stars." Wang Baole has already seen that the other party came to the Flaming Galaxy. Although I don’t know what the demand is, it does not prevent me from telling what I need.

"That's so big?" Xie Haiyang secretly said that the Wang Baole Lion's big mouth, he hadn't said what to ask him to help, but actually he would have to go to Wan Fanxing, so his face appeared embarrassed.

"Bao Le Brothers, I'll turn your back to pay attention to it, but it's expensive on Wan Fanxing, but you and my brother, I will try my best to help you, and since you need Fanxing... I have some here, to send you Now, it’s a meeting ceremony for you and my brothers to meet again for a long time.” Then, Xie Haiyang was very proud to take a storage bag from his arms and hand it to Wang Baole.

Wang Baole was also not polite. After taking it, he swept and saw that there was a van star inside, and his eyes narrowed instantly. The other party's meeting gift seemed to be only one, but the value of the fan star was amazing, so this meeting gift, although not very heavy, but also Not small anymore.

It can also be seen that Xie Haiyang came to the Flaming Galaxies this time, and the same request was not small, so Wang Baole touched the storage bag and did not immediately put it away, but looked at Xie Haiyang.

"Ocean Brothers, have something to say, I don’t know what Wang needs to do?"

Xie Haiyang smiled and murmured after thinking for a while.

"Brother Brothers, I want you to recommend one of your brothers or sisters to me...and, if necessary, help me to say something good, and when things are done, I will give you another star."

Wang Baole stunned, raised his eyebrows, and secretly said that his brothers and sisters are actually masters, but he naturally cannot tell each other. At the same time, although one or two stars are not worth a small amount, they let them introduce and recommend. To say good things, it is a bit low with his own human feelings to assist, but sincerity is slightly insufficient... But after thinking about it, he asked.

"I don't know which one of my brothers and sisters you want to see?"

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