A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1019: In fact, you also know!

Xie Haiyang does not know that his sincerity is not enough, but he feels that two stars are enough. For those who invest in him, he does not want to cultivate a greedy character for the other party, nor does he want the other party to feel that his own resources are just that. Easy to get.

This is not because he doesn’t like Wang Baole’s eyes, but because of his businessman’s nature. He always feels that the amount of work done and the amount of resources given are the same.

At the same time... this is also necessary for his status as an investor. In Xie Haiyang's view, he has a lot of resources, and investing in the monk himself is in a transcendent position. Must take some initiative.

Only in this way, it will not eventually develop into uncontrollable, in addition, it can also protect its status to the greatest extent, and make the other party slowly develop habits and dependence, so that they can't be separated from their own resources.

Only in this way is it a perfect investment!

Therefore, Fan Xing’s gifts and promises actually implied his business model, and even he thought about it. Then, according to the value of Wang Baole in this matter, like giving bait, continue to Fan Xing, step by step Let the other party go in the direction they want.

Until you reach your goal.

With such thoughts, after hearing Wang Baole's inquiry, Xie Haiyang smiled slightly.

"Bao Le Brothers, when I meet the Patriarch Patriarch, I will tell you, and I hope the Bao Le brothers will help one or two." Xie Haiyang's mentality is detached, but his behavior is very humble, and he still fists towards Wang Baole. One week.

A glance in Wang Baole's eyes was undetectable. With his mind and experience, he naturally saw Xie Haiyang's thoughts, but he didn't mind. In his view, no matter how Xie Haiyang thought about it, this matter was for himself , Just a deal.

"It's okay to change two referrals for one referral. As for saying good things... anyway, basically all brothers and sisters are masters, it doesn't matter anymore." Wang Baole coughed, and after making a decision in his heart, he talked to Xie Haiyang about other things. This happened until the two became Changhong and entered the main star of the flames. They flew directly to the place where the towers of disciples such as the ancestors of flames and Wang Baole flew in the sky.

Seeing that it was approaching, Xie Haiyang felt a little nervous in his heart. He couldn't help but raise the sense of suffering. Even if he felt that the plan should be ok, he couldn't help but whisper inquiries to Wang Baole.

"Brother Baile, do you know, which of your brothers and sisters has a good relationship with Chen Qingzi?"

"Dust Qingzi?" Wang Baole was stunned for a moment, and looked at Xie Haiyang with surprise.

"It is the first **** king of the Weiyang tribe, who can fight the **** emperor, is terrifying, like the **** who was once a disciple of Chenzong... Chen Qingzi!" Xie Haiyang explained in a low voice, and he sighed.

"You probably don't know this person, alas."

Wang Baole had a strange look. If I didn’t know it, no one would know it, but it didn’t show anything on the surface, but it showed curiosity.

"Are you really looking for this Qing Qingzi, or my brothers and sisters?"

"Just tell me if you don't know which one is familiar with him." Thinking of his father's affairs, Xie Haiyang felt a little irritable and he couldn't hold back.

Wang Baole raised his eyebrows, but still patiently returned to the other party.

"To be honest, I haven't been in the flame galaxy for a long time. I haven't heard of my brothers and sisters, who has a good relationship with Chen Qingzi...but..." Wang Baole's words in Shenyang haven't waited to finish, Xie Haiyang beside him sighed and shook his head. Too.

"Forget it, I will take care of this matter myself." Xie Haiyang didn't put his hopes in Wang Baole, and he only suffered and suffered, and then he asked. Apart from the inner irritability, I saw the place where the tower is located in the front, so listen After reaching the words in front of Wang Baole, he was not in a mood to listen to the back, and when he punched Wang Baole, he had to go first.

Wang Baole hesitated for a moment, and looked at Xie Haiyang, who flew straight to the tower of the Blaze Patriarch, and couldn't help but speak.

"Xie Haiyang, what are you looking for Chen Qingzi?"

If at other times, thanks to Xie Haimin's savvy, he may be able to hear some special meanings from this sentence, but at the moment he is anxious and neglected, especially when Wang Baole is constantly inquired about private matters, his heart has risen Some are impatient.

"Bao Le, it is useless to tell you about this matter. You can't help. When I meet the Patriarch of Flames, I will ask you for help after I get the answer." Quickly approaching the tower of Patriarch Blaze, after a pause, he bowed his fists to the tower deeply, with an unprecedented look of respect and opened his mouth.

"Young people thank Haiyang, please see the ancestor of flames!"

"Come in!" Xie Haiyang's arrival, naturally can't escape the flame ancestor's consciousness, in fact, as soon as he stepped into the flame galaxy, the flame ancestor already knew that at this moment as the words came out, the tower door slowly opened Xie Haiyang took a deep breath and stepped into it with a solemn look.

Looking at Xie Haiyang and entering the Master Tower, Wang Baole was a little unhappy. In the words of Xie Haiyang, he clearly thought that he was not much useful in this matter, which made Wang Baole very uncomfortable. Then he turned around and flew straight to his tower.

After returning to the tower, Wang Baole sat cross-legged, his eyes narrowed slowly, his mind still couldn't help but Xie Haiyang's words and deeds emerged, and his thoughts slowly appeared in his eyes.

"These actions by Xie Haiyang obviously have something to do with the request to help Brother Chen Qingzi... And with the power of the Xie family, there is no shortage of strong people, so basically there should be nothing unsolvable unless... Brother, and Xie Haiyang is so eager. Obviously, this matter is closely related to him, far exceeding his family!"

"And Xie Haiyang came here... It should be that he could not contact Chen Qingzi, so I asked which brother and sister, I had a good relationship with Chen Qingzi... This must be what the master had said to him, so it caused this. Such a misunderstanding..." Wang Baole was quick in thinking and soon guessed the matter from Xie Haiyang's performance.

Then the expression showed a weird expression, and looked up at the tower of the Master.

"This is the pit that Master gave Xie Haiyang. He should be vaguely telling Xie Haiyang that he has a disciple and has a good relationship with Chen Qingzi..." Thinking of this, Wang Baole couldn't help but cough and his mind was alive. Eyes slowly emerged.

"If there is no speculation, Xie Haiyang will come to me soon... Ocean Brothers, I sympathize with you." Wang Baole blinked, his heart could not help raising expectations.

"In addition, through Xie Haiyang, I can also find out where the brother has gone... This guy threw me in the gods and civilizations, and the whole person disappeared..." Wang Baole rubbed his brows, knowing these things, he soon With the answer, he took a deep breath and meditated with his eyes closed, waiting for Xie Haiyang to come.

And his judgment is correct. At the moment in the tower of the Patriarch Patriarch, Xie Haizheng is kneeling there with a pious face, and three golden storage bags are placed in front of him.

As for the Blaze Patriarch, it was sitting there meaningfully, and beside him was Wang Baole's master sister. At this moment, the solemn look stood beside him, and when he looked up and down at Xie Hai, the Blaze Patriarch spoke lightly.

"You want to worship the old man as a teacher? This is impossible. The old man no longer accepts disciples. If you are really serious, just worship my big disciple as a teacher."

Xie Haiyang hesitated for a moment, but quickly clenched his teeth and bowed to the big disciple next to the flame ancestor, shouting loudly.

"Please also ask Master to agree to accept the ocean, and the ocean must remember Master's grace!"

"This..." Master Sister looked hesitantly, looking at the Blaze Ancestor, who touched his beard, a gesture of your own discretion.

After seeing this scene, Xie Haiyang felt anxious in his heart. After kneeling again, he took out a few more storage bags from his arms and placed them in front of him to plead again.

In the end, the elder sister nodded reluctantly, and regarded Xie Haiyang as a disciple, and gave him a disciple status. Seeing that the plan was completed, Xie Haiyang was ecstatic, regardless of his seniority. Opening.

"Master, ancestor, can you tell your disciples, which of my uncles has a good relationship with Chen Qingzi in our blaze?"

Hearing Xie Haiyang's words, Blazing Patriarch narrowed his eyes and didn't speak. The look of the master beside him also changed from dignified to weird. After coughing, he slowly spoke.

"Speaking of your uncles who have a relationship with Chen Qingzi, like a brother, in fact... you also know."

As soon as Master Wang Baole's words came out, before she finished speaking, Xie Haiyang was shocked. From this sentence, she heard something wrong...

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