A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1026: Book of Destiny!

"Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy." Seeing this trick with his own eyes, Wang Baole returned to the tower, and felt that this time he was more knowledgeable.

Through a series of events of the flame ancestors and their avatars, Xie Haiyang has been completely imperceptibly locked in the flame galaxy, and for Xie Haiyang, even if he does not understand the cause and effect, but in fact there is no harm, Even to a certain extent, it has great benefits.

It is just that the ancestors of flames transformed the trading relationship that Xie Haiyang thought into true home ownership. After all, the sense of belonging is a very complex emotion, moving, contradictory, cold, intimate, etc., all of which can be different degrees. Increase the sense of belonging, and once the emotions are comprehensive, it will be inextricably difficult to give up.

"It should be the master sister or the master, or the seventh and fifteenth, who rescued when Xie Haiyang was in danger, so that the relationship was completely branded...until one day, even if the truth was solved, Not only will it not affect this relationship, but it will make Xie Haiyang's ownership stronger."

Apart from Wang Baole's emotions, his heart was also touched at this moment, because he knew that all that the Master did could not be for himself, obviously this was for him!

"Teach me the Yan Ling mantra, and arrange a master nephew, master, master, why are you preparing for something?" Wang Baole was silent. As a bystander, after seeing all this, he had no idea why, always Some uneasy feelings surfaced.

This anxiety does not come from itself, but from the ancestor of flames.

But obviously, Wang Baole now has no answer, so he sighed, he can only put his doubts in his heart, and began to re-immerse himself in the practice of Yan Ling mantra to study the details of this mantra.

In this way, the time slowly passed for another three months. In these three months, Wang Baole was barely getting started with the Yan Ling mantra. As for Xie Haiyang, he also learned to be smart. No matter who tried to induce him, he was full of words. The ancestors of the ancestors also worked hard to be Wang Baole's follower.

Wang Baole’s spiritual practice is almost never collected by himself. As long as he opens his mouth, Xie Haiyang will definitely send it, and the words of patting horses will become more and more skilled. Every time Wang Baole’s heart is very comfortable, so he is happy, and he will pay respect to the master. Open your mouth and let Xie Haiyang go to worship with him.

After the ancestors of flames agreed, the two prepared for a few days, and under the watch of the master and other people, they took the flying boat of the flames and left the main flame.

As the young master of the flaming galaxy, Wang Baole's travel is naturally different from the past. He is also followed by the stellar strongmen in other civilizations in the flaming galaxy as escorts.

There are a total of eight strong stars. With Wang Baole traveling together, their mission is to ensure the safety of Wang Baole throughout the journey. Among them, the star that is very popular and civilized is one of them.

Coupled with Xie Haiyang's own protective power, it can be said that the power surrounding Wang Baole is already comparable to a large force.

No one feels exaggerated in this kind of pomp, because today Wang Baole represents the flaming galaxy. As the young master of the flaming galaxy, he must do the same.

So when they left the flaming galaxy and galloped in the sky, the number of flying boats had reached hundreds, not only only eight stars, but also a lot of planetary monks, a line of mighty, set off a strong wave in the starry sky, toward The destiny star where the Heavenly Master is located, galloped away.

In the main boat in the middle, Wang Baole, wearing a magnificent red robe and golden boots, looks amazing and noble. At this moment, he is holding a jade jade, and his eyes are pensive.

Xie Haiyang wears the same shape, but the color is obviously lighter, standing next to Wang Baole, speaking quietly.

"Uncle Shi, the destiny of God, like the ancestors in Weiyang, are all powerful people that the Weiyang tribe does not want to provoke. Even the former is good at deduction and can help people change the law of the world, so Gao Peng is all over the whole Daoyu is more favored by the Weiyang tribe!"

"His cultivation behavior, like the ancestors, has a more secret treasure, called the mark of destiny. The destiny man holding this secret treasure, his cultivation behavior and combat power will be infinitely blessed... Some people guess that it is comparable to the universe!"

"So his old man's birthday feast, all forces will send people over, in addition to the necessity of the etiquette, there is another reason, that is, every time the feast of the heavenly man, his old man will arrange a trial, this Trials are different from year to year, but no matter which one you try, you will be given a qualification to turn the book of Destiny!

"The Book of Destiny?" Wang Baole's eyes narrowed. Before he set off, the Patriarch Patriarch summoned him and told him that there was an opportunity for him to appreciate the trace of Destiny, but he did not mention this Destiny. book!

The former has been known to the ancestors of the flames, and he understands that the so-called enlightenment of the fate of destiny can allow him to cross the long river of time, and condense himself from countless periods of time from the afterimages of the past, thus converging at the moment of enlightenment, Make your own vitality increase and burst like a summary!

This perception, according to the qualifications and potential, determines the length of time to trace back. This is the supreme supernatural power of man in heaven and earth. Every time it is performed, it will have irreversible damage to itself.

He can make Heavenly Masters perform once for him. Although he doesn't know what price Patriarch Patriarch has paid, he can also think that it must be extremely heavy.

Hearing Wang Baole's words, Xie Haiyang's answer interrupted Wang Baole's thoughts about the Master.

"The Book of Destiny is a magical thing that no one knows about its origin. This thing grows on the Destiny Star, and even the Divine Emperor can't take it away. Only the Master of Heaven can control this book. , There are rumors... The Master of Heavenly Law is the spirit of this book, but I don’t know the truth."

"Turn this book, each page represents five hundred years, and you can see the incomplete picture of your own future... This kind of prophetic magical power is indescribably powerful. Unless someone confirms, the picture that appears is only one of the infinite possibilities in the future. , It’s not necessary, and you can’t view the specified content regularly, you can only display it randomly. At the same time, every page you turn consumes your own vitality, so you can’t check too much.

"Check the future?" Wang Baole's eyes widened, and his breathing became unstable, looking at Xie Haiyang.

Xie Haiyang nodded.

"My monks are full of confusion about the future, I don’t know what the future will be, I don’t know when life and death will come, I don’t know if Xiuwei can break through in the future, I don’t know too many things, so it’s the same. Trial, the more enthusiastic people are, they want to be qualified, to turn the book of destiny, to see their own future..."

"Even if the shadow of the future is displayed randomly, even if it is just one of thousands of possibilities, it can also form a huge guiding role for itself!"

Wang Baole pondered for a long while and nodded. He was very excited about this book of destiny. He also wanted to see what his future would look like.

"Past, future..." Wang Baole murmured in his heart, looking forward to this trip of Destiny Star, until a few days later, as the flying boat galloped in the starry sky, when he was 30% off on his way to Destiny Star, their Dozens of blue giant boats appeared ahead!

Each of these giant boats is comparable to a star. At the same time, dozens of ships are arranged together, which gives people a more shocking feeling. The starry sky is twisted wherever they pass.

Even on these airships, you can see a large number of monks, coming and going, flying between the various airships, it is very lively, at the same time, on each airship, there is a big flag with a clear above It says...thank you!

"It's my family's interstellar city. It has the functions of transportation, manned transportation and material transactions!" At the moment of seeing these flying boats, Xie Haiyan's eyes narrowed immediately, and after slowly opening, he took out a jade jade. After a while he laughed and looked at Wang Baole.

"Sixteen Master Uncle, the destination of this interstellar city is not far from the Destiny Star. Do we want to go up and down, they are faster, and also give the teacher and nephew a chance to honor?"

Wang Baole glanced at Xie Haiyang and smiled on his face. It was too coincidental. If it was not Xie Haiyang's preparation in advance, Wang Baole did not believe it, but the matter still made him very comfortable, so he nodded.


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