A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1027: Starcraft City!

Seeing Wang Baole agreed, Xie Haiyang’s smile was even brighter. Indeed, as Wang Baole thought, it was Xie Haiyang’s advance preparations when he encountered Xie’s Starcraft City.

Xie Haiyang’s own status in the family is not enough to drive an interstellar market to work. After all, this type of market is more for manned transportation. Ferrying between two fixed places is regarded as the pillar of Xie’s family. One of the businesses, every StarCraft city, has been a strong family member all year round, and only obeys the decrees of being the master of metabolites.

However... through his father's influence, although he could not drive the Fang Market, it is still possible for the Fang Market of this interstellar route to stay at a certain point on its inherent route for a few more days at a specific time.

After all, in Xie’s Starcraft City, there is no such thing as precise and punctuality. The interstellar travel is long and there are many changes, so naturally, thanks to the efforts of Xie Haiyang, this will go to the Destiny Star’s Starcraft. The city appeared on the only way for Wang Baole.

And this preparation is exactly what Xie Haiyang showed in order to express himself. He is very clear that his advantage is the identity of the Xie family and the countless tradable resources represented behind him.

He has a certain amount of control over these resources, which can be used to exchange value for the family and improve his status. It can also sign orders within the scope of his authority, record it on himself, and then use the family’s long-term share of the clan members. offset.

If it can’t be offset, he can still use his father’s share, and eventually there is a way to make bad debts on credit. There is too much room for maneuvering. This is also the inevitable process of the development of the Xie family. With more and more business, there will naturally be bloated and innumerable financial problems.

The Xie family didn’t want to solve this, but couldn’t move it. Once it was resolved, the entire Xie family would be shattered and not resolved. As long as there is sufficient expansion in revenue, there will always be fresh blood flowing in. It can still be sustained.

As a member of the Xie family, Xie Haiyang knows naturally that he would not do it in the past, but now there are hidden dangers in his father’s place, and the family has no one to pay attention to them, and there are a lot of people watching the excitement in secret. It was also full of dissatisfaction, coupled with the need to please Wang Baole and the Flame Galaxy, that's why this time of hemorrhage.

"Isn't it just resources, I don't have anything else, what I have is money!" Looking at the getting closer to the StarWorld City, Xie Haiyang showed a brilliant light in his eyes. He felt that no matter how much it costs, he can only be in the Flame Galaxy and Dust. With Qingzi, a relationship is established, then everything is worth it.

With such thoughts, after Wang Baole set foot on Xie's Interstellar Market, he naturally couldn't feel uncomfortable.

These more than ten huge boats comparable to the stars, half of the area of ​​the square is composed of various shops, as for the other half, it is full of monks who have bought tickets, so that makes the square city The popularity here is very lively, and it is full of enthusiasm, like a special civilization.

At the same time, because its destination is the Destiny Star, except for some top-level families and forces who traveled by their own means, most of the other shoubirth monks traveled by similar boats, so this Xie family’s StarWorld In the city, this time there is also a huge boat that deals with all kinds of rare things. After you buy it, you can give it as a birthday gift.

Seeing the crowds here, there are not only many monks, but also all-encompassing backgrounds. In addition to monks like humans, there are also beasts and plant repairs. For example, as soon as Wang Baole boarded the ship, he saw a bouquet of sun flowers in front of him. Passing by...At the same time, there are also various people whose bodies seem to be composed of rules, such as stone men, fire men, and even he saw monks with human bodies but fish heads.

Among them, those with wings, or multiple heads and arms, are everywhere, and even more bizarre is a black robe, but if you look closely, you can see an empty space in the black robe, but from him Floating by his side, there were waves of fluctuations that made Wang Baole's heart palpitating.

"These are the monks of the Death Star. They are not bodyless, but because of the difference in the spectrum, I will not be able to see them unless they are cultivated to the stars."

"These are the practitioners of Cerrotti. In their hometown, there is a sea that claims to be able to corrode everything. They were born there, they can naturally master the rules of water, and each one is not weak!" With Wang Baole's eyes Sweeping away, Xie Haiyang introduced to him in a low voice.

"As for those with multiple heads and arms, most of them have some blood connections with the Weiyang tribe. As you know, the Weiyang tribe is the master of the Weiyang Dao realm, and its tribe has a large number of people, and many other races have reproduced for countless years. So these strange descendants appeared..."

After listening to Xie Haiyang’s introduction, Wang Baole felt that he was an eye-opener. In fact, he has been in the starry sky outside the Federation for most of these years, and his knowledge is not less, but he still came to this Xie’s StarCraft Market. I feel that my horizons are more broadened.

Soon Wang Baole moved his eyes away from the various monks in the interstellar square. With the company of Xie Haiyang and the protection of the eight stars following him, he strolled a little in this square and entered a shop. .

This is a shop that specializes in selling immortals. There are two floors. All kinds of immortals are very complete. Whether it is for stars or for condensing gas, there are many types, and there are also some treasures that are difficult to see outside. What people think is extravagant is that in the center of the hall on the first floor, there is a pill furnace the size of which needs five people to embrace, and there is a curl of green smoke emitting from it.

This smoke enters the nose and can cause the immortal energy in the body to surging. If it is smoked for a long time, it will be of great benefit to practice. Such incense sticks are of great value in themselves, but they are provided here for free, so you can see it. The background of this shop is quite deep, and perhaps for this reason, there are many monks in this shop, and transactions are basically concluded at all times.

No matter it is the buyer or the buddy, it looks busy.

But this is the shop that is obviously good and the business is very hot. After Wang Baole entered, with Xie Haiyang’s cough, an old man quickly walked from the shop. This old man’s cultivation is impressively stellar. After the ocean, he smiled slightly, and Xie Haiyang also came forward to bow when he saw the old man.

"I have seen Yao Lao."

The old man nodded and looked at Wang Baole again. Wang Baole looked at it with a smile. After holding a fist slightly, the old man immediately responded, and then his gaze swept over the eight stars behind Wang Baole, with a smile on his face, turning around and talking to the surroundings. .

"Dear friends, please leave first, our shop will welcome the distinguished guests and close the shop for half an hour!"

As soon as his words came out, all the monks in the shop suddenly changed their expressions. When they looked at Wang Baole and his party together, the guys in the shop immediately followed the old man's orders and invited everyone out politely.

Although some monks were unhappy, there was no way. Soon there were no other customers in this shop except Wang Baole and his party. As the door closed, Wang Baole's heart was slightly shaken.

In fact, he encountered this kind of treatment for the first time, and he felt very comfortable, but his brows were still slightly frowned on the surface, and he took a deep look at Xie Haiyang.

"Yanger, why bother."

"Uncle Sixteen is noble. I am worried that I will be disturbed by others, so I decide without authorization. I also ask Uncle Shi to punish him!" No matter what he thought in his heart, Xie Haiyang seemed to be sincere.

"You, don't take this as an example." Wang Baole shook his head, and after speaking lightly, he turned to the steward of this shop, that is, the old man Yao clasped his fists.

"Thank you Yao, senior."

Although the old man Yao was given such honorable treatment for Xie Haiyang’s face, but at this moment, he looked at Wang Baole with a clear status, but he was still polite to himself, and his heart was also happy. So after smilingly nodded, he summoned two no matter what. Both the posture and appearance are good female disciples, let them accompany them to introduce the medicine.

These two female disciples were obviously very curious about Wang Baole. After all, they were able to accompany one of the young masters, Xie Haiyang, and enjoy the treatment of a shop. All this shows that Wang Baole is good.

So Qiaoxiaoyanran, and the words were very gentle, exhaling like orchids and following the introduction, they soon realized that as long as the other side looked at the pill, there was no need to speak at all. The young master on the side, just Take it off immediately and put it in the storage bag.

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