A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1032: Ning Zuying!

In the recent period, Wang Baole, who has been practicing in the Flame Galaxy, doesn’t know much about his reputation in the outside world. In fact, after the list of Starfall Lands has been dispersed, his name has spread like a storm throughout Weiyang Dao realm. .

He has been paid attention to by countless powerful families and forces, and has become more greedy. But at that time, although he paid attention to it, most of them were not well-intentioned. They were more concerned about his Dao star. As for himself... it had little influence. After all, it hasn't grown up and it has been noticed in the early stage. This is not advantageous.

But soon, with the news from the Flame Galaxy, the ancestors of the flames took Wang Baole as his disciple, and even shot for his disciples, causing the Zijin civilization to tremble and apologize. It was like a hurricane that swept the entire Weiyang Dao realm, causing countless people who followed Wang Baole. Families and forces are shocked.

Having to curb the malice, it is indeed the ancestor of the flames and the evil name, which makes people very jealous. It is precisely because of this that Wang Baole's name has once again entered the eyes of all forces, and it is completely different from before.

Because behind him, he had the ancestor of the flame, as a disciple of the ancestor of the flame, and also possessed the Dao star, which has made Wang Baole recognized as the arrogant.

At this time, the promotion of the bell female Xu Yinling made Wang Baole's fame spread more widely. Almost all the Tianjiao monks of the family had heard of him, knowing that he has nine ancient stars gathered into Dao stars!

Therefore, after seeing the powerful enemy in front of him, showing the two ancient star rules, he thought of Xie Haiyangbai's entry into the flame galaxy, so in Xie Yunteng's thoughts, the identity of the person in front was ready to be revealed.

"Wang Baole!"

Almost the moment Xie Yunteng spoke, Wang Baole's rules of blood and rules of music all exploded, forming a tearing force, causing the big net to tremble and begin to collapse.

But it was just a collapse, and Wang Baole was still not satisfied. He took another step, the third punch, the fourth punch, and the fifth punch, suddenly falling.

Green planting road, blue cloud road, blue wind road!

Three kinds of light burst out in an instant, fused in Wang Baole’s fist, like a stormy sea, transforming into a huge towering tree, rolling clouds, and hurricanes appearing out of nowhere. They are all rules. , After the sea of ​​blood and sound waves, it raged away toward the web of silk threads that was already in collapse.

In the roar, although the silk thread big net is an ancient star, it is only equivalent to one of Wang Baole’s ancient stars. With such nine ancient stars, he naturally takes action to destroy the dead, making the rules of silk contained in the ancient star Xie Yunteng fundamentally It cannot be stopped.

The room was constantly shattered, as if an egg hit a stone, and everyone who saw it around was greatly shocked. Xie Yunteng himself was also constantly spurting blood. In a short time, he spouted five mouthfuls of blood. !

It was just one bombardment and one vomiting blood, and his figure also had to go backwards every time Wang Baole's shots, and the ancient star phantom that emerged behind him became more and more distorted.

But this... it is still not over. Wang Baole is so fast that he blasted his sixth, seventh, and eighth punches!

They are... the Purple Path, the Black Path of Death, and the last White Path of Light!

These three laws, at the moment when Wang Baole’s body was drawn, his fist seemed to become a black hole that could swallow everything, exuding a terrifying pressure, a breath of death, and an endless sea of ​​light. Together, like purification towards the Quartet, frantic eruption.

The sound of the boom came again, and the remaining silk thread webs all collapsed at this moment, and disappeared without a trace. Xie Yunteng himself sprayed three mouthfuls of blood in a row, and at the same time that his hair was spread, the shadow of the ancient star behind him also Because they couldn't bear it, cracks appeared directly, which eventually became difficult to support and dissipated.

Wang Baole did not continue to make a move. He looked at Xie Yunteng who was retreating coldly, and shook his head. With this shot, the blessings of his Dao Xing were not unfolded, and the rules of fire were not revealed. There were also Star Sealing Art and the Flame Curse. The killer feature, never used.

But even so, he still completely crushed the so-called Tianjiao, so that Wang Baole lost interest for a while. Such a weak person is no longer qualified to let him verify himself.

"Don't bother me." There was a light voice, Wang Baole retracted his gaze to look at Xie Yunteng, and walked toward the only intact VIP Pavilion in the ruins.

"You!!" Being so ignored by people is something Xie Yunteng rarely encountered in this life. His dignity and pride made him unable to bear, and he let out an angry roar.

It’s just that although his ancient star did not completely collapse, for him, this kind of heavy damage has already damaged the foundation. At this moment, when he regressed, the eight stars he had stopped before appeared around him in an instant, one by one. Cold, he lifted his right hand in an instant, and suddenly pressed Xie Yunteng.

Under this press, Xie Yunteng's body recovered visible to the naked eye, and the shadow of the ancient star behind him was also like this. The original wounded foundation was also quickly healed!

"Fifth Young Master, let's come." While healed Xie Yunteng, an old man among the eight said lightly.

"No, you guys retreat to me, a mere rubbish, I can squeeze to death by myself!" Xie Yunteng's body trembled, and although his complexion recovered, there was a crazy glow in his eyes, and the black air radiated from his body, and he shouted in a low voice. At the same time, he raised his hands and waved violently, his body suddenly rushed out and rushed straight to Wang Baole again.

"Wang Baole!" During the roar, the black energy exuding from Xie Yunteng's body was violent and more violent in an instant, instantly spreading out of his body, making his figure look like a cloud of fog.

The fog was pitch black, and the rapid expansion visible to the naked eye in the tumbling, there was more and more intense coercion, as he kept approaching Wang Baole, and the fog was getting bigger and bigger, it burst out.

The strength of this coercion instantly surpassed Xie Yunteng's previous cultivation base fluctuations, and it quickly doubled, doubled, tripled... As it approached, the coercion was still rising!

Wang Baole, who was about to walk into the terrace, suddenly stopped. The loss of interest also surfaced rapidly with the sense of crisis in this moment, gathered again, and turned around to look over.

And as soon as he saw it, Xie Haiyang's voice suddenly came out with a rush.

"Be careful, Baole, this is... the killer of my Xie family, the shadow of the ancestor!! It is not valid for the same clan, but it can bless itself externally, so that the combat power will increase sharply in a short time!!"

The moment Xie Haiyang opened his mouth, in Wang Baole's eyes, the mist outside of Xie Yunteng's body, which was rushing at this moment, rolled like flames, bursting out, and even during this explosion, the mist suddenly gathered into a humanoid silhouette.

This figure was a hundred meters in size, and as soon as it appeared, it shook the entire flying boat, affecting the starry sky outside, causing fluctuations in the starry sky, and the flying boat had to stop.

With the formation of the silhouette of the foggy figure, an ancient, vicissitudes of life, which seems to contain the sense of endless years, surprisingly spread from the huge foggy figure without reservation, forming a powerful force While the power of suppression enveloped all directions, Wang Baole also saw the face of this misty figure clearly. It was an old man who was not angry and prestigious. His eyes were deep and contained indescribable strange power, which seemed to affect all nothingness!

"The shadow of the ancestor?" Wang Baole's eyes contracted slightly. At this moment, the sense of crisis was violently tumbling in his body. At the same time, the misty figure's momentum continued to erupt, and a low roar came out of it, toward Wang Baole, suddenly Boom.

"Wang Baole, die!!"

"It's the Xie family...there is such a magical power that allows future generations to use his shadow. Although it is not a use, it is just a shadow, but it can also bless oneself astonishingly. I want to come to this so-called shadow of the ancestor...It should be the Xie family's. Bit, invested in the Weiyang clan and created the ancestors of the entire family!" Wang Baole took a deep breath. Although the sense of crisis in his body was strong, it was even more intense but the intent to fight to the extreme. This intent to fight spread throughout his body, making him even Excited, at the moment when the foggy figure came, Wang Baole let out a long laugh, suddenly raised his right hand, showing the stars!

"Let me die, you have to ask my master if I agree or disagree!"

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