A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1033: God cow!

As soon as Wang Baole's words came out, Xie Yunteng, who had originally been like a rainbow, gathered the figures of the ancestors of the Xie family to bless him, and greatly increased his combat power, he also paused for a moment, and his aura was instantly weaker.

Obviously, Wang Baole’s ancestor of flames is too famous for his fierce reputation, and he protects his shortcomings to the extreme. If his disciple is wrong, it is also his disciple’s and enemy’s fault. If his disciple is right, it is the enemy’s fault. In short... His disciple, no matter what he did, he was right, and it must be his disciple's opponent who was wrong.

Even this matter is not a rumor, but a fact of blood. Almost every once in a while, there will be similar incidents, so even if Xie Yunteng is the fifth son of the family, he can't help but trembled.

Because he knew very well, let alone himself, even if it was the number one Taoist of the Xie family, if he really killed Wang Baole, it would still be unbearable.

In this way, how could his aura remain undiminished, but in the next instant, Xie Yunteng's eyes were cruel. He knew that he couldn't think about that much at this moment, and that the other party could not be beaten to death by himself, so this tone must be Contending!

These thoughts seemed to be many, but in fact they flashed through his mind instantly. In the next moment, the breath that he had weakened again rolled and converged, broke out again, and roared towards Wang Baole.

But it was still a bit worse, unable to reach the initial peak, and the upward trend stopped. At the same time, Wang Baole, after the stars shining in his eyes, raised his right hand and slammed toward the front with a deep voice. sound.

"Feng, star, tactic!!"

As the words came out, there was a ray of black light that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and it came directly in front of Wang Baole. It was tens of thousands of bull lice!

They are arranged together to directly form the outline of the old cow, forming an astonishing wave, which continuously spreads towards the surrounding rumbling, and the force of coercion also erupts, and the momentum is strong, although it is still unable to match Xie Yunteng’s ancestor shadow Compared with the fog body, but also similar!

Xie Haiyang's eyes widened, and everyone around who saw this scene was like that, even Xie Yunteng himself was a big wave in his heart.

"this is……"

"Flaming God Cow!!"

"The patron saint of the flame galaxy, cow!!"

In the uproar of the people around, Wang Baole looked as usual. Although the shadow of the sacred cow seemed not as good as the other party, this was only the beginning of Wang Baole’s Star Sealing Technique. In the next instant, these cow lice's bodies were all distorted, and meteorites were instantaneous. At the moment of illusion, shrouded in the outside, as all were replaced, the pressure suddenly became too strong and violent, causing the starry sky to roar, the flying boat trembling, and all the cultivators in all directions, their hearts were shaken and horrified.

Even the stellar monks were all moved at this moment, and their eyes revealed their brilliance, because the outline of the sacred cow at this moment and the vastness of its breath have merged with the special planet, and the cultivation level has reached the planetary perfection, showing the ancestral shadow The blessed Xie Yunteng is comparable!

But... its climb is still not over!

In the blink of an eye, all the meteorites were distorted and swelled violently. They became clear in the rapid blur. As they became clear, the stars... directly replaced the meteorites. After shrinking countless times, they appeared. The front of Wang Baole!

When Three Thousand Fan Xing replaced the Three Thousand Meteorite, the sacred cow roared up to the sky, and its momentum rose again, directly surpassing Xie Yunteng’s ancestral fog body, and in the next instant, when the six thousand Fan Xing replaced the meteorite, the sacred cow’s momentum It was already earth-shattering, tearing the starry sky from all directions, and the flying boat continued to tremble.

Xie Yunteng's complexion also changed drastically, and the fog that rushed away stopped again, and he did not dare to continue to move forward until another moment... When all meteorites became Fan Stars, a **** cow capable of shocking everyone , The real came on the flying boat! !

This sacred cow was full of flames burning rapidly. As he raised his head and roared, his aura reached an astonishing level, so that the eight stars behind Xie Yunteng completely changed their complexions and rushed out quickly. Rescue.

But it was a little late, and Wang Baole showed a frenzied fighting spirit in his eyes. When the sacred cow appeared, his right hand suddenly pointed at Xie Yunteng.


The sacred cow roared, and the figure suddenly rushed out, like a sea of ​​fire, like a star, as if it could burn everything, crush the infinite, and screamed at Xie Yunteng!

Xie Yunteng's complexion changed wildly, and his life-and-death crisis was so intense that he lost his previous fighting intent at this moment. It was the sacred bull in front of him, and he felt that it was not a magic technique at all. This is a true mythical creature that can destroy the starry sky. , Tearing everything obstructing the existence in front of it.

From a distance, the sacred cow was violent, the fog shadow was shocked, one shock, one hesitating backwards, victory and strength, no longer need to distinguish!

In the next moment, this bull with domineering and madness, it collided with the fog shadow of the ancestor that Xie Yunteng transformed into, and the flying boat trembled, and even some cracks appeared. The starry sky was even more dented, and the violent power was crazy. As it spreads, there is even more deafening roar, and endless explosions.

Xie Yunteng’s body of ancestral fog, unable to hold even a single breath, broke and exploded in an instant, revealing the pale body of Xie Yunteng inside. As the blood spurted out, his eyes showed unprecedented fear and panic. It was in this panic that also reflected the sacred cow that occupies the entire picture of his pupil!

"Do not!!"

Xie Yunteng screamed and wanted to retreat, but under the impact of the sacred cow, he seemed to have lost all resistance. He was about to be touched, and he was about to be completely destroyed. But at this moment, he The eight star guardians of the stars were already approaching, and appeared directly in front of him. Among them, the old man, with an ugly face and solemn eyes, suddenly pressed on the coming sacred cow!

Wang Baole squinted his eyes. He originally saw Xie Yunteng's fragility and planned to put away his magical powers. After all, the two were only at odds with each other because of Xie Haiyang, and had no enemies of life or death.

But at this moment, now that the star has shot, Wang Baole's eyes flashed, and he did not withdraw his magical powers. Instead, his body's cultivation base burst into an explosion. The nine ancient stars behind him turned into Tao stars and blessed them on the sacred cow. Between the sacred bull's eyebrows, the shadow of Dao Xing appeared in an instant, and its aura rose again at this moment, roaring... and the old man directly collided with that star!

At the moment when they collided, the black-clothed old man’s eyes flashed, and there were stellar fluctuations in his body. In an instant, the whole person turned into a real star, forcibly caught by its stellar power. After the shock of the sacred cow, he even let out a low growl and grabbed the sacred cow sharply, as if to squeeze the sacred cow!

The tens of thousands of stars that formed the sacred cow suddenly heard the sound of clicking, after all... they are still not as good as stars!

Wang Baole was also affected here. His complexion was flushed, his body retreated, and his right hand was raised, his supernatural power turned into an old cow, his whole body shone, and it was instantly reduced to zero, and turned into countless silk threads. These threads are the same. It is the power of rules, impressively Xie Yunteng's silk rules!

This scene, beyond everyone’s expectation, was also taken aback by the stellar old man. Seeing that the sacred cow turned into a silk thread was quickly out of his grasp, which made him very unbearable. After all, he is a star and is not the early stage of the star. It is the mid-stellar stage.

Such a cultivation level actually allowed a planetary monk’s magical metamorphosis to escape, which made him look angry, and he raised his right hand with a cold snort, just about to grab it again, and the other stars around him did not shoot. , After all, they are all stars. Facing the planetary monks, there is only one. If many people take action, they will not be able to survive. After all... Wang Baole on the opposite side is not a person without a background.

But in the next instant, the face of the old man who took the shot suddenly changed, and he quickly retracted his right hand. When he looked at it, he noticed that his right hand had become paper-like with the naked eye at this instant!

Although he quickly suppressed and resolved it with a powerful cultivation base, but after such a delay, Wang Baole's sacred cow turned into silk thread has returned safely and quickly integrated into the body!

This scene immediately caused all the spectators around to take a breath, even Xie Haiyang did the same. There is no doubt... Wang Baole's simple fight with the stellar old man and retreat all over his body is already incredible in itself!

In the Weiyang Dao domain, the gap in the cultivation base between stars and planets is like a gully. No one has ever been able to cross and fight, because this is not a magnitude at all!

Even the stellar old man had his eyes shrunk and stared at Wang Baole. While his heart was shaking, he also saw the eight stars walking out of nothingness behind Wang Baole at this moment!

"Xie's old slave, the action between the young masters is understandable for you to save, but you have to crush my young master's sacred cow. Then you are over. You must give me an explanation for the flame galaxy!" In the figure of eight stars , The ancestor of Zhiling civilization, spoke lightly.

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