A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1034: Xie Haiyang’s guess!

The stellar monk of Zhiling Civilization is also in the mid-stellar stage. He is the strongest one of the eight stars that protect Wang Baole's way. At this moment, he stands beside Wang Baole with others, and looks at Xie's family coldly. The old guardian.

The more you look, the more unpleasant.

And his appearance also caused the old guardian of the Xie family to shrink his eyes slightly, and the other star guardians around him also changed their expressions. They stepped forward, staring at the ancestor Zhiling and All the stars beside it.

After scanning them one by one, their eyes all showed solemn meaning.

"The flame galaxy is such a big hand... Actually, it uses the stars of the profound way as the guardian! Is there no grievance at all?" The black robe old man slowly said.

"Resentment? I am able to protect the Young Master. This is the highest glory. On the one hand, it can protect the safety of the Young Master, and on the other hand, it can repay the grace of the Lord. How can you wait for the stars of the zodiac and the mortal path to experience!" The ancestor Zhi Ling laughed, and the other stars beside him also laughed.

This scene immediately made the protectors of the Xie family look ugly. As stellar monks, they naturally know that stars are divided into five levels, similar to the fairy tales of the planets, and the stars are divided into heaven and earth, Xuan and Huangfan!

At different levels, in the same cultivation realm, there is a huge gap between strength and weakness.

Generally speaking, although the identity of the protector can only be assumed by the trusted person, to a certain extent, it is the guard. The stellar monk has his own pride. Even large families and large forces cannot easily humiliate them. To protect the road for the younger generation, we must be courteous.

But even so, most people above the profound path will not choose to be a protector of the Tao, even if there is a lower level of the zodiac star, there are few people who protect the Tao, and they are often the stars of the mortal Dao, because of their own qualifications and opportunities. At the extreme, it is difficult to be promoted, only then choose to become a protector, with loyalty and meritorious service, in exchange for the opportunity given by the respect.

For example, the guardians around Xie Yunteng, except the black robe elder who is the star of the zodiac, the others are all mortal. It is a higher level, Xuan Dao stars!

So the moment they appeared, the black robe old man's complexion changed, and he was secretly shocked. He thought of the short-term protection described in the rumors about the ancestor of the flame.

So with a gloomy expression, the black-robed old man flicked his sleeve and let out a low cry.


As he said, his body retreated, and Xie Yunteng's expression was a little abnormal at the moment, he was actually in a trance, letting the guardian around him lead him, and seeing that he was about to leave when he retreated, Wang Baole narrowed his eyes and spoke lightly.


As soon as his words came out, the ancestor Zhi Ling seemed to have the backbone, his body instantly burst out with a laugh, and the stellar guardians of the other flame galaxies dispersed in an instant, directly blocking Xie Yunteng and his party.

"This is Xie's Interstellar Square City!!" The black robe old man groaned as he saw it.

"So what? We belong to the Flame Galaxy!" The arrogant voice of the ancestor Zhiling, the righteous tone made the black robe old man speak.


All the people on the sidelines also looked different and watched the development of the situation.

"What are you doing? What are you doing between the young masters, what are you involved in, and even maliciously wanting to break my young master’s supernatural powers. This is a great disrespect to the flames. If there is no explanation today, I can only wait for you. Capture, send to the Flame Galaxy to make amends!" Ancestor Zhiling said with a cold light in his eyes.

This kind of dominance caused the black-robed old man to breathe shortly. But thinking of the opponent's intrepidity and background, he could only bear it down and looked back at his young master, and found that Xie Yunteng was still in a trance at the moment, and could not help but sigh.

"What do you want to explain?"

Wang Baole narrowed his eyes and spoke to the ancestor Zhiling. The ancestor Zhiling raised his eyebrows and laughed. Then he looked at the black robe old man and spoke out.

"The young master is kind, you can thank the young master for signing this time and just pay."

Xie Haiyang blinked, quickly took out a jade slip, branded a few strokes in it, and threw it out immediately. The jade was reduced to a long rainbow. After being caught by the black-robed old man, his consciousness swept away and his complexion changed suddenly. .

"One hundred spirit stars? This is impossible. There are no one hundred spirit stars on this flying boat. You..."

"Yes, but I have a question that needs an answer!" Before the black robe old man finished speaking, Xie Yunteng on the side finally recovered from the trance. After speaking with a gloomy face, he did not look at the jade slip in the black robe old man's hand. It is looking at Wang Baole.

"What you just used was the rule of silk?"

"Guess what." Wang Baole smiled slightly, neither confessing nor denying that his Dao Star Law was secret, and it was impossible to keep it secret for too long. After all, he had already used it in the battle between God Eye Civilization and Zijin Civilization. Through the rules of paper, a person who is interested can know the key after checking.

And if the rules of silk were not unfolded and the sacred cow was turned into silk threads and scattered, the loss would not be small, so at the moment of the shot, Wang Baole no longer cared whether it would be exposed.

So his answer fell in Xie Yunteng's ears. He already had the answer. There was a touch of jealousy in his eyes. After a moment of silence, he took a deep look at Wang Baole and turned around and led the person away.

On the side of Xie Haiyang, his expression has not changed much at this moment, because the moment when Wang Baole unfolded the rules of silk, he had already been shocked. At that time, the monstrous waves set off in his heart have been suppressed by him now, but there is something in his heart. After getting the answer, he felt extremely correct about his choice of worshipping into the flame galaxy and choosing to get closer to Wang Baole.

"Re-engraving the law... such an amazing law against the sky... Wang Baole doesn't need to go to the star realm at all. As long as he reaches the star realm, it is already difficult to stop the rise!"

"And he not only has the protection of the ancestor of the flames, but also has a relationship with Chenqingzi. Even the Weiyang tribe is afraid to think twice before shooting him!" Thinking of this, Xie Haiyang took a deep breath and quickly got up from the terrace. , Pay respectful respect to Wang Baole.

"Thank you Uncle Sixteen!"

"Since you belong to the same family, you don't need to be polite." Wang Baole was in a good mood. He roughly judged his combat power in this battle. At the same time, he also engraved a very special rule. He only felt refreshed, so he smiled. .

And the other people of the Xie family on this flying boat reacted extremely quickly. Almost not long after Xie Yunteng left, several Xie family star monks, including Yao Lao, came to visit in person.

He was very polite to Wang Baole, and at the same time told Xie Haiyang that the family had clarified the misunderstanding of him and rebranded his name in the clan utensils, and his bloodline protection had returned to normal.

This scene made Xie Haiyang very emotional, but it was not the slightest surprise. The battle between Wang Baole and Xie Yunteng has shown enough value to the Xie family. According to his understanding of the family, the family has always been the focus of such a Tianjiao. Attention and investment.

And the relationship between himself and Wang Baole is destined this time, and it will also rise. It is the bond between the family and Wang Baole, which is also of great benefit to him, and can even affect his share and status in the family line.

These things made Xie Haiyang firmer in his heart and prepared to be completely **** with Wang Baole here, because this series of things has made him unilaterally prosperous here, and lose everything.

Although this is not in line with the investment philosophy, Xie Haiyang can't take care of it at this moment.

"I don't know if the previous shot was caused by him deliberately, or... it was just a simple accident?" Xie Haiyang lowered his head and quickly glanced at Wang Baole, who was chatting with Xie's parents on the flying boat, and his heart rose deeply. Unpredictable.

Wang Baole noticed Xie Haiyang’s gaze, and talked and laughed with Xie’s parents as usual, but his eyes were more profound than outsiders could not see through...

After a long while, the members of the Xie family left. When they were leaving, they told Wang Baole that Xie Yunteng had paid off all Xie Haiyang’s previous signings, including the one hundred spirit stars!

It's just that the value of the spirit star is too high, and the quantity is also a lot. There is not so much inventory on the flying boat, but it has been arranged and will be sent to him as soon as possible.

Wang Baole was quite satisfied with this. He glanced at Xie Haiyang admiringly. Xie Haiyang quickly suppressed the guess in his heart. He smiled. It was not the first time that he and Wang Baole cooperated. As soon as the words of the ancestor Zhiling came out, he I immediately understood what I should do.

At the same time, he is very clear that guessing is no longer important, and the truth does not matter, because if Wang Baole did not deliberately, then luck has been against the sky, and if deliberately, it means that his mind has reached a level of horror. Any of these two. , Can make him convinced.

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