A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1035: Destiny!

In the Xie family’s interstellar flying boat, Wang Baole’s side was constantly visited in the days to come. Whether it was the deacon of the Xie’s family here, or the monks who had to go to the Destiny Star on the flying boat, they would all treat Wang Baole. Here, it is very enthusiastic.

This has something to do with Wang Baole’s background, but it also has a lot to do with his own strength. After all, the power of the sacred bull can be described as shaking all directions on that day, and the silk thread law technique, as well as the previous paper magical powers, and Any one of the many ancient star rules when Wang Baole shot can shock people.

All gathered in one person, it will make this person even more hot, condensed by countless lights, not to mention his guardian is as good, which also reflects the love and attention of the flame ancestor to this disciple.

At the same time...Although most of what I saw was Wang Baole's toughness and domineering, there were still some clever people. From this incident, Yinyin had some other flavors, although it is not as good as Xie Haiyang as a party, see It is clearer, but more or less, I still feel the depth of Wang Baole's mind.

At the same time that Wang Baole came to a large number of people, Xie Yunteng on the flying boat was basically a bird after he returned. Although it was not a matter of no one, there were few people, so that after half a month, when the flying boat of Xie’s family was in During this gallop, when they arrived near the Destiny Star, Xie Yunteng and his entourage flew out without waiting for the flying boat to be stable, and all left without looking back, entering the Destiny Star ahead of schedule.

"It's going fast!" On the flying boat, the Xie family re-arranged the residence for Wang Baole. On a platform several times larger than before, Wang Baole and Xie Haiyang stood there. This new residence was located on the top of the entire flying boat. , Standing here and looking down, you can see most of the flying boat scene, and you can look up at the endless starry sky.

The leaving figure of Xie Yunteng and his party can be seen more clearly in Wang Baole and Xie Haiyang. Looking at Xie Yunteng's figure at this moment, Xie Haiyang sneered.

"Uncle Master, I have received news from the family that my father had offended Senior Chen Qingzi before, so most of the family left him aside, and some people even fell into trouble. Taking advantage of the ancestor's retreat, I sealed the place where my father was. It cannot go out, this is to be handled by Senior Chen Qingzi after preparation..."

"And my side, because of this, the bloodline protection was cancelled by the current elders of the family, and at the same time, it was no longer in the young master. Although I recovered because of the uncle's action, but..." Xie Haiyang said At this point, before finishing speaking, from the starry sky ahead, there was a sound of an ethereal bell!

This sound resembles a bell and a copper bell. It is crisp and long and turns into sound waves, making the starry sky look like a water surface, with layers of ripples, endless.

Hearing this sound, Wang Baole raised his right hand and interrupted Xie Haiyang's words.

Xie Haiyang's voice paused, and did not continue to speak. As for Wang Baole, he looked at the starry sky like the surface of the water. Where Xie Yunteng and his party went, there was... a very strange star.

The reason is that it is strange because outside this planet, there are layers of stellar rings that emit purple light. These stellar rings wrap around each layer. The bottom layer is the largest. The higher the upper, the smaller the star ring. Look carefully. The shape is like a huge bell!

And the real stars are the billiard **** inside this bell! !

The ball rotates and moves inside the bell according to a certain frequency, and sometimes touches the inner wall of the bell. There are bursts of crisp sound, echoing the starry sky in all directions, so that everyone who hears this sound will be attentive at this moment. in.

"Fate Star." Wang Baole murmured with a strange light in his eyes. As the bell gradually dissipated, everyone on the flying boat also recovered. Soon there were voices of discussion and continued to spread.

"It's the Destiny Star!"

"finally reached!"

"The galaxy where the Master of Heaven is located is really amazing!"

When everyone in this flying boat was excited, Xie Haiyang also felt a lot of peace with the ringing in his heart. Although he knew a lot of secrets that Wang Baole did not know, he still came to this Destiny Star for the first time, looking like a bell at this moment. Stars and stars, his eyes slowly revealed expectation.

"Ocean, your family has sealed your father to Chen Qingzi to deal with it. This matter has not been done before, but now it is done... It seems that Chen Qingzi is about to get out of trouble." Wang Baole smiled and said with expectation in his heart. There, after a long absence, he missed it too.

It's just that Xie Haiyang is by his side, so this expectation is not too obvious, and the title naturally does not mention the word brother, which causes people to guess.

"Also ask Master Sixteen to help me!" That was what Xie Haiyang was waiting for, and he quickly retracted his gaze at the Destiny Star. When he looked at Wang Baole, he looked sincere and wanted to bow.

"Why are you doing this again?" Wang Baole raised his arm in advance without receiving the big gift from the ocean.

"I've already said that this matter will help you, so please tell your father, if Chen Qingzi is gone, let him help me pass a word to Chen Qingzi."

"What are you talking about?" Xie Haiyang asked quickly.

"Just say..." Wang Baole blinked. After thinking about it, he felt that this was a very suitable opportunity to scare Xie Haiyang and make the other party more loyal to himself from now on.

"Just say I prepared a pot of good wine. Ask him to come and taste it quickly. If it's late, I will drink it myself." Wang Baole put his hands on his back, posing a very casual look, and said lightly.

This sentence spread to Xie Haiyang’s ears and immediately shocked Xie Haiyang’s heart again. From this tone, he felt the relationship between Wang Baole and Chen Qingzi, which must have reached a considerable degree, and at the same time came from Wang Baole’s unfathomable sense of depth. , Once again appeared in his mind, after holding a fist and thanking him, he quickly took out the jade slip and spread the word to the family, so that the friends in the family would pass this sentence to his father.

After the sound transmission was over, Xie Haiyang looked at Wang Baole, and he didn't know what to think in his mind, and suddenly spoke like a ghost.

"Uncle Sixteen, I have a younger sister named Xie Taotao, the country is beautiful, she is shining..."

Wang Baole blinked, and just about to listen carefully, there was a cold snort from the young lady in his mind. After hearing this cold snort, Wang Baole frowned instantly, sweeping Xie Haiyang with dissatisfaction.

"Ocean, Wang Baole, I'm not the kind of person you think. Don't mention this kind of thing again, it will make me look down on you!"

Xie Haiyang's heart was shocked. Seeing that Wang Baole's dissatisfaction did not seem to be false, he suddenly realized that his previous judgment was really wrong. The Wang Baole in front of him was definitely not the way he thought, so he took a deep breath and bowed again. I have already thought about it and I will never mention this kind of thing in the future.

At this moment, Wang Baole coughed. As Feizhou kept getting closer to the Destiny Star, he finally stopped outside the Destiny Star. His body shook and flew out first.

Xie Haiyang followed closely, and the ancestor Zhiling and others followed. The group turned into a rainbow, leaving the flying boat, and heading straight for...the Destiny Star!

Seeing getting closer and closer, the star rings in their eyes also zoom in infinitely in their respective eyes with their speed, and they are about to step into the range of the star rings, but at this moment, it may be a coincidence, or it may have been early. Preparation, anyway...At this moment, the starry sky in the distance suddenly distorted, and a huge peacock suddenly rushed out of the starry sky!

This peacock is hundreds of meters in size, and it is like a rainbow. Its body is emerald green. With its wings waving, there are countless feathers floating behind him. These feathers are colorful, reflecting the starry sky in all directions, and they are all bright.

Even at the moment it appeared, there was still an astonishing cold air, which instantly filled the four directions, and the place where Wang Baole and his party were, which was the only way the peacock must walk, was shrouded in cold air in an instant, as if to be frozen in ice.

The eyes of the ancestor Zhiling and others flashed, and their cultivation bases spread a little. As the power of the stars spread, they guarded Wang Baole's left and right, while Wang Baole's eyes narrowed, not caring about the surrounding cold, nor too much. Paying attention to the coming peacock, he just cast his gaze on the figure of a woman sitting cross-legged on top of the peacock's head.

This woman is wearing a red shirt, a phoenix crown on her head, and a diamond-shaped cinnabar print on the center of her eyebrows. At the same time she has a beautiful appearance, no matter the necklace, earrings, or her wrist, she has bells and accessories.

To a certain extent, it seems to resonate with this Destiny Star!

Almost the moment when Wang Baole saw Wang Baole, the woman opened her eyes. When she looked at Wang Baole, there was a flash of murderous intent in her eyes. Behind her, she was drawn by an air machine and transformed into a...paper star!

Exactly, the Saintess of the Nine Phoenix Sect ranked third in the Side Sect Sanctuary, another Taoist winner in the Land of the Falling Stars, the Bell Girl...Xu Yinling!

"Brother Baole, long time no see." After seeing Wang Baole, Xu Yinling suddenly smiled, like a hundred flowers in full bloom, and has a beautiful voice, which is very beautiful. In line with his expression, he immediately made his whole body exude endless charm.

"Miss Sister, someone seduce me!" Wang Baole blinked, and quickly complained to Miss Mask.

"Bitch!" In response to him, the young lady let out a cold snort in her mind.


Dear book friends, so far this week, 9 chapters have been updated, and one chapter is still missing. It is expected to be added tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. In addition, the estimated delay will be updated at noon tomorrow, and the update is tentatively scheduled at 3 pm

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