A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1036: against!

Almost at the moment when Xu Yinling appeared, in the Destiny Star below, there were seven or eight divine consciousnesses suddenly coming, apparently aware of Xu Yinling, and wanted to come to welcome him.

Although these seven or eight spiritual consciousnesses are only planets, they are very impressive. While they contain fierceness, they are more overbearing in momentum, like Changhong, approaching rapidly.

Seeing this, Wang Baole had guessed at all events in his heart. He knew very well that Xu Yinling’s appearance was not a coincidence. He knew that he would come, so he was waiting here for a long time. Obviously, his purpose was to use his own Intimacy, which caused some misunderstandings.

While erecting an enemy out of thin air, the opponent can look for opportunities to accomplish their goals.

After all, the two of them in the land of the stars, although it is hard to say how much grievances they have forged, the traction between the Dao stars and their own engraving rules made Xu Yinling's murderous intentions strong on him.

Moreover, Wang Baole has now clarified the familiar source of Xu Yinling's supernatural powers, so it is also very likely that there is the kind of star girl factor here.

However, Wang Baole didn't care about this, instead, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth as his eyes sparkled.

"I don't know if I can suppress a generation, if I can make my Star Sealing Technique even more domineering!"

While this idea emerged, Wang Baole also heard Miss Sister’s cold snort, and the word slut, and felt very comfortable. He felt that Miss Sister had some emotional problems during this period. Considering the friendship between everyone for so many years, He has a father-in-law whom he recognizes on the pole, so he looks for an opportunity to make the little sister happy.

It’s just that although there are many opportunities like this, and Wang Baole is also very good at coaxing people, but he used it too many times on the young lady before, worried about having resistance, so this time he went the other way, with Xu Yinling here. As the emotional catharsis of the young lady, it seems to be somewhat effective now.

For this reason, he did not go to eat Xu Yinling's malicious sugar-coated cannonballs as usual. After all, according to his past habit, he would eat the sugar-coated cannonballs and throw them back.

So after a cough, Wang Baole looked at Xu Yinling with a smile, and shook his head slightly. Just as he was about to speak, Xu Yinling hid his mouth and gave a word in advance.

"Brother Baole, I know what you are going to say. Your previous proposal in the Land of the Fallen Stars, that you want Yinling to become your Taoist companion, has already considered Yinling. We can try to get in touch first. OK?"

Together with these words, Wang Baole immediately felt that the seven or eight kinds of divine consciousness that came from the Destiny Star instantly fluctuated to varying degrees, but he still shook his head.

"Sorry, what I want to say is not this, but... You are a step late. There is a sister who I respect the most in my life and makes me feel ashamed. She is full of love but dare not say it. Remind me that you are a Bitch!"

Xu Yinling's eyes flashed when she heard the words, but instantly bit her lower lip and let out a light sigh.

"Bao Le, even if you have no chance, you can only blame God's will to make people, but why do you humiliate me?" Xu Yinling lowered his head, seeming to be disappointed, and flew past Wang Baole in the huge peacock.

Wang Baole narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and realized that Xu Yinling's motives were deeper than those in the land of the stars. He thought that the other party was deliberately ambiguous with him, causing his suitors to be malicious towards him.

That's why I deliberately said this and cut off the other party's idea of ​​using it, but apparently Xu Yinling's reaction was also extremely fast, and immediately put on such an appearance that seemed to be humiliated, so that she could still deliberately make her Those suitors have reasons to trouble themselves.

"You're so annoying!" Wang Baole raised his eyebrows, and was too lazy to go for nothing, showing disgust on his face.

"I don't like you, I hope you won't pester me again, Xu Yinling, please respect yourself!"

"You..." Xu Yinling, who was sitting on the peacock, had a meal after hearing the words and looked back at Wang Baole.

And at the same time she saw it, the roaring sound burst from the direction of the Destiny Star, and soon the seven or eight divine consciousness had arrived, and it turned into seven or eight figures in the surroundings, each of which was full of spirits. They are all like rainbows, no matter their clothes or their own breath, they all give people the meaning of arrogance.

Especially one of them, with long golden hair and wearing a golden robe, his whole person looks radiant, like a child of the sun, standing there, the temperature around him has risen a lot, as if born with flames, his eyes are even hotter , Looking at Xu Yinling with a bright smile on her face.

"Senior Sister Yinling, my brother has been waiting for you for many days and finally greeted you."

"Yinling has seen Senior Brother Sun Yang, thank you Senior Brother for coming, let's... let's go."

Xu Yinling looked weak and absent, lowered his head and spoke softly.

This expression was very pitiful, and it fell in the eyes of everyone around him. Several of the seven or eight had fiery eyes. That Sun Yang was like that. After looking at Xu Yinling, he looked at Wang Baole again. When he came before, he had already heard the conversation between the two of them. At this moment, his eyes flashed slightly, his expression slowly cooled down, and he spoke lightly.

"Wang Baole is it, the beautiful lady is in love, you don’t need to cherish it, it’s your fault to speak maliciously, here today, we are here today, regardless of our background, just talk about the truth, I and the fellow Taoists, I want you to... apologize!"

As soon as his words came out, there was a fierce meaning immediately, which broke out from his body and locked Wang Baole at the same time, the people around him who came with him also did the same, one by one, their cultivation bases scattered and gathered on Wang Baole.

And the outbreak here has also attracted the attention of more birthday worshipers on the Destiny Star, who have scattered their spiritual consciousness and watched here.

Wang Baole slowly narrowed his eyes, looked at Xu Yinling, who was so beautiful and pitiful, and looked at Sun Yang, who seemed to be filled with righteous indignation and posing as a beautiful woman, with a smile on his mouth. He now understands. It's not that these arrogances are stupid and can't see things clearly, so they are used by Xu Yinling, but... they see the matter clearly, but because of the master and flame ancestor behind them, so...

While worrying about my Dao star, I was also afraid of my master, so I attributed all the contradictions and shots to jealousy. This made it difficult for the elders to intervene, and found one for their shots. opportunity.

Thus, there is a quick hit and willingness of these people.

After all, they need a reason to deal with today's Wang Baole, a reason that they can't let the elders protect their shortcomings.

"Being smart, based on the personality of the master and the situation on the main star of the flames, there is no reason to protect the shortcomings." Wang Baole sneered, but there was a flash of brilliance in his eyes. The other party's method seemed ingenious, but in fact it also restricted it. Their elders.

"This trip to the Destiny Star is interesting." Wang Baole murmured in his heart, and his smile became brighter. He ignored Xu Yinling, let alone Sun Yang, and just turned around his cultivation base. Xie Haiyang, who was ready to take action, spoke lightly.

"Let's go." As he said, Wang Baole ignored everyone and flew towards the Destiny Star, but as soon as he flew out, Sun Yang's eyes broke out, and his body swayed directly to stop him. The Tianjiao who came altogether also approached one after another, blocking Wang Baole's path.

At the same time, from the Destiny Star, there are traces of divine consciousness belonging to their guardians, which are instantly scattered and locked in this place.

"Also please don't participate in the senior guardian, this is a matter between us!" After Sun Yang spoke lightly, the guardians of these people immediately changed their spiritual consciousness and placed them on the ancestor Zhiling and others behind Wang Baole. .

Taking the advantage of quantity, the ancestor Zhiling and others also looked gloomy. At the same time, Sun Yang, who blocked Wang Baole's way, stared at Wang Baole, and slowly spread out words.

"Sister Yinling, apologize!"

Almost at the same time when he spoke, the other Tianjiao around him also spoke immediately.


The voices of the people formed an astonishing momentum, toward Wang Baole's suppression. At the same time, the flying boats of other family forces that had just arrived from a distance were also watching this scene after they approached.

There are more divine senses, scattered from the Destiny Star, and locked here. Under this almost full attention, Sun Yang determined that the Wang Baole in front of him would be in conflict with himself because of his face.

After all, it would be the same if he changed himself. For these arrogants of them, the face is often extremely heavy!

It’s just that he still doesn’t know much about Wang Baole...

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