A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1037: Even kill!

"Everyone welcomes me so." Wang Baole looked at Sun Yang in front of him, then looked around at the flying boat, and then felt the attention from the many gods on the Destiny Star, his face was slightly flushed, showing a touch of shyness. The meaning was to look at Xu Yinling quickly.

As for Xu Yinling, she was originally satisfied with her actions this time. She knew better that what she had to do was to give other greedy Wang Baole Dao star people a reason.

As for herself, although she is also a Dao Xing, she is also at the risk of being coveted. This is also one of the deep-seated reasons she tried to target Wang Baole during this period of time. Through every opportunity, she constantly released a signal. His Dao star was completely restrained by Wang Baole.

I am not the best here, the best is in Wang Baole, so even if he gets his own Dao star, he still has to face Wang Baole's suppression. Instead of this, it is better to put the target on Wang Baole.

The effect is indeed there. It makes her lose a lot of attention here, which is regarded as a successful catastrophe. Now Wang Baole is going to be the target of the public, and regardless of whether Wang Baole escapes the catastrophe, her own goal of catastrophe is completely achieved. , But after seeing Wang Baole's slightly shy gaze, Xu Yinling suddenly felt a little bad.

Before she could speak to remedy it, Wang Baole already sighed.

"It's fine, since everyone is so optimistic about me and Yinling here, then..." Wang Baole coughed loudly, and fisted toward the flying boats of the various families that came around, and then fisted toward the Destiny Star.

"Dear friends of the various family forces, seniors of the Destiny Star, please bear witness to me today. I and Yinling have been attracted to each other for a long time because of the traction of Dao Star..."

As soon as his words came out, Xu Yinling's expression changed, and Sun Yang also stayed for a while. The expressions of the arrogant people beside him also changed, and Wang Baole's voice still echoed.

"It’s just because I think I’m a prodigal son, and I can’t bear to let Yinling’s will be lost and suffer unrequited love, so I refuse, but now that I look at it, I have neglected the attachment of my generation of monks. I apologize, Yinling, I shouldn’t refuse your love for me, I agree!" Wang Baole looked sincere, as if the prodigal son turned his head, but the words made Xu Yinling’s face completely changed. If everyone hadn’t paid attention before, Wang Baole would do that. Said that it is still in line with her plan.

It can arouse people's suspicion, and thus have a reason to be jealous, but now the situation is different, and she has a hunch that Wang Baole wants to say, it is not just this.

This is indeed the case. At this point in Wang Baole's words, the style of speech quickly changed, revealing a faint overbearing meaning.

"Yinling, from now on, if anyone dares to hit the Dao Xing in your body, you must first ask me whether Wang Baole agrees or not. I don't agree, and I must not touch my Yin Ling Dao Xing at all!"

"Unless I agree... ahem, Xiao Ling, come, let Brother Baole give you a hug, and see if you are fat during this time." As he said, Wang Baole showed emotion on his face and walked towards Xu Yinling.

Xu Yinling's expression was ugly for an instant, and she instinctively retreated to Sun Yang.

This scene also made everyone around them look weird. Only Xie Haiyang was by the side. No accident. He knew Wang Baole too much. He secretly said that Sun Yang, Sun Yang, you were wrong with the thickness of a person’s face and failed to estimate. .

Sun Yang's face was gloomy at the moment, his brows furrowed, obviously he did not expect that there are people in this world who are the arrogant and have such a big reputation, who can be so thick as to ignore the problem of face, in front of the crowd, he is obviously forced by himself. Next, you can also choose to apologize, so that you can punch yourself, such as hitting an empty space.

If that's all there is to it, but the other party's apology actually contained domineering, obviously it should be the one who was being persecuted, and he clearly apologized, but he felt that it was his own side that suffered.

Seeing Xu Yinling's expression change back, Wang Baole pointed at Xu Yinling with a smile on his face.

"You Nizi, why are you still shy."

With that, Wang Baole looked at Sun Yang, who was looking ugly, and bowed his fist sincerely.

"Daoyou Sun, thank you very much. It was you who let me know that I can't live up to my beautiful woman. I decided that the child born with Xiaolingling will be called Wang Xieyang! To commemorate the gratitude of our couple to you. ! But now, please get out of the way, I want to take my wife to Destiny Star."

"Wang Baole, you..." Sun Yang's expression was even more ugly, he was about to speak, but was interrupted by Wang Baole.

"Friend Sun, we thank you for the matchup, so I respect you, so I will say it a second time, please let me go, I will take my daughter-in-law to Tianmingxing!" Wang Baole still smiled, looking at Sun Yang.

As soon as his words came out, in an instant, the people who watched the excitement and the many gods on the Destiny star gathered again, and some people who had good intentions for the flame galaxy secretly praised.

It was Wang Baole's move that seemed simple, but it reversed the universe and turned passivity into initiative. From being persecuted by others to now, everything has been turned to force each other, understatement and defuse everything.

This method, relaxed and casual, formed a strong contrast with Sun Yang.

"You..." Sun Yang is in a dilemma. He is not as thick-skinned as Wang Baole. Now that so many people are watching, if he retreats, it means that this time his own initiative calculation will fail, and he will lose face, but if he does not retreat , There will be disputes.

Although his initial purpose was to cause disputes, and it was due to jealousy, to a certain extent at this moment, it can indeed be achieved, but the taste has completely changed.

This is not just jealous of the wind, but it has become that he has completed the match at the beginning, and after the other party agrees, he repents and stepped in. This kind of thing, he can't afford to lose this person, and the reason is too unstable.

Not only him, but Xu Yinling behind him was also panicked with anger in her heart. In fact, she was jealous of Wang Baole beyond the others. In her heart, the other party has become a shadow, especially in the words of Wang Baole. If you want to win her Taoist star, you have to ask Wang Baole to agree or disagree. This sentence made Xu Yinling's heart flustered.

If she speaks at this moment and regrets the matter, then Wang Baole can completely break away from all her previous arrangements, and she can't give anyone any reason to attack him. After all, the ancestor of the flame is there, and few people dare to provoke it directly.

But if she didn't speak, the situation would be very unfavorable to her. Just when she and Sun Yang were in a dilemma, Wang Baole's smile slowly turned away, and his expression gradually turned cold. Instead of looking at Sun Yang, he walked towards Xu Yinling.

Seeing Wang Baole approaching, Sun Yang instinctively raised his hand to stop him, but the moment he raised his hand, Wang Baole's eyes suddenly rose, and his right hand slapped a punch.

This punch immediately formed a storm spread in front of Sun Yang, causing Sun Yang to retreat in an instant. At the same time, the companions Tianjiao beside him also broke out and surrounded Wang Baole.

"You Daoyou Sun made a match a moment ago and stepped in a moment later. This is to look down on my flame galaxy and look down on my Wang Baole? So if you want to be so humiliated, I don’t need to continue to pursue it, but I want an apology!!" Wang Baole licked He licked his lips, sneered, his body shook, and the power of the flame burst out, and he rushed straight to Sun Yang and others, and at the same time, a cold voice echoed everywhere.

"Senior Zhiling, block the surroundings, dare to humiliate my flame galaxy, dare to take my master’s apprentice daughter-in-law, this matter is no longer my personal matter, if I don’t sincerely apologize, if this matter stabbed the sky, I will also protect my flame galaxy Dignity!"

"Respect!" The eight ancestors of Zhiling also put on an angry posture, roared, and instantly dispersed. The star cultivation base spread and blocked the surroundings, making Sun Yang and his companions' guardians approaching quickly at this moment. But for a while, it was difficult to rush in.

As for the inside of the blockade, Wang Baole's momentum was already overwhelming at the moment, and he was approaching in an instant, seeming to kill Sun Yang, who was intent on letting go, but in fact, as soon as he approached, his body suddenly disappeared, and he was already a companion of Sun Yang when he appeared. Behind.

"Apologize!" Wang Baole shot out with murderous intent in his eyes.

This is a horse-faced young man with luxurious clothes and a late stage cultivation. But under Wang Baole's punch, no matter how he resisted, his expression changed greatly in the roar, blood spurted out, and his body was broken. The kite rewinded in a flash.

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