A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1039: Purple Moon's line!

"This Xu Yinling hides so deeply!"

"Hmph, another scheming bitch, relying on his face makes people subconsciously feel that he is weak, I hate this kind of person the most!"

"It's a good calculation. Looking at it this way, all Xu Yinling's previous actions are to highlight Wang Baole, so that he will focus on Wang Baole's greedy eyes on Daoxing, and he will secretly improve..."

As Xu Yinling had to expose her cultivation base under Wang Baole’s persecution here, the spectators around immediately understood the cause and effect. Not only them, but also the people who are following on the Destiny Star. Ming Wu.

In fact, Xu Yinling's calculations are not so clever, nor is it that no one can see through it, but whether he moves Xu Yinling or Wang Baole, he needs a good reason.

Therefore, those who see through let Xu Yinling make waves, but now that it has been broken, this matter is no longer a reason. Xu Yinling is naturally aware of this, so she has a strong hatred in her heart at this moment. Here and Wang Baole, the fight became more intense.

As for Sun Yang, his complexion is constantly changing.

Although he needed a reason to attack Wang Baole, he didn't care too much about Xu Yinling's combat power. Now Xu Yinling's shot is extremely powerful, and Sun Yang only thinks that his face is hot, the kind that is calculated by others. Feeling, also constantly stimulates his mind.

"Wang Baole is right, this is a slut!" While Sun Yang gritted his teeth fiercely, the roar became stronger and stronger. The movement of Wang Baole and Xu Yinling, the formation of Daoxing fluctuations spread, and he also had to retreat here. some.

When a loud noise suddenly came out, Xu Yinling spewed blood again, and after a large number of magical powers were turned into confetti, his body stepped back, a murderous flash in his eyes, and his right hand lifted for a while, followed by The sound of the bell came out, the Daoxing behind him became clearer, and the law broke out again, forming a large number of ripples. As the surroundings spread out, Xu Yinling's voice suddenly came out.

"Paper life!"

With the reverberation of words and the eruption of the Dao Xing Law, Xu Yinling's body was actually visible to the naked eye...he quickly turned into paper, and her hands were the first to turn into paper. Waves of aura that was stronger than before, also continued to climb from her body.

Almost instantly, he reached a considerable height, his momentum was like a rainbow, shaking all directions, Wang Baole's eyes were also shining. After he became a planet, he fought many times with people, but compared with Xu Yinling, all his opponents , All inferior!

In the final analysis, it was because Xu Yinling, like herself, was a Dao star, and her cultivation was not slow at all. It was almost in sync with her, and both were in the mid-planetary stage.

The mid-planetary stage under the blessing of Dao Xing can basically crush most of the planetary monks. Especially now, Xu Yinling has obviously developed a secret assassin. At this moment, with the explosion of breath, Wang Baole also showed a solemn expression, raising his right hand. At the beginning, the Star Sealing Art was in his body and circulated at a fast speed, causing the divine cow star map behind him to appear an illusory outline.

There was even more Taoism brewing in his heart, and seeing a stronger confrontation between the two people, it was about to start, but at this moment... a calm voice came from the Destiny Star.

"Enough, you two juniors, if you want to fight, go outside the destiny galaxy, don't come to worship the Lord's birthday."

Together with these words, it was as if the words were spoken and the law followed, instantly causing the starry sky beyond Destiny to tremble suddenly, and an earth-shaking aura also descended, forming an impact, and falling on the battlefield.

The surrounding master Zhiling and all the stars who were fighting with each other changed their expressions. Under this terrifying aura, they had to retreat and did not dare to fight again. As for Wang Baole and Xu Yinling, this was even more true. They were pressured by this breath. , The phantom of the sacred cow behind Wang Baole was immediately unstable, but the nine ancient stars turned into Tao stars, but they were eager to try, seeming to rise instinctively, unwilling to be suppressed, and wanted to explode to fight for glory and resist.

It's just that here in Wang Baole, he is the master of Dao Xing and he has the initiative, so as his thoughts turn, Dao Xing will immediately dissipate, and the Star Sealing Art will also dissipate, standing in place towards the destiny star that is sending breath and words, holding his fists. A bow.

"It's the junior who was abrupt, please forgive me, senior!" After saying that, Wang Baole lowered his head, but his peripheral light swept towards Xu Yinling, revealing a deep touch. He knew very well that killing Xu Yinling here was unrealistic, so before It seems that the shot is fierce, but in fact they are all observing the opponent's Daoxing.

He remembered that Xu Yinling's Dao Xing was different from himself. He had given up his own initiative and pleaded with him, so whether he could be suppressed smoothly and freely, it was still two things.

This is indeed the case. Almost as Wang Baole condensed her breath and dissipated Dao Xing, Xu Yinling's body trembled intensely. She herself could not bear the pressure, and wanted to dissipate Dao Xing, but her Dao Xing, So proud.

This kind of pride made this Dao star willing to be suppressed by the aura of others, so instead of dissipating according to Xu Yinling's ideas, the light was even stronger.

This caused Xu Yinling’s expression to change, and at the same time, from the Destiny Star, there was also a cold snort with displeasure, and even when the cold snort spread, the starry sky was distorted and transformed directly from the Destiny Star. A big hand came out, towards Xu Yinling, grabbed it!

With the appearance of this hand, everyone outside the starry sky, no matter what cultivation level, trembled in their hearts, as if their heart was invisible grasped, losing all resistance.

"Senior!!" Xu Yinling's eyes showed strong panic for the first time. She knew very well that Daoxing might be fine with this grasp, but she couldn't bear it. At the crisis, she bit her tongue and spouted. With a bit of blood, he did not hesitate to unfold the secret method, trying to forcefully converge Daoxing.

Perhaps her secret method has a certain effect, or perhaps her proud Dao star is unwilling to let her own host be destroyed because of this, so Dao Xing disperses in this unwilling toss!

As it dispersed, the big hand that had been caught gradually blurred, and when it disappeared from the eyes of everyone, the coercion that had fallen outside the starry sky also disappeared.

Wang Baole squinted, looked at Xu Yinling who was pale, and shook his head slightly.

"I am controlled by others and become a slave of the Dao Xing. With Dao Xing as the mainstay, I always face the risk of being uncontrollable and possibly being abandoned and replaced by a slave. Xu Yinling and Xu Yinling, please do it for yourself, don't provoke me again!" Wang Baole spoke lightly, no longer paying attention to Xu Yinling. He shook his body and walked towards the Destiny Star. Xie Haiyang followed behind, looking at Xu Yinling with his head sideways, and said nothing.

As for the ancestor Zhi Ling and others, they all approached quickly, and the group went straight to the Destiny Star. As for the other stars, they all returned to their young masters. Among them, Sun Yang looked at Xu Yin before leaving. Ling, there was nothing but a coldness in his eyes, apparently he completely hated Xu Yinling.

As for the arrival of outside the starry sky, the other people watching the battle also turned into Changhong and flew to the Destiny Star. Only Xu Yinling and her several guardians who gathered from all around remained silent. , Looking at Xu Yinling's distorted face at the moment, standing behind her, not knowing how to speak.

"Wang Baole!!" After a long while, Xu Yinling's complexion gradually recovered, and a sense of resentment flashed in his eyes.

What she complains is that Wang Baole has exposed everything about her, including her controlled Dao star and her own unstable state. What she is jealous... is why Wang Baole’s Dao star is willing to accept it as the master, but her own Dao star needs Only when oneself gives up all pleadings can one merge with oneself.

"Master Ziyue is right. There are too many unfairness in this world. If you want to get rid of, and want to control your own destiny, you can only... Seek the stars in the world!" Xu Yinling closed his eyes and removed the bracelet from the storage. Take out a purple jade slip and rub it in the palm of his hand.

"Even if there are huge hidden dangers, I still have to... continue to plant stars!"


One more chapter later!

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