A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1040: Untrustworthy record!

And when Xu Yinling made a decision in his heart, there was a special area in this Weiyang Dao realm, like a sea of ​​illusion, there was a bright light, and it was extremely gorgeous.

In its depths, there is a ball of light floating, following the sea.

In this ball of light, sitting cross-legged with a skeleton wearing a colorful dress, although it has withered, it can still be seen that this is a woman. At this moment, the woman's skeleton suddenly moved and slowly opened!

"That's right..." After the hoarse voice came from his mouth, a faint glow appeared in the bones.

At the same time, on the sky of the Destiny Star, a rainbow roared out at this moment. Wang Baole and his party were the first to fly out, so they were in the forefront at this moment. Xie Haiyang and the ancestor Zhiling followed behind and entered the Destiny Star. In an instant, Wang Baole saw a large number of bubbles floating between the sky and the earth!

Most of these bubbles were translucent, and faces without changes appeared on the surface. When Wang Baole looked at the faces of these bubbles, ten of them flew out instantly, getting bigger and bigger, and went straight to Wang Baole and his party without stopping, but directly hitting them.

"Uncle Master, this is the regulation of the Destiny Star. All those who come must take this kind of air bubble here before they can enter the central area." Xie Haiyang said quickly, and Wang Baole nodded slightly when he heard it. Without dodge, let the bubbles hit directly, and in an instant, their party was enveloped in a bubble.

After enveloping Wang Baole and others, the bubble seemed to be drawn by some mysterious force, changed its position, and drifted towards the central area of ​​the Destiny Star. At the same time, Wang Baole also saw that the other monks who descended on the Destiny Star were also affected by the bubble, just like himself Shrouded.

If you look up from the ground, you can see that there are countless bubbles in the sky, just like dandelions, gradually disappearing, and within the bubbles, Wang Baole has already discovered that he does not need to operate the cultivation base. Standing in the bubbles is like standing on the land. , So he simply sat down cross-legged and looked down.

The entire Destiny Star's environment is different from that of the Federation. The ground is made up of red, not mud, but sand and gravel. The whole land is like blood, and when you look at it, it is endless red.

In addition, even the plants are red and they look weird. Some are like humanoids, some are huge irregular spheres, and some have small trunks, but the canopy is huge. A sense of incongruity.

In addition, you can see some tribes. Most of these tribes are primitive, and the natives who live in them are all weird. They only have one eye, but they have four legs.

As for the sky, it is the blue that Wang Baole is familiar with, but the color of the clouds is black. Unlike the dark clouds, it is completely pitch black, dotted in the sky, and looks equally weird and depressing.

There are also some flying beasts like bats, appearing from time to time in the sky, one by one at a fast speed, like lightning, so at first glance, they will think it is black electric light.

However, these black bat-like flying beasts seem to be very afraid of bubbles, so they often go around quickly after seeing the bubbles.

If only this is the case, when the bubbles of Wang Baole and others floated in the sky, Wang Baole clearly saw a huge black cloud layer, suddenly stretched out a hand full of scales, and grabbed a piece of black lightning. The flying beast, dragged into the clouds under the scream of those flying beasts, soon heard the sound of chewing inside.

In this scene, Wang Baole's eyes shrank. Although the flying beasts were not strong, the hand in the clouds appeared to Wang Baole as if it surpassed the stars!

This scene made Wang Baole awe of the Destiny Star, but also a strange feeling, especially after the bubbles floated for a few days, when he saw dozens of huge beasts appear on the ground, it felt even more Be strong.

These fierce beasts look like elephants, but their noses are very short. They lie on the ground and constantly roar up to the sky. This roar is more like a howl, and in this howl, air bubbles are ejected from their nostrils. , Floating in the sky, spreading around.

Looking at these, Wang Baole also blinked. He felt that those bubbles seemed exactly the same as the bubbles he was in...

At the same time, he even saw what made these beasts wailing and roaring. It was the black spots that shrank and spread on the beasts.

If you look closely, you can see that this black spot is made up of countless tiny insects. As they continue to bite, the fierce beast is constantly wailing.

Watching this scene, Wang Baole slowly narrowed his eyes and did not speak. As for the other people in the bubble, the sound could not be heard, and most of them had heard the weirdness of the Destiny Star, so most of the expressions were the same, but some were like Wang Baole. , The first time comers, their expressions have changed a little.

It was not until two more days later that the color of the earth below finally changed. It was no longer red, but golden sand and stones. At the boundary between these two colors, Wang Baole saw a stranger scene.

The boundary between red and golden sand is not fixed, but like ocean waves. Sometimes the red range is larger, sometimes the gold range is wider. If you look carefully, you can see that there is obviously not the ocean, but all the sand, with hands and feet. , The two sides are fighting!

If the red color has the advantage, it will invade the golden area, and vice versa, but obviously the war that takes place here is endless, just like eternity, constantly going on, constantly you come and go...

"What a destiny star..." Wang Baole murmured, and the bubbles flew over the golden earth. In the distance between the heaven and the earth, Wang Baole saw a giant snake crawling!

The size of this snake is probably hundreds of thousands of feet, and the thickness of the body is amazing. It is like a continent. On it, there are indeed land, mountain peaks, and even small lakes. At the same time, a large number of attics are built. .

There are also a large number of monks appearing on the land on the back of the giant snake. When the bubbles flew, most of the monks on the giant snake also saw them, and stared at them.

Wang Baole, who was in mid-air, looked down likewise, his gaze swept away, his gaze suddenly condensed, and he noticed the figure of a familiar woman on the back of the giant snake below, among the many monks!

This woman was wearing a blue dress and a mask of a beautiful woman, and she was looking at Wang Baole at the moment!

At the moment when the eyes of both parties converged, all the bubbles including Wang Baole accelerated in an instant and went straight to the giant snake. The speed was so fast that it surpassed too much before, and almost caught up with the giant snake in the blink of an eye and fell on it. When it came down, the bubble burst, causing the monks inside to fall on the back of the giant snake!

Wang Baole shook his body, and at the moment when the bubble burst, he was already standing on the top of a mountain on the back of the giant snake. Xie Haiyang followed closely behind him, quickly transmitting the sound.

"Uncle Master, there was no way to transmit divine thoughts in the bubble before. This giant snake is called Jielin. It belongs to the same life level as the divine ox of the Flame Galaxy. It is one of the thirty-nine wild beasts of the Destiny Star. The journey, we will live on this giant snake, and the direction it will go is the place where the heavenly man’s birthday feast is."

"The day the giant snake arrives is when the birthday banquet opens. According to previous rules, it will take almost half a month for us to arrive at the birthday banquet."

When Wang Baole heard this, he took a deep breath, felt the ground under his feet tremble slightly with the giant snake's advancement, and then observed the fluctuations emanating from the giant snake, his expression could not be concealed.

"It exists like a sacred cow, and there are 39 here?! If the Master of Heaven is really transformed by the book of destiny, then what is the origin of the book of destiny?"

"There was a record in the ancient books of my Xie family, I think it is too absurd, and even my Xie family ancestors think it is not credible..." Xie Haiyang hesitated for a while, approaching Wang Baole, quickly transmitting.

"The record said that our universe, whether the Mingzong once or the Weiyang clan today, actually took place in the past and was recorded by the Book of Destiny."

"In other words, we...none of them exist, do you think this is too absurd." Xie Haiyang shook his head.


From April of last week to today, I finally made up for what I owed last week. I feel a little overwhelmed by my body. I plan to take a break tomorrow with Sunday to recover.

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